英语七年级上册Unit 1 单元测试题

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英语七年级上册Unit 1 单元测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What do you think of the book?Oh, excellent! Its worth_ .Ato readBreadCbeing readDreading2 . is the meeting going to last? Half an hour.AWhatBHow longCWhenDHow far3 . _ is she? Shes ten.AHow oldBHowCWhereDWhat4 . Have you ever read books _ by Lu Xun?AwritingBwritten Care writtenDwrites5 . - Where are her pens? -_.AYes, they areBNo, they arentCTheyre pensDSorry, I dont know二、补全短文5选5Chinese oracle bone inscriptions (甲骨文) over 3, 000 years old are now widely used as emojis (表情符号) by young WeChat users, thanks to a person who made them closer to peoples life.The ancient characters are not as cool and far as they are supposed to be. 6 . Now they could totally serve peoples needs for online expression, said the creator Chen Nan.The 46-year-old teacher of fine arts at Tsinghua University has been working to make oracle bone inscriptions into emojis. For example, the character for zui, which means drunk in English, was created to look like a stumbling (摇摇晃晃行走的) person. 7 . To make more people understand this old language, Chen made them on the postcards. 8 . A cartoon video with oracle bone inscriptions created by him was watched 31 million times and shared 140, 000 times.9 . In 2016, the ancient font (字体) was included into the font library under his hard work to let the ancient words walk into peoples life.10 . But Chens research on the project still continues, as he plans to enlarge the library to 7, 000 characters. In the future, he will put the ancient characters into practice in education and the development of games and apps.AIn fact, they are cute and humorous. BNow the library has 3, 500 characters. CHe has also put them together with cartoon characters. DSuch emojis have been well accepted by WeChat users. EChen started to do such a job in a creative way 19 years ago.三、完型填空Once there lived a farmer called Henry. He had a brother Mike, who was _ excellent gardener. His skill and his beautiful trees were _ everywhere. One day, Henry went to town to visit Mike. “Look, my brother,” said Mike, “here is the best _ tree from my garden. Take it home and plant it _ you, and your children, and your childrens children can enjoy it.” Henry was _ with the apple tree and went back home. The next morning, he began to wonder _ he should plant it.“If I plant it on the hill,” he said to himself, “the wind might catch it and _ down the fruit. If I plant it close to the road, people who pass by will _ some of them. But if I plant it” _ he planted the tree in the corner behind his house, where no one else could notice it. _the tree bore(结出) no fruit the first year, nor the second. _ Henry sent for his brother and said to him _, “you have cheated me. This is the third year and it brings me _but leaves(叶子).”When Mike saw where the tree was planted, he laughed and said, “You have planted the tree in such a cold corner _ sun-light or warmth. How could you expect flowers and _?”11 . AaBanCtheD/12 . AsimpleBfamousCsimilarDcommon13 . ApearBgrapeCappleDbanana14 . AalthoughBinstead ofCeven ifDso that15 . AtiredBpatientCpleasedDpopular16 . AwhereBhowCwhenDwhy17 . AputBcutCpushDshake18 . AseeBhearCtouchDpick19 . AFinallyBFirstlyCLuckilyDCertainly20 . AAndBSoCButDAs21 . AWhenBThenCHoweverDBut22 . AhappilyBangrilyCkindlyDcarelessly23 . AnothingBsomethingCeverythingDanything24 . AwithBwithout (没有)CforDof25 . AleavesBjuiceCtreeDfruit阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。Dear Kathy Green,Hello! I am happy to write to you!I read your blog on the Internet and know that you _ for some e-friends now. Id like to be_ e-friend.Now please let me introduce(介绍) myself. I am Li Ping. Im from China. I am thirteen years old. I am a junior high school student and I live in Guangzhou _ my parents. My mother is a teacher. She _ hard every day. My father is _ engineer. He is very _ every morning. My school is far away from my home, _ I go to school by bike. I am good at English and Chinese. Every evening, I read newspapers and books at home. I like _ basketball. I know that one of your hobbies is learning foreign languages. I think I _ teach you Chinese if you want to learn it.Do you like China? What is your dream? I want _ friends with you and hope to know more about you.Best wishes,Li Ping26 . Ais lookingBlookedCare lookingDwill look27 . AyouByourCyourselfDyours28 . AbyBofCaboutDwith29 . AworkBworkedCworksDwill work30 . AaBanCtheD/31 . AbusyBbusilyCbusierDbusiest32 . AbecauseBsoCbutDif33 . AplayingBplayCplaysDto playing34 . AneedBmustChave toDcan35 . AmakingBmakesCto makeDmade四、阅读单选Lisa never had the chance to know her father. He and her mother divorced when she was just a young child. Even though he didnt move far, he never came to visit his children.Lisa often wondered about her father. What did he looked like and what he was doing. All she knew was his name: Jeff White.After Lisa grew up, she became a nurse at a hospital, where she would help provide medicine and comfort for patients in their final days. A few weeks ago, she receieved a new patient whose name was Jeff White.When Jeff came into his room, Lisa asked him if he had any children. Jeff told her that he had two daughters, Lisa and Elly. Lisa couldnt hold her tears back. She told him, “ I am Lisa, your daughter.”Jeff embraced her, saying that he was not a good father. And the daghter held his hand and kissed him. Then Jeff began to sing This Magic Moment.Jeff could have just weeks left to live, so Lisa wanted to make the most of the time she had with him. Lisa also brought her kids to the hospital to meet their grandfather. The kid made cards for him with the words, “ I love you.”Forgiveness is also a kind of love.36 . what happened to Lisa when she was young?AHer father lost his job.BHer mother died.CHer family moved to another country.DHer father left the family.37 . What did Lisa know about her father?AHer fathers looksBHer fathers nameCHer fathers hobbyDHer fathers job38 . What does the underlined word “patient” mean in this passage?A医生B病人C家属D手术39 . From the passage we know that_ALisa has a brother.BLisa hates his father.CLisa has a sister.DLisas father hates her daughter.40 . This passage mainly tells us that _AKids should love their father.BThe father should love his kids.CForgiveness is also a kind of love.DFathers shouldnt leave their families.Sometimes, even the best friends have fights. They disagree with each other and begin to argue. Sometimes, they even stop talking to each other for a long time.What can we do for them? Find a good friend who knows both of you very well and ask him or her to do something for you. Here are some useful ways.State your feelings clearly but don t criticize them. Begin with “I feel.” instead of “You always.”.Listen to the other person carefully. Dont stop or finish the other persons sentences.Look at the other person in the eyes when you are talking.Ask questions to make sure you understand the other person.Repeat the other persons ideas so that you can understand them.Never put anyone down. Saying things like“Youre stupid” makes communications difficult.Try to find a solution that makes the two friends happy. Never decide who is right and who is wrong. Instead, help them to find out their own “win-win” solution. A “win-win” solution allows each of them to feel good. In this way,their friendship will continue.41 . When two friends have problems,they may.Ahave fightsBdisagree with each other and argueCstop talking to each otherDall of the above42 . Which of the following is the best to say to the friends who had a fight?A“I feel .”B“You always .”C“You are stupid.”D“You are great .”43 . How should the person do while talking with the two friends?AStop the other persons sentences in time.BRepeat his own ideas to make himself understood.CListen to the other person carefully and ask questions.DAsk questions.44 . What does the phrase “put anyone down” mean in the article?A令人失望B提酲人C羞辱人D鼓励人45 . How do you understand a “win-win” solution?AIt is a way that helps make new friends.BIt is a way that makes both people pleased.CIt is a way that tells who is right and who is wrong.DIt is a way that makes both people unhappy.Friends play an important part in our lives, and although we may think that friendship comes only too naturally, we often dont clearly understand how to make friends. While we get on well with a number of people, we are usually friends with only a very few- for example, the average among students is about 6 per person. In all the cases of friendly relationships, two people like one another and enjoy being together, but beyond that, the degree of intimacy( 亲密) between them and the reasons for their shared interests vary(变化) greatly. As we get to know people, we often think about things like age, race, economic condition, social position, and intelligence. Although these factors are not of great importance, it is more difficult to get on with people when there is a marked difference in age and background(背景).Some friendly friendships can be kept on argument and discussion, but it is usual for close friends to have similar ideas and beliefs, the same opinions and interests - they often talk about “being on the same wavelength”. It generally takes time to reach this point. People who want to be friends have to learn to put up with others bad habits and to stand differences.What is different from marriage about friendship is that there are no friendship ceremonies to strengthen the relation between two people. But the supporting and understanding of each other that results from shared experiences and emotions does seem to create a powerful bond(契约), which can get over differences in background, and break down barriers(障碍) of age, class or race.46 . According to the passage, _.Afriends are those who must share their interestsBfriends are closer than people who just get on with each otherCall the people know how to make friendsDevery student has six friends47 . We can learn from the passage that _.Afriendship can overcome all differences between two peopleBthere are no special ceremonies to strengthen friendshipCstanding differences in opinion can lead to friendshipDfriendship can be strengthened by smiles and soft voices48 . “being on the same wavelength, they mean that they _.Awatch the same TV programsBare the same in all waysChave the same backgroundDshare the same way of thinking and the same interests49 . Which of the following is NOT implied(暗示) in the passage?AEven friends may have different opinionsBFriends never argue with each other.CIt generally takes time for people to become close friends.DSomeones habits may annoy his friendsSports City BarEvery Tuesday and Thursday evening, in Sports City Bar everyone can a “ Buy one, get one free(免费的)。At our Sunday Family Buffet (自助餐), We have games for children. The buffet is from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.And costs 98 yuan per adult(每位成年人). Children aged 12 to 16 eat for half price, and children under 12(two at most) eat for free.Happy hours at Sports City Bar are from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Buy one drink, get one free.Tel: 651588553349Location(位置):The third floor.50 . When can people enjoy the “Buy one, get one free” at Sports City Bar?AOn Tuesday.BOnly on Thursday.COn Saturday.DOn Tuesday and Thursday.51 . The Sports City Bar is _.Aon the first floorBon the second floorCon the third floorDon the fourth floor52 . If you are eleven and your father takes you to have the Sunday Family Buffet, how much will your father pay(付款)?AFree.B49 yuan.C98 yuan.D147 yuan.53 . If you are 13, you _.Amust pay 49 yuan for your lunch at Sunday Family BuffetBcan eat for free at Sunday Family BuffetCcant buy one, get one free in Sports City BarDcant go to the Sports City Bar with your parents54 . What can people do in the bar?AHave drinks.BSing and dance.CHave lunch on Sunday.DA and C.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词55 . Excuse me,is there a post office in f_ of the bank?56 . The centre of the _ (小镇)is a good place to shop.57 . Turn right at the second _(十字路口),and you will find the hotel.58 . In our country drivers must drive on the r_.59 . The girl gets l_ because its her first time to visit here.60 . Go along this street and you can find the post office a_ from the clothes store.61 . I see a bank at the _(第三)corner.62 . When you see the police station on your l_,please turn right.63 . Harbin is in the n_ of China.64 . Turn right a_ the second turning.六、完成句子翻译65 . 我的拖鞋坏了,你能帮我修理吗?My slippers is are _. Cold you _ me _them?66 . 王先生正带着他们参观我们学校。Mr. Wang is _ _ _ our school.67 . 你们都在,让我们开始吧!You _ _ here. _begin!68 . 相册里是什么?让我看看!What are _ _ _ _? Let me _ a _!69 . 妈妈,我的另一只袜子呢?Mum, where is _ _ sock of mine?七、材料作文70 . 假如Alice是你的朋友,下表提供了有关Alice的一些信息,请写一篇文章介绍一下Alice。词数:40左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。姓名性别年龄电话号码班级班级人数Alice Greengirl13 323 7768Class 2,Miss Browns class 20 (boys:11 girls:9)This is my friend,_八、其他根据情景完成句子1下午见到了Tom,你可以这样问候他:71 . 2见到熟悉的朋友,你很高兴见到他,你可以这样问候:72 . 3 放学后和同学分别时,你可以这么说:73 . 4你把书递给前桌的同学,你可以对他这么说:74 . 5 班上来了一位新同学,你想欢迎他来到我们学校,你可以这么说:75 . 第 12 页 共 12 页


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