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福州市2020年(春秋版)中考一模英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Would you like beef or fish?_ is OK. Both are my favorite.ABothBEitherCNeitherDNone2 . Have you finished your homework?Not yet. Playing with the mobile phone_ too much time.Atook awayBtook upCtook off3 . More and more foreigners are interested in traditional Chinese culture, _ Beijing Opera.Afirst of allBabove allCat allDafter all4 . _ you just _ to Hans?ADid; speakBWill; speakCHave; spokenDAre; speaking5 . Lily, _ is it from your home to the school? About 15 minutes walk.Ahow longBhow muchChow farDhow many6 . Hehasnochoicebut_thedifficultyAfaceBfacingCtofaceDfaced7 . John gets an “A” in the English but a “C” in maths. He thinks English is _ than maths.AeasyBeasierCeasiestDthe easiest8 . We mustnt _ the rules in school.AobeyBkeepCfollowDbreak9 . - Lets go to see a film this evening.- _. Id be glad to.AThats right.BThats all.CThats all right.DAll right.10 . Kobe played basketball_great that he became a super basketball star in the world.AsoBtooCwasDhow二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情境的句子及序号抄写在对话空白处,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。Mike: Do you have breakfast every day? Jack: 11 . Mike: What do you have for breakfast?Jack: 12 . Mike: Oh, they are very healthy.13 . Jack: For lunch, I have chicken and rice. Mike: Very good. 14 . Jack: I like strawberries, bananas and oranges. Mike: For supper, lets have tomatoes, OK?Jack: Sorry, I dont like tomatoes. I like salad. Mike: OK.15 . ADo you like any fruit?BWhat about for lunch? CLets have salad. DYes, I do. EI have an egg, some bread and milk.FWhat fruit do you like? GYes, I have.三、完型填空Last Sunday our school had a great _ show. I thought Eliza was _ of all. Shes _ excellent piano player. My good friend Lily thought Steve and his dog _ the funniest, because all the teachers and students couldnt stop _.Our English teacher thought Vera was _ act in the talent show. Because few people could play the guitar upside down. After the program, Dennis performed a ball game, but I thought he was _ of all. He was terrible! He kept _ the balls. At last, our _ sang a song. They were the loudest _ sure.16 . AtalentedBtalentCtalents17 . Athe bestBbestCthe worst18 . AaBanCthe19 . AareBisCwere20 . Ato laughBlaughedClaughing21 . Athe most creativeBthe creativestCmore creative22 . Athe bestBbetterCthe worst23 . AdroppedBdropCdropping24 . Amath teacherBEnglish teachersCChinese teacher25 . AinBtoCfor四、阅读单选Do you have any foreign friends? Do you know their characteristics(特征)?The Germans are very quiet and they always keep calm. They dont like to speak more words. They look very serious. They like different kinds of amusements. The Germans are very hard-working. They like tidiness, especially the women, who always keep their home clean.In some ways, the Englishmen look the same as the Germans. They are very quiet and never talk too much with the strangers. They are really polite, so we often hear they say “Thank you.” Or “Sorry.” The gentlemen are also the Englishmen.The Frenchs holidays are very long. They like traveling and usually spend their long time staying in other countries. The Frenchmen are more outgoing than the Germans. It is very easy to make friends with them.Compared to the Frenchmen, the Americans are more outgoing. And they are even opener than all of the Europeans. They dont like to depend on others. So it is very common that the students do part-time jobs in their free time. And in Americans eyes, success is an important part in their life.26 . According to the passage, _are very quiet.Aonly the GermansBonly the EnglishmenConly the FrenchmenDboth the Germans and the Englishmen27 . What does the underlined word “tidiness” mean in Chinese?A整洁B安静C时尚D随意28 . In the writers eyes, the gentlemen are_.Athe GermansBthe FrenchmenCthe EnglishmenDthe Americans29 . What can we learn about the Frenchmen from the passage?AThey are more outgoing than the Americans.BIt is very easy to make friends with them.CThey like traveling in their own country.DThey look serious and are always hard-working.30 . Which is the best title of the passage?AForeigners hobbies.BWho are more outgoing?CCharacteristics of the foreigners.DSuccess is an important part in Americans life.Liu Yunkang was bitten(咬) by peoples pet dogs three times,but this time was different.“I am lucky to be bitten by a panda,” laughed the 59yearold farmer from Sichuan.At noon on Friday,a wild panda came down.“It walked about 200 meters before crossing the river to reach the mountains on the other side,” said Liu Yunkang,a 65yearold farmer who was the first to see the panda while planting potatoes.Because the panda was dirty and couldnt walk fast,farmers thought it might be sick and decided to help it.The panda became stressed and bit Lius left leg when the farmers got too close.Then it walked into the mountains.The bite was made by two teeth and wasnt serious.But in fact,pandas are very powerful(有力量的) when they are angry.They can kill a sheep.From the bite,people thought that the young pandas mother drove it away to live by itself.It did not come down to look for food because there were many kinds of bamboo in the mountains.31 . How many times was Liu Yunkang bitten by a panda?ANever.BOnce.CTwice.DThree times.32 . What was Liu Yunkang doing when he saw the panda?AWalking near the mountains.BLooking for food to eat.CPlanting potatoes.DCrossing the river.33 . Why did the panda come down from the mountains?AIt was sick and needed some help.BIt wanted some water to clean itself.CIt was hungry and looked for food.DIt wanted to reach the mountains on the other side.34 . What can we learn from the passage?APandas can bite people when they are angry.BThe panda lived with its mother.CThe panda was too young to look after itself.DThe panda liked to be close to people.35 . What is the best title for this passage?AWhere Pandas LiveBHow Pandas Bite PeopleCDont Make Pandas AngryDSome Unlucky PeopleI loved everything about school except for one person: Alice.Every day, as we walked home after school, she would step on the backs of my shoes. Then, when I stopped to put my shoes on. Alice would slap(拍打) my back. I didnt like her.Soon, my mother found something was wrong. I told her the whole story. My mom told me not to worry and she had a plan.The next morning, my mom walked up the hill with me. Just as we got to the top of the hill, we saw Alice.“Hello, Alice,” my mom said quietly. Alice stopped, standing as still as a statue(雕塑). Her hands and face were bright red. Her oversized coat hung open. There were only two buttons(纽扣) on it.My mother didnt say anything at first. Instead, she buttoned up Alices coat and turned the collar(衣领) up around her neck.“Im Marys mother. I need your help, Alice.” My mothers hands held Alices as she spoke “Mary doesnt have any brothers or sisters. She needs a best friend at school, someone to walk the hill with her after classes are over. Would you be Marys friend, Alice?”Alice chewed(咀嚼) on her bottom lip and nodded. “Oh, thank you!” My mother said. “I just know you are someone I can depend on.” Then she hugged us and left as though nothing unusual had happened.Alice and I walked on to school. As I looked over at her, I saw that Alice was smiling! Id never seen her smile before.We walked up the hill each day after school together and pretty soon we became best friends.I didnt understand my moms plan at that time. But finally, I came to understand her message: _.By Mary West36 . Mary didnt like Alice because Alice _.Awas often late for schoolBalways wore dirty coatsCwasnt good at her lessonsDwasnt friendly to others37 . What did Marys mother do?AShe let Alice stand as still as a statue.BShe asked Alice to be Marys friend.CShe walked with Mary to school every day.DShe told Mary to stay away from Alice.38 . What can we infer(推断) from the story?AMary didnt have any friends.BMarys mothers plan worked.CMary didnt see Alice after that.DMarys mother was rude to Alice.39 . Which of the sentences can we put into ?AWork must come firstBMother is the best teacherCLove can change a personDSmile is a warm languageCompassIt was a great gift to the world from ancient China. Before it was invented, Sailors had to depend on the stars to find direction. After it was invented, the oceans were open to travel. And many new discoveries were made with the help of it.GunpowderIt was one of the greatest inventions. It is said that in the 3rd century a Chinese man wrote about how to make it. At first, it was used for making fireworks. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, people began to use it in wars. The method of making it was brought to the Arab world and Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries.Paper-makingChina was the first country in the world to make paper. During the Western Han Dynasty, paper was made in some places in China. It was developed in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 AD- 220 AD) by Cai Lun. He made paper with bark, ropes, rags and so on. Before it was invented, the ancient Chinese carved characters on animal bones and stones. They also wrote them on bamboo and wooden sticks.PrintingIt was developed in 1041-1048 in the Song Dynasty. A man named Bi Sheng carved characters on pieces of clay and wood. Then he put ink on them. After the characters were printed on paper, the pieces of clay or wood could be used again. This technology then spread to Korea, Japan and Europe. It was the basic method at that time.40 . After the _ was invented, the oceans were open to travel.Apaper-makingBprintingCgunpowderDcompass41 . At first, gunpowder was used for _.Afinding directionBmaking paperCcarving charactersDmaking fireworks42 . From the passage we know _ developed paper-making in the Eastern Han Dynasty.Asome sailorsBBi ShengCCai LunDa Korean man43 . Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage?APrinting was developed in the Song Dynasty.BPeople use gunpowder in war at first.CPaper was made from bark, ropes, rags and so on.DPrinting technology spread to other countries from China.44 . The best title for the reading material is _.AThe Four Dynasties of Ancient ChinaBThe Four Great Inventors of Ancient ChinaCThe Four Characters in the Ancient ChinaDThe Four Great Inventions of Ancient China五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。45 . 明天一定要穿运动鞋来学校。_sports shoes to school tomorrow.46 . 那场雨阻止了我们外出。The rain_us_outside.47 . 我们去帮忙灭火吧。Lets go to help_ the fire.48 . 骑自行车的时候要小心。_when you ride a bike.49 . 我想去超市买些小苏打。I want to buy some_in the supermarket.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文A. cause B. crowds C. course D. directly E. burnsEveryone enjoys seeing fireworks going up into the night sky. But recently, people living along the Mekong River in Southeast Asia have reported that rather than fireworks, theyve noticed strange lights in the sky.These lights are said to look like balls of fire that seem to shoot 50 . out of the river into the sky, and then disappear after a few seconds. The 51 . , of the fireballs isnt known, but some scientists think they could be due to a gas which comes from under the river, and 52 . when it escapes into the air. Other experts disagree with this idea, believing that the gas may be too heavy to rise into the air.The appearance of the fireballs always brings great 53 . of people along the river, and is a wonderful attraction to visiting tourists.七、多任务混合问题Reading is fun! Besides for fun, we can also analyze (分析) texts to learn more from the texts and more about the texts. One way we can do this is by finding out the theme of the texts.The theme of a text is the “big idea” that runs through the text, connecting the characters and events. It is what the writer wants to tell us through the story. Usually the theme of a text isnt told directly, you have to use clues (线索) in the text to find it out. _Themes can be ideas like family, friendship, love and so on. The theme might not be just one word, but it might be an idea such as “Friendship is important.” There may also be more than one theme in a story. How can we find out the theme of a text? The following steps may help you.Read through the whole text. Usually characters change as the story goes on, so the theme you get at the beginning might not be true at the end! For this reason, you need to read through the whole text first.Find out the clue. After reading the whole text, try to answer the following questions. What important events happened during the story? What was the problem? How did the problem get solved? How did the character(s) change? What did the character(s) learn? The answers may help you to get the clues.Get the big idea. Read again for the writers purpose of the text by answering the following questions. Was most of the plot(情节) around friendship? Did the characters solve problems with their families? Did the main character learn the importance of friendship? If one of the answers is “yes”, you may get the big idea.Check the big idea out. If youve found a “big idea”, go through the text to find the evidence (证据) that supports this idea in the text. For example, if there was only one small problem with a characters family, then “family” might not be the theme of the text. You might find more evidence for other themes.Have you got the way to find out the theme of a text?_Get your favorite book quickly and see if you can find the theme out!A. 根据短文内容简要回答问题。54 . What is the theme of a text?_55 . What are the four steps to find out the theme of a text? List them all._A将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。56 . _57 . _A请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。58 . _八、材料作文59 . 假如你是来自美国的留学生Mike,在上海学习已经一年了。请给你的朋友Linda写一封信,介绍你在中国的学习和生活。学校生活喜欢所有的功课,对英语课感兴趣。老师们都对我很好,同学间互相帮助。家离学校不远,步行到学校要10分钟。活动与饮食放学后打篮球,是篮球俱乐部的成员。空闲参加课外活动,如喜欢吃蔬菜和牛肉,有助于健康。中国的节日中国家庭庆祝春节,他们(至少两点)要求:1.所写内容必须包含所给要点,适当发挥;2. 100词左右,开头、段落首句和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3.语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,条理清楚,字迹工整;4.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名及地名。Dear Linda,I have been in Shanghai for one year. I would like to tell you something about my life here. _ I enjoy my life here. I hope you will come to China some day. Please write to me soon.All the best,Mike第 12 页 共 12 页


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