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海口市2019-2020学年七年级下学期3月月考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . It often _ here in winter. Look! It _ now.Asnows; is snowingBsnows; snowsCis snowing; snowsDis snowing; is snowing2 . We must stop _ plastic bags (塑料袋).Youre right. Its bad for our environment(环境).AuseBto useCusedDusing3 . Thanks to our teachers. _ their help, we couldnt make such great progress.AForBWithoutCWithDAbout4 . Which of the following words has a different stressed syllable(重读音节)?AcountryBkitchenCpalaceDenjoy5 . How many new words are there in _ lesson?There are only _.Aten ; tenthBtenth ; tenCthe tenth; the tenDthe tenth; ten6 . May I speak to Mrs. Smith?Ill see if she is in.ALook out!BHold on, please.CDont give up.7 . Miss Wang is ill in hospital. Im sorry to hear that, and Im reallyher.Aproud ofBpleased withCworried about8 . -_Whats your name, please?-I am Anna.AThank youBExcuse meCOK9 . I can wear my favourite scarfthat blue skirt.AwithBinCatDof10 . I dont know if Jim_tomorrow. Ill meet him at the airport if he returns tomorrow.AreturnsBwill returnChas returnedDreturn11 . Some students in Xiamen _to perform at the opening ceremony of the Asian Culture Carnival (亚洲文化嘉年华) every year.Aare invitedBwere invitedCwill be invited12 . There is a(n) _ boy in hospital. The doctor will make him _ better.Aill; feelsBsick; feelsCill; feelDsick; feel13 . Its reported that there are more than 350 _ smokers in China.AmillionBmillionsCmillion ofDmillions of14 . -there anyin your classroom? -No, there isnt.AIs, furnituresBIs, furnitureCAre, furnituresDAre, furniture15 . Ishere today,monitor?No,sir.Two students are not here today,Mike and Frank.AanyoneBsomeoneCeveryone二、完型填空完形填空 (共10小题;阅读下面的短文,从文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Each year, thousands of Chinese middle school students go to study in foreign countries such as the US, the UK, Australia and Japan.“Chinese children hope very much to go_to get a wider view (视野) of the world.” said Chen Yi, a Chinese writer who has lived in America for 16 years. In a talk Chen told more than 300 parents and their children that life in foreign countries can be_for young people. “They have to meet a culture shock and language problems.”However, these are not the most difficult things. To most children looking after themselves when studying alone in a foreign country is a big_Zhang Jia, a 16-year-old student, began to study in a high school in Sydney, Australia last October. To his surprise, his teachers there_pushed students to study. And_there wasnt homework. “With these education systems (体制), we have more_time and more space for thinking.” said Zhang. “But if you dont know how to_your time and money, you will not have an easy time.” Some of his friends spent their whole years money in the first two months of the term, and they didnt pass their exams.“Studying abroad at a young age can help students learn a foreign language_and open up their eyes, but students and parents should know about the challenges,” Chen said. “_you want to study abroad, try to talk to someone with_in foreign countries. Make sure that you are ready for it.16 . AabroadBforeignChomeDschool17 . AeasyBhappyCsadDhard18 . AchallengeBthoughtCdifferenceDchange19 . AeverBalwaysChardlyDalmost20 . AyetBusuallyCjustDnever21 . AsafeBbusyCboringDspare22 . AtakeBplanCuseDhave23 . AcarefullyBquicklyChappilyDexactly24 . AUnlessBWhetherCIfDWhile25 . AconfidenceBknowledgeCinformationDexperience三、阅读单选People say that George Washington, the first president of the United States, never told a lie. But it seems that the president was not without faults.A New York library recently found that Washington borrowed two books from the library in 1789. He would have to pay the library 300,000 dollars for being 220 years late.On October 5, 1789, when the first president borrowed the books form the New York Society Library, he didnt sign his name in the borrowers book. He just wrote president to show who had taken them out.The two books should have been brought back a month later but were never returned. Workers at the library realized the books were missing.The New York Society Library doesnt expect anyone to pay the fine. But it hopes that someone will return the books.26 . Gorge Washington is .Athe president of the US nowBthe first president of the USCthe first black president of the USDthe president who always borrowed the books without returning them back27 . Gorge Washington borrowed a book from .Athe Washington Public LibraryBthe New York Society LibraryCthe Paris Society LibraryDthe Chinese Public Library28 . The library hopes .AGorge Washington will return the bookBGorge Washington will pay the fineCsomeone will find the book and return itDsomeone will pay the fine for the presidentBig Sale at TRENDY!Come to TRENDYs big sale on clothes, school things and things for your lovely room. We have jackets for boys. They are thirty-five dollars. Sweaters for girls are twenty-five dollars. Bags, earrings, and pants are eight dollars!See our great dressers, beds and chairs. Get a new book-case for all your school books and notebooks. At TRENDYs big sale, theyre only twenty dollars! And we have backpacks in different colors, pencils, pens and notebookseverything for school! They are very popular with the kids. Come into TRENDY and get your favourite things today!29 . How much are girls sweaters?A$25.B$35.C$8.D$20.30 . Backpacks are _.Aonly redBvery expensiveCin many kinds of coloursDthirty dollars31 . The boys _ are on sale for $ 35.AbeltsBsweatersCjacketsDpants32 . TRENDY has many things on sale for _.AteachersBadultsCbabiesDchildren33 . We know it is a (n) _ from the passage.AsurveyBadvertisementCreportDletterIn March 2014, Australia opened junior high education to Chinese students, allowing them to study in Australian schools from the seventh grade.“When more Chinese students are going to study abroad at a younger age, the opening of Australian junior high schools offers Chinese students and their parents one more good choice,” Tian Litie, director of the Australian Department of Chivast Education International, said at the China International Education Exhibition Tour over the weekend.Australia will see a rise in the number of Chinese junior and senior high school students studying in the country. Tian showed the reasons forit: lower admission (入学许可) requirements and low-cost education because of a favorable exchange rate (费率). According to Tian, in public schools in Australia a student should pay A$13,000 to A$15,000 ($10,000 to $12,000) a year.“Now the exchange rate of the Australian dollar to renminbi is below five, which means the cost is lower than that of Chinese students studying at junior and senior high schools in many other hot places, such as Britain and the US,” said Tian.Lin Lina from Beijing plans to send her daughter to a senior high school in Australia, was among them.“My daughter is good at English and would like to study abroad early,” said Lin, whose daughter is now a ninth-grader in Beijing. “We came for more information after we learned that the environment and education in Australia are good.”Eliza Chui, education officer for North Asia at the Australian Consulate-General in Shanghai, said that Australia is attractive not only because it provides an environment for learning English, but also because students are trained to have critical (批判性的) thinking and be independent.34 . According to Tian Litie, we know that _.Amore and more Chinese students study abroad at a younger ageBmore and more Australian universities are open to Chinese studentsCChinese students are only allowed to study in Australia from senior high schoolDa student should pay A$10,000 to A$12,000 a year in public schools in Australia35 . What does the word “it” in Paragraph 3 mean?AAustralia allows Chinese students to study in its schools.BMore and more Chinese students go abroad at a younger age.CMore Chinese junior and senior high school students will study in Australia.DAustralian schools offer Chinese students and their parents one more good choice.36 . According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?AThe cost of studying in American schools is lower than in Australia.BThe exchange rateof the Australian dollar is of advantage to Chinese students.CIts more difficult for Chinese students to enter Australian junior high schools.DFew students choose to study in Britain or the US because of too much money.As parents,we hope that our children grow up to be healthy.When they grow up,they need to sleep in their own beds.But some kids dont want to sleep alone.Here are some advice that can be done by the parents,so the children can sleep in his own bed.Find out the reasons.There are many reasons why they are doing that.You can do this by paying attention to little things.Do something before bed.Some children need to be calmed slowly before taking them to their bedrooms.You can invite them to a bath and read a story or sing a song before bed.Give your child some “protection”.You could use some toys that can be used as their friends while sleeping to make them feel safe.Add light to their bedrooms.This could be used to reduce their fear in night and make the rooms more comfortable for them.Be patient.Keep trying and never stop before your children actually fall asleep in their own beds comfortably.37 . We can do something before bed to calm the children down,because.Ait makes them feel relaxedBthey can get new knowledgeCit improves their healthDthey are too nervous38 . Which activity is not useful to make a child feel safe?ATo read a story to him.BTo turn on the light in his room.CTo take him to a bigger room.DTo put some toys in his room.39 . If a child cant sleep in his own bed,his parents should.Ajust let him sleep in his parents bedBmove to a quieter placeCkeep trying all the mentioned tipsDbuy more books for the child40 . What is the best title for this passage?AThe relation between light and sleepBPut a closer eye on childrenCThe power of patienceDHow to let your children sleep alone四、根据首字母、中文提示填空(一)单词拼写根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,将单词的正确形式完整地写在答题卡相应的位置上。41 . She p_ to be strict with herself rather than give up her dream.42 . Kill two birds with one s_. You really did a good job.43 . The old woman has to look for a much q_ house for she cant sleep well in the noisy area.44 . Most teenagers nowadays should be _(教育)to take care of themselves from a young age instead of depending too much on their parents.45 . This kind of tea is processed according to a strict _(标准).五、汉译英:整句.翻译句子。46 . 桌子上有一张便条。_47 . 离树不远的地方,有一所房子。_48 . 大多数学生都喜欢玩电脑游戏。_49 . 让我们用零用钱买一个足球吧!_50 . 酒店的顶楼有一个游泳池。_第 9 页 共 9 页

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