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合肥市2020年中考一模英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Not only his parents but also his friendto Xiamen. They havent come back.Ahave beenBhave goneChas beenDhas gone2 . The dictionary has many _of how words are used.AactivitiesBsymbolsCprogramsDexamples3 . My sister is trying _ French because she plans _to France.Alearns; to goBto learn; goingCto learn; to go4 . Im in _.AClass One Grade ThreeBGrade Three Class OneCClass One grade three5 . If he is _ , he will not make so many mistakes.Acareless enoughBcarelessly enoughCcareful enoughDcarefully enough6 . Mike has_basketballHe likes playing basketball very muchAa;/B/;/Ca;aD/;a7 . - Lets put away Johnnys test paper to give Father a big surprise.- Youdo that. He told Father about his test result this morning.AcantBneedntCshouldntDmustnt8 . Because of bad weather, we have many sick people to _ these days.Alook forward toBget on withCtake care of9 . Thank you so much for the present you sent to me. _.APlease dont say soBIts not so good, I thinkCNo, thanksDIm glad you like it10 . -You dont like English, do you?-_.I think it is interesting.AYes,I dontBNo, I dontCYes, I doDNo,I do11 . I passed by your office this morning, but found there was nobody.Yes. I _ a meeting at that moment.AhadBwas havingChaveDam having12 . The 2019 Yixing International Marathon(马拉松) has been one of the hottest topics recently. And I wonder _.Awhat was it likeBwho won the gold medalChow long did it lastDwhere were the athletes from13 . Who was knocking at the door just now? _ was my cousin.AHeBSheCTheyDIt14 . My friend, Henry was bornJune 10th, 1997.AinBonCatDfor15 . Have you seen Marcus _?Yes, he comes to visit me from time to time.AforeverBprobablyConceDlately二、完型填空The bell rang loudly.Everybody packed their school bags and got ready_home.When the teacher dismissed the children,they lined up in two rows and walked_to the school gate.Usually,Georges_would fetch him home from school.But today she was not there.George waited for fifteen minutes_he walked home.When he reached home,he knocked at the door as he did not bring his keys.Surprisingly,no one opened the door.George_his mother was in the toilet,so he waited for his mother.After a few minutes there was_no answer.Just as he was about to go to the nearby coffee shop where his father worked to_the keys,he heard the friendly voice of his neighbor,John.George told John that no one was at home and Johns mother suggested that George could stay in their house till his mother came back.George and John played happily till evening when Georges mother came back.George_John and his family before he went back into his house.His mother told him that she had a backache and she had to see a doctor_this experience,George learnt an important_,“Neighbors are people who help each other.”16 . Ato goBgoCto go toDgoes to17 . AorderingBorderlyCorderDorders18 . AfatherBneighborCmotherDdoctor19 . AbeforeBafterCwhenDwhile20 . AhopedBthoughtCsaidDpreferred21 . AalmostBalreadyCalwaysDstill22 . AgetBmakeCfindDbuy23 . AcalledBlovedCthankedDvisited24 . AFromBAboutCToDOf25 . AwordBsayingCsentenceDlesson三、阅读单选If you like peanut butter, youll love this recipe. The steps are easy, and theres nothing to cook. You can make it all by yourself!DIY Recipefrom the kitchenWhat you need:2 cups of graham cracker(全麦粉)1/2 cup of peanut butter2 teaspoons of sugar1/3 cup of corn syrup(糖水)1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon(肉桂皮)1 cup of powdered sugar2/5 teaspoon of nutmeg(肉豆蔻)What you do:First, mix together the graham cracker, sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a bowl.Next, add the peanut butter and corn syrup. Mix well.Then, roll the mixture into balls. Place them on a large plate covered with wax paper. Leave the plate in the fridge for an hour.Finally, take peanut butter balls out of fridge. Put powdered sugar in a small bowl. Roll each ball in the powdered sugar until it is covered.26 . How much peanut butter shall we prepare?A1/3 cup.B1/2 cup.C1 cup.D2 cups.27 . To make this recipe, you must use _.Aa blenderBa knifeCan ovenDa fridge28 . How many steps are mentioned in this recipe?AThree.BFour.CFive.DSix.On December 14, 2017, we were sorry to hear that Yu Guangzhong, a famous poet died of illness in Taiwan. He was born in Nanjing in 1928. His mothers hometown is in Wujin, Changzhou. So he called himself a southern person.Later, he went to Taiwan. In 1952 he graduated from Taiwan University. Then he graduated from University of LOWA in 1959. He taught at Soochow University, Normal University, Taiwan University, and Chengchi University. He got a lot of prizes in literature(文学),such as Wu San lien Literature Prize, China Times Award, Golden Tripod, National Arts Award and all the major Awards in Taiwan. He is famous both in Taiwan and in Mainland.He was in Taiwan, but he always missed his hometown in Mainland. In one of his poems Nostalgia(乡愁), showed his feeling of homesickness. Lets enjoy his famous poem Nostalgia.NostalgiaWhen I was young, But later on,Nostalgia was a tiny, tiny stamp. Nostalgia was a low, low grave.Me on this side, Me on this side,Mother on the other side. And my mother inside.When I grew up, And at present,Nostalgia was a narrow boat ticket. Nostalgia becomes a shallow strait.Me on this side, Me on this side,Bride on the other side. Mainland on the other side.29 . Yu wrote the poem Nostalgia because he .Awanted to find his boat ticketBwanted to show his love to his brideCmissed his mother in WujinDmissed his hometown in Mainland30 . From the second paragraph, we can learn about .AYus achievementsBYus school lifeCYus homesicknessDYus working time31 . In the poem, stamp, ticket, grave and strait represent the poets .Awishes for Taiwan and the MainlandBfavourite things in different timesCdifferent feelings about homesicknessDgood ideas for coming back homeIn modern times, the development of electronic books has changed the ways of reading. It is very convenient for readers to download(下载) electronic books on the Internet.However, experts say that readers will not be able to absorb( 吸收) efficiently what they have read, because the information is shown in such a simple form.“Some e-readers(电子阅览器), such as the Amazon Kindle and Sony Reader, show texts clearly to readers. This encourages the brain to be lazy and make readers easily forget what they have just read, ”experts say.A. student by Princeton University finds that many readers can recall more information after reading if they read paper books. Compared with electronic books, paper books are less convenient for readers to read. Such difficulty in reading makes readers cherish(珍惜) the information they are reading and encourage their brain to think. As a result, the efficiency of reading will be improved greatly. Experts say if readers get information actively, that is to say, if they read paper books, they will be able to remember the information longer than those who passively read electronic books.Others experts say that e-readers and computers may stop us from absorbing information, because the screens may make you feel that the words on the screen are not important. Mr. Lehrer, an expert, said, “E-readers have changed the reading habits of people, but they make peoples ability of reading degenerate(退化)”32 . Now a lot of electronic books have changed .Apeoples ways of eatingBpeoples ways of speakingCp peoples ways of readingDpeoples ways of learning33 . The Amazon Kindle and Sony Reader .Aare new kinds of computersBcan make readers brain to be “lazy”Care two electronic textsDcan be used to learn English34 . According to the study, if readers read paper books, they .Awill forget the information they have just read easilyBwill not think more about what they are readingCwill fall asleep easilyDcan recall more information after reading35 . The underline word “passively” mean “”in Chinese.A被动地B主动地C快捷地D茫然地36 . From the passage, we can know .Aelectronic books are less convenient for readers to readBthe efficiency of reading is higher if people read paper booksCe-readers dont change peoples reading habits at allDpeople easily forget what they have read because they read too much四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(每空限一词)。37 . We have different kinds of _(吉他) in our shop. Which one do you like?38 . Nowadays the _(对话) between parents and children seems to be more difficult.39 . This is an _(最新的) report on this hot topic. You can pay more attention to it.40 . Our hometown is trying her best to develop its agriculture and _(工业).41 . I dont think the game show is worth _(报道) live on TV.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空42 . Paper making is a great _ (invent) of ancient China.43 . No driver is needed. The new car can run by _ (it).44 . Blue is a_ (peace) color. People often feel quiet in blue rooms.45 . The Bruce family had to give up camping in the Purple Mountain on such a_ (fog) day.46 . I want to be an _ (invent) when I grow up.47 . These _ (Germany) are talking about Chinese.48 . No one _ (believe) the story. They all think its _ (believe).49 . Our _ (society) life is full of competition.六、单词填空When autumn arrives, the sweet smell of sugar-roasted chestnuts usually f50 . the air.In China, sellers u51 . cook chestnuts in black sand on a stove. When passing by, many people want to s52 . and buy bags of shiny chestnuts on their way to school or work.However, its not o53 . Chinese people who enjoy eating chestnuts. In Paris in the winter, for example, chestnut sellers can be found in every c54 . of the city. All over Paris, the smell of sweetness seems to say that one doesnt have to walk far to buy this tasty snack.And in the US. Chestnuts are a must for the h55 . . The Christmas song Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire perfectly shows the love for the Christmas treat (美食) people in the US have. The festive nut is p56 . in the US for a long time. However, in the early 1900s, a tree-killing disease a57 . killed every American chestnut tree within 40 years. Luckily, chestnut trees were reintroduced (再引进) to the c58 . over the following years. Chestnuts are not only famous as a treat for the end-of-year holidays, but used in many dishes. US people often use chestnuts to make sauces or jams as wellor e59 . use them to make beer or soup. Isnt that amazing?七、填空My friend David is a young man from America. Now he doesnt live far from the center of Chengdu. His Chinese neighbors (邻居) like him and are always happy to help him when he meets difficulties.David works in a school not far from his home. He gets up early in the morning. After a quick breakfast, he rides his bike to school every day. It usually takes him 15 minutes to get to school. He thinks it is good exercise.The school is very big, with about 5,000 students. David teaches English at school. He has twelve classes a week. After class he helps to organize (组织) some after-school clubs, like the singing club, the basketball club. He teaches the students to sing English songs and how to play basketball. He thinks they are interesting.David also works as a volunteer (志愿者) in the community center. He teaches people English there. He goes there with his friend every Saturday and Sunday and stays there for two hours. Many people like him very much. They are good friends now. David likes Chengdu very much. He also likes the food there. He says its very happy to live in this city.Title:60 . in ChengduDavids neighborhood (街区) His home is not far from the center of Chengdu. His neighbors are 61 . to him.Before work He gets up early and has a quick breakfast. He goes to school by bike. It is a 62 . from his home.63 . He teaches students English.After work He also helps organize after-school clubs. He teaches students to sing and play basketball. He works as a volunteer in the community(社区)center on the 64 . . 八、回答问题Answer the questions.Millions of film viewers are excited about the Indian movie Dangal (摔跤吧爸爸), not just because its a well-produced move. Its the true story of an Indian father, Mahavir Phogat, who trained his daughters to become the best wrestlers (摔跤选手) of the country when women werent even considered (认为) to be able of wrestling.Phogats inspiration to train his daughters to become wrestlers came from Karnam Mall-eswari, the first Indian woman to win an Olympic medal. Phogat thought his girls can lead the country in womens wrestling if he trained them properly. So he gave up his job and taught them all the tricks he knew from his own experience as a wrestler. The girls, Geeta and Babita, started their training by running in the farm every day.Since there were no other female wrestlers in the village, the girls had to compete with the boys. However, the villagers laughed at them and told them to go back home for wrestling was a “male” sport.However, Phogat didnt listen to any of this. Eventually, he took his girls to the Sports Authority (部门) of India, where they trained under professional coaches.And the outcome of all this blood and sweat? History was made.In 2010, Geeta Phogat became the first Indian woman to win a gold medal in the 55kg freestyle womens wrestling at the Commonwealth Games. Babita Phogat finished with a silver medal. In 2012, Geeta became the first Indian woman to win a bronze (铜) medal at World Wrestling Championship. Babita won her first gold medal at the 2014 Commonwealth Games.The Phogat sisters have shown that women can stand out at any sport if they put their heart and hard work into it. They have also proved that wrestling is not just a mans sport.This is one of the main reasons why I think Dangal is going to be one of the most important movies of the year. Its a message of encouragement to all the women who have been working hard to achieve their dreams.65 . The film Dangal is based on a true story in India, isnt it?66 . What did Mahavir Phogat do to train his daughters?67 . Why did the villagers laugh at Phogat and his daughters?68 . How have the Phogat sisters proved that women can also be good at sports?69 . Why does the writer think the film Dangal is going to be one of the most important movies of the year?70 . In your opinion, who helped the Phogat sisters achieve their dreams? Give your own reason.九、材料作文71 . 今天是星期六,外面下着雨,天气很凉爽。鲍勃全家都在家,他们都在做自己喜欢的事情来度过休闲时光。请根据下表信息写一篇短文,描述鲍勃一家人的活动。要求:不少于60词。Time9:00 a.m.Weatherraining, coolBobread a sports magazineHis fatherread newspapersHis motherlisten to musicHis sister Sarahplay with her toysHis brother Mikedraw a picture第 12 页 共 12 页

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