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昆明市2019年九年级上学期期末英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Life is a horse, and _you ride it _it rides you.Aboth; andBnot only; but alsoCeither; orDneither; nor2 . He prefers_ at home to_ out for a walk.Astay, goBstaying, goingCto stay, to goDto stay, going3 . Id rather _ some orange juice.Ato haveBhaveChavingDhas4 . Many students didnt realize the importance of study _ they left school.AwhenBuntilCafterDunless5 . 一Excuse me. Do you know_?一Sorry,I dont knowAdoes he exercise every dayBwho took away dictionaryCwhat do you want to beDwhat did he,buy for his mother6 . Do you like reading the novels _ by LaoShe?A write BwritingCwrittenDto write7 . The lady in the sitting roombe over sixty. She looks so young.AcantBmustCmayDneednt8 . -Where is your father? -He _to Shanghai. He has _ Pudong since last Friday.Ais going, gone to B. has been, been inBhas gone, been in D. has gone, been to9 . _ clean water it is!AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a10 . _? She usually shops.AWhat does Lisa do on weekendsBWhat does Lisa want to do todayCWhen does Lisa usually shopDWhy does Lisa want to shop11 . It is blowing hard outside. Tell the boy _Michael _the window.Acall; to openBcalled; to openCcalled; not to openDcall; dont open12 . Mum, my computer doesnt work. It needs_ . OK. I will have it _.Arepairing; repairedBto repair; repairCbe repaired; repairingDbeing repaired; to repair13 . I usually early but today I got up very late.Aput upBstay upCwake upDlook up14 . Which of the following is right?AHe goes to fishing every weekend.BI am looking forward to visit Beijing soon.CMany trees have planted since last year.DYou had better not leave here before I come back.15 . Hes never seen the film Rio2 (里约大冒险2) before, _ he?_. He went to see it last week.Ahas; YesBhas; NoChasnt; YesDhasnt; No二、补全对话7选5请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容从方框中选择恰当的句子填入空白处,使对话通顺、合理,意思完整。A: Hello. Lily!B. Hello, Erie! 16 . .A: Its a photo of my family.A17 . .AYes, they are.B18 . .ANo, he isnt. Hes my cousin.B19 . .AShes my sister.B20 . .A. Thanks.A. Is he your brother?AIts a nice photoBWhats this?CAre these your parents?DWhos this girl?EIs she your aunt?FAnd this is my father三、补全短文4选4阅读下面短文,把AD四个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确,然后完成第47小题。Do you know what a MOOC is?MOOC is short for Massive(大量的)Open Online Course.Thousands of people can take a MOOC at the same time.You can be anywhere in the world to take it. 43 For years,many colleges have had classes online.MOOCs are always used in subjects like computer science and engineering.Can MOOCs be used in subjects like arts or philosophy(哲学)?Scott Anderson teaches philosophy at a university in Canada. 44 He says,“When students take some lessons,they neednt be present to hear and get them.”He says more and more students in MOOCs can mean less communication between them and the teachers.He also gives two ways to solve this problemadding more teachers and making online discussion groups.45 She says online education has more weaknesses for her subjects.She says,“Whats lost in online education is face-to-face communication.But the teaching of literature needs that.” 46 However,she believes that hybrid(混合的)courses work best.A.He thinks MOOCs have both advantages and disadvantages.B.All you need is a computer and the Internet.C.Lisa Jadwin teaches literature and writing at a college in New York.D.She says some students can learn very well from talks and discussion groups.21 . _22 . _23 . _24 . _25 . The passage is mainly about.Ahow students take MOOCsBwhat two teachers think of MOOCsCwhich college has MOOCsDwhy more and more teachers like MOOCs四、完型填空I have a nice family.My parents and I are in the family.My father is a tall man.He_ in a radio station.He likes his job.Every morning he gets up early _ he doesnt want to be late for work._ radio station is _ from our home,so he always goes there by car.It usually _ him about forty minutes.My mother is a nice woman.She is a teacher.She _ music in my school.She usually goes to school _.She likes _ and she says its good _.How about _?I walk to school with my mother every day.26 . AworksBlivesCplaysDthinks27 . AsoBbutCbecauseDand28 . AABAnC/DThe29 . AnearBcloseCfarDclean30 . AgetsBtakesCmakesDwants31 . AteachesBhasClearnsDshows32 . Aby bikeBby busCby carDon foot33 . AwalkBwalkingCto walksDwalks34 . AnumberBdreamCexerciseDsubject35 . AherByouChisDme完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Dear Kitty, I am sorry that I did not write to you earlier because I have been very_I was helping with a charity show to raise money_Project Green Hope. A lot of work needed to be finished, so I did not have much free time.I felt very happy when I was chosen to be the host. It was exciting,_I was also very nervous. I knew that lots of people would watch the show and that many famous pop_would come, too. We started working on the show half a year ago so that we could do everything on time. My job was to introduce each star and I also had many other duties. We practiced a lot before the show. I had to remember to_the right camera at the right time_, I thought I would never be able to remember all the words. Slowly, everything became_The big day came very quickly, and I was so excited. Twenty minutes before the big event, we opened the doors and many people came into the theatre to watch the show. The fans of the pop stars were making a noise, so I had to speak_Everything seemed to happen so fast. A lot of_has been given to Project Green Hope. I hope more events like this will be organized to raise money for charity and I think more people should be_to take part in them.See you soon.Best wishes!Ricky36 . AbusyBfreeCnervousDexcited37 . AexceptBforCfromDtowards38 . AsoBorCandDbut39 . AstarsBdoctorsCteachersDstudents40 . Alook atBlook forClook throughDlook after41 . AAfter allBAt firstCAt lastDFor example42 . AharderBeasierCmore tiringDmore boring43 . AloudlyBquicklyCquietlyDhappily44 . AfoodBpaperCmoneyDmedicine45 . AfoundBinvitedCcaughtDcarried五、阅读单选Its not like Talia Randle grew up dreaming of being the fastest grocery (食品杂货店) bagger in the West.But when the 17-year-old university student started her first job this summer as a clerk at Metropolitan Market in Washington, US, her natural skills appeared according to store manager Glen Hasstedt, her coach.Hasstedt has trained four Washington State Best Baggers. He said every great bagger has a few key talents.“They have to be fast, have great hand-eye coordination (协调能力) and be competitive and focused.” Hasstedt said.Randle said bagging seemed natural to her and within a week of starting, co-workers were commenting on her speed.“I enjoy it,” Randle said. “Heavy things should be on the bottom, and everything should be standing up. Its a little bit like Tetris (俄罗斯方块) or a puzzle.”To represent Metropolitan Market at state level, competitors first have to be the winner in their store. They then compete against the best baggers in each of the companys five other local stores.In bagging contests, competitors are asked to place a number of items into a certain number of paper bags.Judging is based on four criteria (标准): how fast the items are bagged, whether the bags are filled in such a way that items inside remain standing when placed on a table, how evenly (平均地) the weight is distributed among the bags and whether the bagger has a good attitude.In some contests, judges slice away (撕开) one side of the paper bags to make sure items remain standing. Hasstedt said. Theyre also looking to see if the bags are too full for a customer to pick up with on hand, he said.Randle was a favorite to win the state competition. But once there, she was up against several very experienced competitors and had to deal with a loud audience that almost made her nervous.“There were people wearing cow bells and yelling,” she said. “It was loud.”Thats where Hasstedts mantra (原则) of “just stay focused and dont let things distract you” came into play, she said.But Randle did what her coach told her and ended up winning the state title, filling three bags in 47 seconds.46 . According to the article, Talia Randle _.Ahas always dreamed of being the fastest baggerBdidnt get along well with her workmates in the storeCshowed talent for bagging when she started doing itDfound it hard to stay focused in the bagging contest47 . What does the underlined word “bagger” mean in the first paragraph?A装袋工B矿工C吹牛者D售货员48 . Which of the following is one of the rules of bagging contests?ADifferent items should not be placed in the same bag.BThe weight of the filled bags should be similar to each other.CSpeed is the one and only measurement for a skillful bagger.DThe audience has to keep quiet during the bagging contest.49 . Which one is TRUE according to the article?ATalia Randle learned how to bag items in her university.BBagging needs to use hands and eyes at the same time.CThe heavy items should lie on the top of the bags.DBaggers must place as many items as they can in the bags.50 . What is the article mainly about?AThe popularity of bagging contests in the West.BHow Talia Randle discovered the fun of bagging.CGlen Hasstedts secret training method for champion baggers.DTalia Randles road to becoming a star bagger in Washington State.My favourite shop is called Model World. It is on the second floor of Happy Plaza, near to Pizza Club. It is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day.Model World sells all kinds of models. It has model soldiers, cars, boats, airplanes, space shuttles and even dinosaurs. It has models for young children and models for adults (成人). Some models have just about twenty pieces, and others have over 2,000 pieces. You can also buy paints and glue (胶水) and other things there.The staff at Model World is very nice. They are very interested in making models. They will give you advice, and answer all of your questions. The prices are not low but they are not high. My best buy was a model of a helicopter. It cost $ 30 but it had over 400 pieces. It was really fun to make. If you are interested in models, you should visit this shop.51 . The model shop closes atA8 a.m.B10 a.m.C8 p.m.D10 p.m.52 . At least how many pieces are needed to make a model?AAbout 20.BAbout 30.COver 400.DOver 2,000.53 . The staff in the shop is very.AexperiencedBhelpfulCyoungDstrict54 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe writer made a helicopter in the shop.BThe things sold in the shop are very cheap.CThe models in the shop are only for children.DThe writer paid $ 30 for the model of a helicopter.55 . The writer wrote the passage to tell us about _Ahis favourite modelBhis favourite shopChow to make modelsDwhy it was fun to make modelsAre friends important to you? Anyway, they are really important to me. My name is Phil and I m 13. I m from London. I have a very good friend. His name is Max Max and I have a lot of things in common(有共同之处): our birthdays are on the same day; we are in the same class, we both love dogs; we both do well in sports and soccer is our favourite.We always have a good time together. But these days I m not happy. Max will leave England, because his father gets a job in Shanghai. Maxs family will go there. I have a lot to talk with Max, and I want to give him an album(相册 ). There are a lot of our photos in it.Today is Monday. There are only three days before Max leaves. I will go to his home to give him the album this evening.56 . Who is Max?APhils cousin.BPhils teacher.CPhils studentDPhils friend57 . What animals do Phil and Max like?ATigers.BMonkeysCDogsDCats58 . Why will Max go to Shanghai?ABecause his family dont like to live in London.BBecause his mum gets a job there.CBecause his elder sister will study there.DBecause his dad will work there.59 . What does Phil want to give Max?AA photo.BAn album.CAn old bookDA phone.60 . When will Max leave for Shanghai?AOn Thursday.BThis evening.CNext week.DOn Tuesday.六、句型转换改写句子按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。61 . Tom is going to study Chinese next term. (改为否定句)Tom _ going to study Chinese next term.62 . April Fools Day has been popular since the 19th century.(就句子划线部分提问)_ has April Fools Day been popular?63 . “How can I pay the bus ticket with WeChat?” the mother asked her son. (改写句子,句意不变)The mother asked her son _ she _ pay the bus ticket with WeChat.64 . During the meeting, he sat there without saying anything. (改写句子,句意不变)During the meeting, he sat there _.65 . Computers can copy famous art easily. (改写句子,句意不变)Famous art can _ easily _ by computers.七、完成句子根据汉语意思,完成英语句子,每空一词。66 . 我怎么能实现我的梦想呢?How can I make my dream_?67 . 让我们讨论一下这个节目。Lets_ about this program.68 . Alice周末经常去购物。Alice often_on weekends.69 . 我认识相当多的学生,他们也有同样的问题。I know _ students and they have the same problem.70 . Jill昨天去看牙医了。Jill _ yesterday.71 . 上周我们班有些学生去夏令营了。Some of the students in our class_last week.72 . 昨晚我在家备考。Last night I_at home73 . 桌上只有一碗米饭。There is only _ on the table.74 . 你为什么不帮着做家务?Why dont you_?75 . 我认为Gina比Lisa说得更清晰。I think Gina speaks_ Lisa.76 . Lisa喜欢在城镇里到处走。Lisa likes _the town.77 . 我的好朋友Peter总是尽他最大的努力帮助我。My good friend Peter always_ to help me.78 . Linda的手表和我的一样。Lindas watch is_ mine.79 . Tony家离我们学校最近。Tonys house is_ our school.80 . 在本次运动会中我发挥了重要的作用。I _in this sports meeting.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文请阅读下面短文,根据其内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(每个单词限用一次)floor, understand, could, strict, when, develop, or, seriously, chore, inviteWhen I have trouble, I always ask Mom, “81 . you help me?” But she always says, “Do it yourself, dear.” For example, one day I 82 . some friends to my home.The 83 . was dirty, so I asked my mom to help me sweep it.But she said 84 . ,“ Do it yourself, my boy.” I did it myself.My mom is very 85 . with me.She doesnt wash my clothes 86 . clean my room.However, I have to help her do 87 . at home.I even have to go to the dentist by myself 88 . I have a toothache.Sometimes, its really hard for me to do something by myself.Now, I 89 . my mom.She is trying to 90 . my independence.She is really a good teacher in my life.九、材料作文91 . 书面表达假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Tony想通过Email了解你的家庭和校园生活,请你根据他的问题回复邮件,文字要流畅、准确,要求40词以上,Email的开头和结尾已给出,不计入字数。Tony的问题如下:1. How many people are there in your family? What are their jobs?2. What is your favorite school day? Why do you like this day?Hi!Tony,I am very happy to hear from you. Let me tell you something about my family and my school life. _YoursLi Hua第 14 页 共 14 页

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