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七年级下学期3月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文5选5任务型阅读阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容从下面方框内的五个选项中,选择适当的句子还原到原文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。Now let me tell you about my last weekend.On Saturday,my parents and I went to the Beishan Park.First,we watched the flowers and saw lots of butterflies.1 . In the afternoon,we went to visit my grandparents in the countryside.2 . In the evening,my parents and I took the BeijingShanghai HighSpeed Railway to Shanghai to take part in an English contest(比赛)3 . I went to Shanghai Hotel to take part in the contest.And at noon,we had lunch at a KF4 . I ate a lot.And in the afternoon,we took the BeijingShanghai HighSpeed Railway back home.5 . AThe food was very good.BThen we climbed the mountains.CWe were tired,but we were very happy.DI fed the sheep with my grandpa.EAnd on Sunday morning,we got to Shanghai.二、完型填空It was on a snowy cold Monday morning. A young man and a young woman got into a car _ at a street corner, and its a bad one. Both of their cars were totally destroyed, but amazingly neither of them was hurt. God works in mysterious ways.After they crawled out of their cars, the woman said, “So youre a man, thats_. And Im a woman. Wow! Just look at our cars. Theres nothing left, but _we are unhurt. This must be a sign from God that we should meet and become friends and_together in peace the rest of our days.”Pleased, the man replied, “I agree with you completely and this must be a sign from God!” The woman pointed to the bottle on the ground and continued , “And look at thisheres another_. My car is_destroyed but this bottle of wine from my back seat didnt break. Surely God wants us to drink this wine and_our good fortune.”So she handed the bottle to the man. The man nodded his head in _, opened it and took a few big swallows from the bottle, then handed it back to the woman. To his surprise, she didnt drink the wine. She took the bottle, immediately _the cap back on, and handed it back to the man.The man took the bottle and asked in puzzlement, “Arent you having any?” The woman replied “ I think I will just_the police.”6 . AtroubleBcaseCeventDaccident7 . AsurprisingBannoyingCinterestingDfrightening8 . AfortunatelyBunnecessarilyCunusuallyDactually9 . AsupportBconnectCexistDlive10 . AguidanceBmessageCmarkDsuggestion11 . AexactlyBcertainlyCcompletelyDhardly12 . AcelebrateBcongratulateCcontinueDprove13 . ApeaceBharmonyCpracticeDagreement14 . AtookBputCfixedDgot15 . Await forBcall onCsend forDrun into三、阅读单选Do you wish you had a magic gourd (葫芦) to help you get everything you want? You may think twice and say “on” after you watch the Disney film The Secret of the Magic Gourd! Its the first project Disney will co-produce in China. Based on (依据) a famous Chinese tale, the film is expected to open next year. In the story, Wang Bao is a lively and imaginative young boy. He dreams of having something magic to keep him out of trouble at school and in his everyday life. One day, he finds a real Magic Gould. The Gourd helps him realize everything he needs or wants to do. He just has to think about it! The Gourd adopts Wang as his master and answers his every call. The Gourd helps Wang catch big fish when he goes fishing. The Gourd always does the boys homework on time. The boy just sits to wait for everything to happen.But Wang Bao slowly learns his wishes come at a price. When he wants to borrow a picture book in the library, the book is stolen instantly into his schoolbag. When he wishes to get the answers in an exam, his classmates paper flies onto his desk! This time the teacher finds out and Wang is in big trouble. The Gourd brings chaos (混乱) to Wangs life, at school and in his neighborhood. Its up to Wang to find the courage to give up his secret friend.Will he make up his mind? The film will give you the message that working hard to earn things truly matters.16 . The article is written to .Awarn people not to be lazyBintroduce a movie for kidsCadvertise a magic gourdDtell a story of a lazy boy17 . The film teaches us that .Ayou can succeed without help from othersBthere is magic power in the worldCone cannot succeed without hard workDmagic gourd can bring us a happy life18 . What does Wang Bao have to do to make the Gourd work for him?AHe has to speak to the Gourd.BHe needs to give the Gourd some food.CHe must give the Gourd lots of money.DHe just needs to imagine what he wants.19 . According to the passage, what happens to Wang Bao at the end of the movie?AHe gives up the Magic Gourd.BHe keeps the Gourd in his house.CThe article does t tell the readers.DHe gives the Magic Gourd to others.20 . Amanda has to get to school before 7:00 this morning. On her way to school, where can she buy her breakfast?AAt Papa Markos.BAt Apple Tree Bakery.CAt Good Taste Fast Food.DAt Winnies Sandwich Club.21 . Yesterday was Amandas eleventh birthday. Her parents took her to Winnies Sandwich Club for dinner. How much did they spend?A$300.B$360.C$480.D$540.22 . Amanda can go to any place for lunch on Sundays except.APapa MarkosBApple Tree BakeryCGood Taste Fast FoodDWinnies Sandwich Club23 . If Amanda buys some food for $150 at Apple Tree Bakery at 9.30 p.m., she will save.A$ 80B$20C$30D$12024 . Which statement is wrong?AThey are all advertisements for fast food.BGood Taste Fast Food is the best in town.CYou cant have a meal until noon at Papa Markos.DThere are too many people at Papa Markos, so youll have to wait a long time.LauraI had a headache on Saturday.Mom took my temperature and it was 38.6! Then Dad took me to the hospital. The doctor said I had a fever. Then he gave me some medicine and told me to have a good rest.Last Sunday I went to the beach with my friends and family. We went there not to play but to do something good for the environment. We picked up the rubbish on the beach. Some visitors also joined us. DavidAnnaMy family cleaned up our house on Saturday morning. Mom did some washing, Dad took out the rubbish, and I swept the floor. We clean the house every Saturday, so it isnt very dirty. My family was having a picnic on the hill when the rainstorm came on Sunday. We didnt take an umbrella, so we had to run to our car. We all got wet. But the rain stopped as soon as we arrived home. Next time we must watch the weather report before going for a picnic!Harry25 . Whats wrong with Laura?AShe had a sore throat.BShe had a toothache.CShe had a fever.DShe cut her finger.26 . How often does Annas family clean the house?AOnce a week.BTwice a week.COnce a month.DTwice a month.27 . Next time Harry goes for a picnic, he will_.Aprepare more foodBtake an umbrellaCride his new bikeDwatch the weather report28 . Which of the following is TRUE?ALauras mother sent her to the hospital.BAnna tidied the house with her sister.CDavid went to the beach to pick up rubbish.DHarry got wet because he fell into the river.29 . The passage is mainly about _.Athese childrens hobbiesBfour kids activities on weekendsCa doctors advice on healthDsome parents ideas about the weekend四、用单词的正确形式完成短文Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)A. physical B. successfully C. survive D. exit E. existPlaying It Cool with Bullies(恃强凌弱)Have you ever met with bullies? They 30 . in every school. Some use words, and others use 31 . attack. No matter what method is used, the result is the same: bullies cause you to feel bad and make going to school a lot more difficult. Bullies can be a serious problem. However, if you act quickly, you can almost always keep them from bothering you. What can you do about them? Luckily, dealing with bullies is not as hard as you think. Just follow these simple steps, and there is a good chance you will 32 . the bullies at your school.The first step to take when dealing with bullies is to understand them. Most bullies make others feel bad so they feel better about themselves. The best way to deal with this is to avoid them all together. Dont walk near them, change your seat in class, or if they come up to you, walk away. If you can 33 . ignore a bully for a few days, you will probably be left alone.ApretendBpresentCstaffDgoalEget in troubleWhen it is impossible to ignore the bully, you will have to take more powerful steps. Bullies tend to target kids who they think are weak and easy to attack. Their main 34 . is to make you upset so they feel in control. The next time you see a bully, 35 . to feel very brave and confident. If the bully says something to you, say “Stop it!” in a strong voice and walk away. If you see a bully picking on someone else, do the same. Bullies normally do not like confrontation(对抗).If the problem continues, the next step is to report the bully to a teacher. Then the bully will36 . . Bullies have been around for a long time, so experienced teachers will know how to deal with them and they can alarm school 37 . to be on watch for future problem. Just remember to never get in a fight with a bully. Fighting will almost always make the situation worse. Be smart when dealing with bullies and you will be safe. 五、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话A:Good morning.B:38 . .A:39 . .B:It is a photo.A:40 . .B:He is my father.A:Is this your mother?B:41 . .A:Your mother is beautiful(美丽).B:42 . .六、语法填空短文填空Lily is a student in Cherry School. Every morning she43 . up at six twenty. She eats apples and oranges for breakfast.44 . breakfast, she often goes to school. She is never45 . for school. She usually has lunch at the canteen at eleven thirty. She does46 . after school and goes47 . at five.七、话题作文48 . 请你根据下面的汉语提示,以My Great Weekend为题用英语写一篇60词左右的短文。提示:星期六是一个雨天,你上午在家看电视,下午与父母亲一同逛商场;周日上午,你和同学们打乒乓球,晚上你们参加了一个生日聚会。My Great Weekend_第 9 页 共 9 页

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