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河南省2020年七年级下学期3月月考英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Thank you very much for your help. _AYoure welcomeBNo,thanksCAll rightDYes,please2 . -_ you _ your grandparents to your birthday party yet? -No, not yet. I will call them tonightADidinviteBDo. inviteCWillinviteDHaveinvited3 . There is _with your computer.Anothing wrongBwrong nothingCanything wrongDwrong anything4 . We must be _in the library.AquickBquiteCquietDnoisy5 . The model plane is so cute. Whose is it? Its _. He made it _.ADavids; itselfBDavids ; himselfCDavid; himselfDDavid ; itself6 . Im sorry, Mr. Li. Imy English homework at home. Dont forgetit to school tomorrow.Aleft; to bringBforgot; to takeClost; carry7 . Lily often_us interesting stories. We all love her.AtellsBspeaksCtalksDsays8 . Jenny is_ . She is ready_ others at all times.Ahelpful; to helpBhelp; to helpChelpful; helpingDhelp; helping9 . 一I will try my best in the English speech _I may fail it.Come on! I will _you all the time.Aalthough; cheer upBuntil; encourageCthough; support10 . There _ a hotel and two restaurants on this street .AisBareChaveDhas11 . Its reported that a Russian plane crashed and about twopeople lost their lives.AhundredBhundredsChundred ofDhundreds of12 . Please look _ my dog for me when I am out.AforBatCoutDafter13 . _is going to join us? I dont know, maybe Sally.AWhat elseBWhat otherCWho elseDWhich else14 . The old lady is new here and she is_.AloseBlosingCmissDlost15 . The sun was shining brightly, _everything there _ more beautiful.Amaking; lookBto make; lookedCand made; lookingDand making; be looked二、完型填空Last Sunday I saw the _ storm in years. It came_ and went on for more than three hours. After lunch, I went into my room to have a rest. The air_hot and all was quiet.The strong wind started _ into my room._ of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out of the open window. As I ran out to catch them, big _of rain began to fall. When I came back _ the house, it was raining _ . I tried to _ the window. Then I heard a loud crashing sound from the back of the house. I ran out of my room to find out_ it was-a big tree fell down and broke the top of the back room.16 . AbadBbadlyCworstDworse17 . AsuddenlyBsuddenCslowDeasy18 . AisBwasCareDwere19 . AblowBblowsCblowingDblew20 . APieceBPacesCPiecesDPage21 . AdropsBdropesCdroppingDdropped22 . AinBtoCintoDonto23 . AheavyBmore hardlyCharder and harderDhardly24 . AcloseBopenCturn onDturn off25 . AhowBwhatCwhyDwhen三、阅读单选The Chinese Dream is a hot topic of this year. Many Chinese young people are inspired by the Chinese Dream. Everyone has their own dreams. They give us courage and confidence to keep us going through difficulties, Here is some advice on how to realize our beautiful dreams.Never giving up is the key to make our dreams come true. We may fail from time to time, but we can learn from failure, correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals. Our life is like a long journey which is not all roses.Itsometimes has wind and rain. We believe rainbows will appear after storms.Cooperation is also necessary. Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with others. Besides. in our society most problems cant be solved by one person alone. Cooperation is becoming one of the most important ways for people living in the developing society.At the same time, we should learn to examine our abilities because it helps us know our advantages and disadvantages as well as get a full control of ourselves. Then we may be confident enough to face challenges.Follow the suggestions above, and our dreams are sure to come true.26 . How many suggestions of making dreams come true are mentioned in this passage?,A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.27 . The underlined word It in the second paragraph refers to_.A. never giving Lip our dreams B. a long journeyC. learning from failure D. our life28 . Which is the best title for this passage?A. The Chinese DreamB. Cooperation is NecessaryC. Examine Our AbilitiesD. Advice on How to Realize Our Beautiful DreamsHere are some students New Years resolutions of 2016Hi,my name is Lucy. Im going to do my best at school. Im going to finish my homework on time. If I need some help with a subject,Im going to ask my teacher for help.My name is Dave. Im going to eat fruit and vegetables every day. Im going to drink more water and milk. Im also going to brush my teeth after meals every day and wash my hands after going to the bathroom (卫生间)My name is Tina. Im going to meet more people and make more friends this year. Im also going to be nice to other kids in my class. Im going to be friendly to kids who need friendslike someone who is shy or new.Im Tony. Ill never give out personal information such as my name,home address,school name and telephone number on the Internet. Also,Ill never send a picture of myself to someone or talk with someone online without(没有)my parents permission(允许)29 . How many students made their New Years resolutions here?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.30 . Who made New Years resolutions about studying?ALucy.BDave.CTina.DTony.31 . What isnt Dave going to do to keep healthy?AEat fruit and vegetables every day.BDrink less water and milk.CBrush teeth after meals every day.DWash hands after going to the bathroom.32 . What is Tina going to do?AShe is going to finish homework on time.BShe is going to drink more water and milk.CShe is going to be friendly to other kids.DShe is going to talk with someone online.33 . What do you think of Tony?AHe loves studying.BHe isnt healthy.CHe is shy.DHe loves using the Internet.四、句型转换句型转换34 . To improve my speaking skills, I listen to tapes every day.(改为同义句)I improve my speaking skills _ tapes every day.35 . He didnt go to school because he was ill.(改为同义句)He didnt go to school _ his illness.36 . What about borrowing some money from your friend?(改为同义句)_ borrow some money from your friend?37 . He got up early in order to catch the early bus.(改为同义句)He got up early _ he could catch the early bus.38 . He was too tired to move.(改为同义句)He was _ he couldnt move.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。39 . Health is much more important than _ (权力) or money.40 . He is such a shy boy that he _ (保持;坚持) silent.41 . Five students _(剩余) and they cleaned the classroom.42 . If you believe in the _(力量) inside you,you can make your dream come true.43 . His brother is a _(将军) in the army.六、回答问题(题文)Tony Wheedle wasthe meanest kid at school. He was big, ugly, and huge like a tree!Tony liked to bother(烦扰)other students, especially the smart ones. After school, he chased his classmates and took their backpacks. Then, he put the backpacks in a tree.Tony never studied, so he got very bad grades. In his third year at junior high school, he had some problems with two courses. He had to pass them both to graduate.Hey, Frank, Tony said to a very smart student, come here. Please dont hurt me, Frank said as he shook with fear.Dont worry, you big baby. You know, I need to pass math and science, or I wont graduate. So, congratulations, youre my tutor. Tony went to Franks house after class every day. Tony had a hard time with math. He actually found science interesting. They did simple experiments with Franks chemistry set.Tony started passing his tests, and his grades slowly got better. He passed both his courses and graduated from junior high school.Thanks for your help, Tony said to Frank. You know, I want a chemistry set. Where can I buy one?A store near my house. Come on, Ill show you where it is. Frank and Tony became good friends. Tony stopped acting like a bully(恃强凌弱者),and he even thought about becoming a scientist.根据短文内容完成下列小题44 . (小题1)How did Tony treat his classmates at first?_45 . (小题2)Why did Tony do badly in school?_46 . (小题3)What did Tony think of science after Frank helped him with his study?_47 . (小题4)What does the underlined word it refer to(指的是)in Paragraph 9?_48 . (小题5)Whats Tonys dream after he graduated from junior high school?七、材料作文49 . 在新年来临之际,制订新年计划,对于提高和完善自我有着重要的意义。请根据表格内容提示,写一篇80个词左右的英语短文,介绍一下凯西(Kathy) 一家的新年计划吧。父亲加强锻炼:读更多的书;母亲学跳舞:继续写文章;凯西更努力地学习,取得更好的成绩:把画画作为一个新的爱好弟弟少吃垃圾食品,多吃蔬菜水果;成为足球队的一员;The new year is coming. Everyone in Kathys family has made their resolutions._第 8 页 共 8 页


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