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杭州市2020版八年级下学期3月月考英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He doesnt like maths because its.AdifficultBinterestingCeasyDrelaxing2 . May I go to play football, Mum? . You should do your homework first.ANo, you cantBNo, you couldntCYes, you canDYes, you may3 . Why not stop_ a rest, Helen?Oh, its so exciting that I cant stop_ the kite.Ahaving; flyingBto have; to flyChaving; to flyDto have; flying4 . The little boy has _ number of book s. _ number of his books is about 500.Athe; aBa; theCan; theDthe; an5 . The boys are old enough. They can look after _.AthemBhimChimselfDthemselves6 . Dad, could you please _ out this evening? Im afraid. Its too dark. OK, I wont.Anot goBnot to goCgoDto go7 . My father always makes me _.AlaughingBto laughClaughDlaughs8 . Hello!This is my _,my mothers sister.AparentBcousinCuncleDaunt9 . That T-shirt _ very nice.AlooksBsoundsCsellsDwatches10 . Sending e-mail has almost takenplace of writing letters.AaBanCtheD/11 . When did you see him? _.ATomorrowBTwo hours CIn an hourDAn hour ago12 . -Whats wrong with you? -_.AIm happy.BI have a sore throat.CI have something to do.DSorry, I dont know.13 . Who is_the storybook? I saw it under the desk just now. Lily. I will tell her about it.Alooking outBlooking likeClooking forDlooking at14 . Nice_ you.AtoBmeetCto meet15 . Do you know _ Johnson left?To pick up his son from school.AwhenBhowCwhereDwhy16 . What color is the panda?It is_.AblackBwhiteCblack and whiteDa black and white17 . Bad luck!I _ in the street and broke one of my teeth last week.Awoke upBfell downCwent outDran away18 . _ is an indoor activity.AGoing cyclingBPlaying footballCPlaying the pianoDFlying kites19 . Joan has never been to Beijing. What about Jack?_ASo has he.BNeither has he.CNeither he has.20 . Mother told me _ in bed because its bad for eyes.Adont readBnot to readCnot readDto not read二、补全对话6选5A: Tomorrow is Saturday. What do you usually do?B:21 . What about you?A:I often go to the movies.B:22 . How often do you go to the movies?A:23 . B:What is your favorite film?A:24 . B:Who do you usually go with?A:25 . B:Are you going to the movies this weekend?A:Yes. Would you like to go with us?B:Id love to, but I have to shop then. Have a good time with your friend!A:Thank you. Bye!AI go to the movies once a week.BI like movies, too.CI usually go shopping.DMy friend, Lily.ECINDERELLA(灰姑娘)FHow often do you watch them?三、补全短文5选526 . . For example, some high school and college students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages (孤儿院) or homes for the aged. They read books to the people in these places. 27 . Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old. 28 . . For boys who no longer have fathers there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to baseball games or on fishing trips and help them to get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers.29 . where boys and girls can go to play games or learn crafts. Some of these clubs show movies or organize short trips to the mountains, the beaches, museums or other places of interest. Most of these clubs use a lot of high school and college students as volunteers 30 . .Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整,井将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。AEach city has a number of clubsBEach nation has many good people who help to take care of othersCOr they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their problemsDThey paint, clean up, or repair their houses, do their shopping or mow (修剪) their lawnsE. because they are young enough to remember the problems of younger boys and girls四、完型填空There is a big _ in our city. We can see many _ there. A(n) _,the biggest animal on land is also living there. Many _fly in the sky(天空).Some beautiful ducks(鸭子) always _in the river. What are these in the trees? Oh ,they are _ .They like _ leaves. The y are from Australia. Arent they cute? There is a tiger in the cage _ the tree . It eats a lot of meat every day. I like the _ best because it lives only in China and it is the symbol of_.31 . AparkBzooChallDschool32 . AtreesBstudentsCfoodDanimals33 . AlionBgiraffeCelephantDcat34 . AbirdsBfishCtigersDdogs35 . AflyBswimCsaveDsleep36 . AelephantsBtigersCkoalasDlions37 . AeatingBeatCto killDkilling38 . AonBinCunderDover39 . AgiraffeBtigerCpandaDlion40 . AsmartBscaryCcutDfriendly五、阅读单选Jia Zuosheng, 27, used to work as a security guard(保安)at the library of Tsinghua University. But a few months ago, he became a college student in Lishan College in Shandong and he studies math there now. When hearing this news, many people were surprised. On school opening day, many reporters waited outside the school gate to interview him.I was bom in a poor village in Shandong Province, said Jia. Our village has never had a college student. Most boys work in town after growing up. I failed the National College Entrance Exam(高考)twice. Then I went to Beijing to find jobs. In the following years, I went on studying by myself while working.At the end of 2009, Jia found a job as a security guard at the library of Tsinghua University. I cherished(珍惜)the job very much because it gave me a good chance to read books, Jia said. I usually worked at night so I had plenty of time to study in the daytime. When he had problems that he couldnt work out, Jia asked the students at Tsinghua for help. My dream is to be a college teacher. So I need further education. Thats the reason why I took the National College Entrance Exam again, Jia said. I wish to educate students with my knowledge and love and help them enjoy true, kind and beautiful things.Jias mother said Jia has always been independent(独立的)and knows what he wants. But she has other worries. Its difficult to find such a good job at present as a library guard in Tsinghua University. Im not sure if this is a right decision. I will never regret(后悔), said Jia. Everyone will have a new start. Its the end, and the beginning.41 . Jia used to.Awork in Tsinghua University as a math teacherBbe a security guard at the library of Tsinghua UniversityCstudy in Lishan CollegeDbe a reporter writing for a newspaper42 . Jia took the National College Entrance Exam again because.Athere was no college student in his villageBhe didnt want to work in the town after growing upChe needed further education to achieve his dream of becoming a college teacherDhe wanted to fred a job as a guard in Tsinghua University43 . According to the passage, Jia finally became a college student.Abecause he never gave up studying in his free timeBbecause he was very luckyCbecause of his mothers loveDbecause he failed many times in the past44 . Which of the following sentences is WRONG?AJia studied by reading books in the library.BWhen he met some problems, he always asked the students at Tsinghua for help.CJia thinks this is a right decision and a new start of life for him.DJia thinks its difficult to find a good job in the future.45 . What is mainly talked about in the passage?AJia Zuosheng is working as a security guard at the library of Tsinghua University.BJia Zuosheng wants to find a good job in the city.CA security guard achieved his dream by studying in college.DA security guard took part in the National College Entrance Exam.Many students of English think that learning a new language is very difficult. Now think how difficult it is to learn English when your brain is only the size of a birds brain! That is what some birds can do. Many different kinds of birds can copy the sounds of language. African grey parrots are the best known for this. Every December in London, the National Cage and Aviary Bird Show tries to find the best talking bird in the world. One bird named Prudle stood out among the talking birds. She won this prize for 12 years from 1965 to 1976.Prudle was taken from her nest in Uganda in 1958. She was sold to Iris Frost in Seaford, England. Prudle knew almost 800 words in English. Prudle was also the oldest bird in the world that lived in a cage.Another clever bird,named Puck,was tested(测试)in 1993.Pcople found that Puck knew even more words than Prudle. Puck knew more than 1,700 English words.In the 2003 Guinness(吉尼斯)Book of World Records,Puck was on the list because he knew more words than any other bird in the world.46 . What can African grey parrots do?ASpeak like a person.BSing like a person.CHave a talk with a person.DCopy the sounds of language.47 . How many times did Prudle win the prize fortalking birds?A10B12C14D8048 . What does the underlined phrase“stood outmean in Chinese?A挺身而出B站在外面C脱颖而出D随机应变49 . Who was Iris Frost?AA parrotBA Ugandan womanCPrudles ownerDPucks owner.50 . A good title for this reading passage is_.AThe AviaryBird ShowBThe difficulties of learning EnglishCInteresting petsDClever birds六、阅读判断阅读短文,根据短文内容判断文后句子是否与短文内容相符。是(T)否(F)。I am an English girl. My name is Mary. Im twelve. My dad and mom are English teachers. I have a brother(哥哥). His name is Tom and he is thirteen years old. We are in China now. We are in Beijing No. 4 Junior High School. Tom is in Class 4, Grade 7 and I am in Class 9, Grade 7. I have a dog. My dog looks strong. It has a big mouth and two big black ears. We have many(许多) Chinese friends here.They are good.51 . Mary comes from the U.K(英国).52 . Mary and Tom are in the same class, but they are in different grades.53 . Marys dogs mouth and ears are big.54 . The dogs ears are white.55 . Tom and Mary have many friends in China.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示填写单词56 . Excuse me, whats your n_ ?57 . You are in Class 1. I am in Class 1, t_.58 . We can call(称呼)the woman M_ Green.59 . Sorry, I have n_ new English book, Mr. Chen.60 . This is a map a_ that is a cup.八、用所给单词的正确形式填空61 . Alice did really well in the singing _(compete) last week.九、语法填空阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(1个单词)。Speaker 1:Hello, I am Frank. Im 62 . English boy. And Im in Hangzhou, China now. I found a pen this morning. Is that yours? What color is it? Oh, its blue. It 63 . (be)not Cocos. Her pen is red. Speaker 2:Morning, my name is Susie. Can you help me? Here are two 64 . (photo)of a blue notebook. The notebook is 65 . , but I dont know where my notebook is. I want to 66 . (find)it. My mother gave it to me as a birthday present. My pen is in it,67 . Thank you 68 . your help. Speaker 3:Hi, Im Lily. I found a schoolbag in the school library. The schoolbag is yellow and white. And there are some things in ita set of keys, a pencil box 69 . a computer game. I think it must be a 70 . (girl). Is this your schoolbag? Call me 71 . 70180-4426.十、回答问题John went to see a doctor one day, because he has a headache. After the doctor examined(检查) him carefully, he said to him, “Well, theres nothing really wrong with you, Im glad to say. Your only trouble is that you worry(担心) too much. Do you know? I had a patient(病人)with the same trouble as you a few weeks ago, and I gave him the same advice. He was worried because he couldnt pay his drivers bills(账单). I told him not to worry about the bills. He took my advice and when he came to see me again two days ago, he told me that he felt quite all right again now. “Yes, I know all about that,” answered Tom sadly. “You see, Im that mans driver!” Information CardWhy did the driver go to see a doctor?1.72 . Was there anything really wrong with Tom?2.73 . Did the doctor give Tom and the driver the same advice?3.74 . Why was the man worried so much?4.75 . Did the patient feel well after he took the doctors advice?5.76 . 十一、材料作文77 . 书面表达。假如你是鲁冰,你们班在3月份组织了很多志愿活动,请你根据下表提示给你的美国笔友Tina写一封电子邮件谈谈该月的志愿活动并说明你的感受。Time Activities 3月4日去养老院洗衣服,听他们讲过去的故事以及过去是什么样的,他们比较孤独,关心他们并表演节目。3月12日种树、给花浇水。清扫小区路上的落叶,捡草丛中的垃圾。把共享单车摆放整齐。3月18日在人民公园附近修理自行车、收音机。分发传单。给无家可归的人发食物。3月25日去课后辅导中心教孩子们学习、给他们讲故事。参考词汇:表演节目 give performances落叶fallen leaves草丛in the grass共享单车shared bikes摆放整齐putin order要求:1. 根据提示内容进行写作,可适当发挥;2. 100词左右。电子邮件的格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数。Id like to tell you about our class volunteer work in March. _Yours,Lu Bing第 11 页 共 11 页


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