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南宁市2020版七年级下学期3月月考英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Ive gotterrible headache. I need to have a rest now.AaBanC/Dthe2 . (题文)_doctors will be chosen to volunteer in the medical project.Really? I hope Ill be one of them.AThousand ofBOne thousands ofCOne thousand3 . Where is my Chinese book, Mom?_ a workbook and some books in your study It may be thereAThere hasBThere haveCThere areDThere is4 . AarticleBeveryoneCtogetherDusually5 . Look!These red shorts are _ sale _ only 8 dollars.Aon; atBon; forCat; forDfor;on6 . -Whos Mr. White, Li Mei?-He is our English teacher. Hes _ the USA.AinBatCfrom7 . _ fathers are both doctors.AJims and BobsBJims and BobCJim and BobsDJim and Bob8 . The hotel is not very modern, but it does have the _of being close to the city center. AtransportationBinformationCadvantageDinstruction9 . -How about talk shows?- _ . They are too boring.APretty goodBI love themCI cant stand itDI cant stand them10 . 找出下列单词中重读音节与其他不同的单词AdailyBarticleCSundayDtogether11 . Why did he give up so early?-Because he did not particulary want to_a competitive sportAlook upBturn upCtake upDshow up12 . Hello. This is Mary . Could I speak to Linda?_ I will call her.ASorryBExcuse meCHold the line.DSpeaking, please13 . Miss Hinges, am afraid my book is_. I have looked for it everywhere but still cant find it.Poor Paul. But have you tried the Lost and Found?AmissingBbrokenCleft14 . -Where are his family? -They are allvacation nowAatBofConDtor15 . Look at the glove over there. Where is_?Aother oneBthe other oneCanother oneDthe others16 . The Spring Festival is coming. _people will get back home to meet their family.AHundredBHundred ofCHundreds ofDHundreds17 . _ did you visit Taiwan with,Sarah?My parents.We had a good time there.AWhatBWhoCWhereDWhen18 . - _. Can you tell me the way to Xinhua Bookshop?- Well, its just around the corner.AIm sorry.BOKCExcuse meDThank you19 . Which of the following is wrong?AHi, Mary. You look great. BOh, thanks. John, whats up? CDo you want to go out on Saturday? DOh, Id love to. But Im busy then. Im going out with George. 20 . (题文)What did you do for vacation? I _ time with my grandparents.AvisitedBstayedCtookDspent二、完型填空The umbrella is a very common object. It keeps the _ and the sun off the people. Most umbrellas can be folded up(折叠)so it is _ to carry them.However,the umbrella was not always as _ as it is now. In the past,it was a symbol of importance. Some African countries still use umbrellas in this _.Someone carries an umbrella and walks behind the king or the important person.Umbrellas have a long history. People in different parts of the world began to _ umbrellas at different times. The Chinese had them more than 3,000 years ago. From there,umbrellas _ to India and Egypt. In Greece and Rome,_ wouldnt use them. They believed umbrellas were only for women.England was _ the first country in Europe where common people used umbrellas against rain. The weather there is very _ and umbrellas are very useful.Everybody uses umbrellas today. The next time you _ one, thinking that for centuries only great men and women used them, youll feel you are the important person, too.21 . ArainBcloudCair22 . AlovelyBeasyChard23 . AlightBheavyCcommon24 . AwayBsizeCreason25 . AdiscoverBuseCexamine26 . AwalkedBtravelledCrode27 . AchildrenBparentsCmen28 . AprobablyBalreadyCsuddenly29 . AsunnyBrainyCsnowy30 . AcarryBreturnCborrowI have _ my hometown for a few years. It has changes a lot _ the years. New roads and beautiful buildings have been _ . People in my hometown have realized the _ of protecting the environment. They have done many things _ planting trees, keeping the roads clean, and not _ plastic bags. Now the _ is much better than before, and peoples life is _ than before. The old are doing all kinds of _ such as playing _ , dancing and playing Taiji in the park. There are _ places for people to relax such as KTVs and bars in the town. Peoples life is not _ any more. They can relax in many different ways _ just watching TV at home. There are also some places _ further learning, especially for the _who want to find good jobs.31 . AleftBbeen awayCbeen away fromDleft away32 . AamongBoverCbetweenDafter33 . AbuiltBbuildingCbuildDbuildings34 . AimportantBuselessCimportanceDuse35 . Afor exampleBasCsuch asDthat is36 . AuseBusedCusefulDusing37 . AhometownBenvironmentClifeDweather38 . AbadBworseCcolorfulDmore colorful39 . AgamesBmatchesCworkDactivities40 . AchessBthe chessCwith chessDa chess41 . AfewBlessCmuchDmore42 . AinterestingBboredCboringDhappy43 . Afor exampleBinstead ofCin factDsuch as44 . AforBatCwithDto45 . AyoungBchildrenColdDbaby三、阅读单选Dear Julia,Im very glad to hear that youre arriving next weekend.Let me tell you how to get to my home.Take a taxi from the airport and go along the highway(公路) until (直到为止) you see a center park on your right.Turn left off the beautiful park and go straight along Center Street.Youll have to pass three one-way streets,London Street,Paris Street and New York Street.When you see a big supermarket called Applepie,turn right.Then go along Green Street until you see a big hotel.Our building is behind the hotel.Its a tall building with twenty-four floors (层) and I live on the fifteenth floor.Im looking forward to meeting you!Yours,Shelly46 . Who is arriving next weekend?AShelly.BJulia.CJulias sister.DShellys sister.47 . How many one-way streets will Julia have to pass?AFour.BFive.CThree.DSix.48 . Is London Street a one-way street?AYes.BNo.CSorry,we dont know.DIt sometimes is.49 . Which floor does Shelly live on?AThe fifth.BThe fifteenth.CThe twenty-fourth.DThe five.Last summer my parents and l went to Yunnan. It left us wonderful memories. If you like a spring climate (气候),clean air and nice views, then Yunnan is the best place for you!Day l Shanghai-KunmingActivities: Arrive in Kunming. Hotel check-in.Meals: No meals(We flew to Kunming. After our arrival (到达) in Kunming, the guide took us to our hotel by bus. Then he showed us around the shopping center for the rest of the day.)Day 2 KunmingActivities: Visit Stone Forest, Bird & Flower Market.Meals: Breakfast, Chinese Lunch(In the BirdFlower Market, we saw many kinds of flowers and birds as well as some traditional Chinese arts.)Day 3 Dali-LijiangActivities: Arrive in Lijiang. Visit Lijiang Dayan Ancient (古代) City, and its famous Square Street.Meals: Breakfast, Chinese Lunch(The Ancient City of Lijiang is known as Dayan Town. It has a long history of over 800 years.)50 . The writer went to Kunming from Shanghai _.Aby busBby planeCby shipDby train51 . The writer and his parents _ on the first day.Avisited the Stone ForestBvisited LijiangCwent to the Bird & Flower MarketDwent to the shopping center52 . We cant find _ in the Bird & Flower Market.AflowersBbirdsCthe Square StreetDChinese arts53 . Where is the Square Street?ABeside the Ancient City of Lijiang.BIn Dayan Town.CIn the Stone Forest.DIn the center of Dali.54 . Which is NOT right according to the passage?AThe writer spent at least three days in Yunnan last summer.BThe writer visited Lijiang Dayan Ancient City on the second day.CThe writer enjoyed himself in Yunnan last summer.DThe writer didnt travel from Shanghai to Yunnan alone.The first Starbucks coffee shop opened in 1971 in downtown Seattle, Washington, D.C., in the United StatesIt was a small coffee shop that roasted its own coffee beansThe coffee shops business did well, and by 1981 there were three more Starbucks shops in SeattleThings really began to change for the company in 1981That year, Howard Schultz met the three men who ran (经营) StarbucksSchultz worked in New York for a company that made kitchen equipmentHe noticed that Starbucks ordered a large number of special coffee makers and he was curious about the companySchultz went to Seattle to see what Starbucks did, and he liked what he sawHe wanted to become part of the companyIn 1982, the original (原先的) Starbucks owners hired Schultz as the companys head of marketingIn 1983, Schultz travelled to ItalyThe unique atmosphere of the coffee bars there caught his eyeTo Schultz it seemed that Italians spent their daily lives in three places: home, work place, and coffee barHis experience in Italy gave Schultz a new idea for Starbucks back in SeattleSchultz created an atmosphere for Starbucks coffee shops that was comfortable, and customers (顾客) everywhere seemed to like it Between 1987 and 1992, Starbucks opened 150 new shopsand that was only the beginningIn fact, by the year 2000, three new Starbucks shops opened somewhere around the world every day!Today, Starbucks has thousands of shops, including shops in twenty-six countriesOne thing that helps make Starbucks succeed in cities outside the United States is the way Starbucks works with local shops and restaurantsBy working together with a store alreadyin the city, Starbucks gets an understanding of customers in the cityThis understanding helps Starbucks open shops in the right locations for their customers55 . What is the main idea of this passage?AHow Starbucks has grownBWhat Starbucks makesCStarbucks customersDHow Starbucks makes its coffee56 . Which is TRUE about Starbucks first ten years of business?AIt grew very quicklyBIt was run by Howard SchultzCIt made special coffee makersDIt was a small company57 . What helps Starbucks succeed in places outside the United States?AOpening restaurants in just a few locations each yearBOnly selling locally produced coffee beansCWorking with other major coffee-making companiesDLearning about local customers58 . Which shows the right order according to the passage?aOne hundred and fifty new shops openedbHoward met three owners of StarbuckscHoward got a new idea for StarbucksdStarbucks is popular all over the worldeHoward was a member of a company which made kitchen equipmentAbeadcBebcadCecabdDbecad四、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写59 . I like to watch _(情景喜剧).What about you?60 . We can find out lots of _(新闻)on the Internet.61 . Do you like talk shows?I cant _(忍受) them.62 . Whether Siheyuan in Beijing should be kept or not is under a hot _(讨论).63 . My sister likes _(肥皂剧) operas.64 . Do you m_ opening the door?Of course not.65 . The story _ (发生) about five hundred years ago.66 . Some _(有教育意义的) movies are popular with students.67 . My teacher is funny. She often tells j_to us.68 . Lucy _ (计划)to go to the park this weekend.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)69 . A survey shows work six hours on average on weekdays. (German)70 . He was excited that amazing performance in the game attracted peoples attention. (he)71 . We still need more assistants for the teen center library. (second).72 . My father told me that he was tired because of the of the lecture. (long)73 . In years, Alipay has become more and more popular all over the world. (recently)74 . Hardworking children are more likely to in the future. (success)75 . Are the doors locked? (secure)76 . To live happily, please close the door on experiences in your memory. (happy)六、单词填空An extract from The Greatest Tales of Sherlock HolmesI think I will tell you what happened last night. My husband Sir Eustace went to bed at about half past ten. The servants had already gone to their rooms. Only my housekeeper s77 . in her room at the top of the house until I needed her.I sat until after eleven in this room, deep in a book. Then I walked round to see that all was right before I went u78 . . I always did this myself, to be sure that everything is OK. I went into the kitchen, the store room, the living room, and f79 . the dining-room. As I came near the window, which is covered with thick curtains, I suddenly felt the wind blow on my face, and realized that it was o80 . . I pulled the curtain to one side, and found myself face to face with a broad-shouldered, elderly man who had just walked into the room, The window is a long French one, which really forms a door leading to the lawn, By the light of my bedroom candle, I saw two other men entering behind the first. I was so scared, trembling. I s81 . back quickly, but the man was on me in a moment. He caught me first by the wrist and then by the throat. I struggled to scream, but he hit me heavily over the eyes, and I fell to the ground.I must have been unconscious for a few minutes. When I woke up, I found that they had torn down the bell-rope and had tied me tightly to the c82 . standing at the head of the dining table. I was so firmly bound that I could not move, and a handkerchief round my mouth prevented me from making any sound. It was at this moment that my unfortunate husband came into the room. He had c83 . heard some suspicious sounds, and he came prepared. When he rushed at one of the burglars, another man bent down and took the poker(拔火棍) out of the fireplace and struck him heavily as he passed. My husband fell without a groan(呻吟)and never moved again.(To be continued)Have you ever picked strawberries yourself? The sweet fruit looks nice, but light pressure can make them out of shape, so you have to be very 84 . when picking them. Nowadays, there are many young people who are just like strawberries. They 85 . (easy) break down when they face difficulties. There is a name for them- strawberry kids.86 . are many children so easy to break down? Because many students are the only child in their daily life. Their 87 . pernts do almost everything for them in their life. They 88 . ever get criticized(批评) at home and always feel good about themselves. If these students are criticized strictly by teachers, they will feel upset and begin to doubt their own 89 . (ability). Many schools care more about students grade instead of 90 . (develop) their personality. As a result, students get satisfying grades while they are not mentally strong enough.Young people should learn how to make 91 . mselvz mentally strong. An expert said, whenever you are in trouble, dont ask for help too quickly. You should try to deal with problem 92 . (one) by yourself.Growing up is not just a happy process. 93 . penz also go along. The most important thing is to face them bravely and learn from mistakes.根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Lionel Andres Messi is one of the greatest football stars in the world.Messi was 94 . (出生) in Rosario,Argentina on June 24,1987.His father was a 95 . (工人) and mother was a parttime cleaner.He has two 96 . (兄弟) and a sister.At the age of five,Messi started playing football for a local club.He practised 97 . (七) hours or more each day.He was 98 . (充满) of energy and ran fast.He soon showed great talent in playing football.Messi never gives up even if he 99 . (失败) or meets difficulties.In 2006,he 100 . (受伤) his foot badly,but he came back three months later and scored three goals in a match against Real Madrid.His fans all stood up and cheered for 101 . (他)When asked the secret of his success,Messi said,“Im always working 102 . (努力地) to be my best,first for my team,for the fans,and to try and103 . (赢)Playing football is part of my life.”七、材料作文104 . 假设你是Daniel, 你的英国笔友Paul想要结交更多的朋友。你通过电子邮件,把你最好的朋友Simon介绍给他。Simon的情况见下表:年龄14岁特点圆脸,短发,很幽默品行愿意分享,对人友善,乐于助人爱好喜欢旅行,对DIY很着迷理想长大后想成为因为写作要点和要求: 1. 邮件要包括表格中的要点,可适当发挥; 2. 语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范; 3. 词数70词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Paul,How are you? Im writing to introduce my best friend Simon to you._Yours,Daniel第 14 页 共 14 页

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