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成都市2019版九年级下学期3月月考英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its noisy here, so its necessary speak _ to make everyone hear you.AloudlyBslowlyCquicklyDquietly2 . Telephone _ in 1875 by Bell.Awill be inventedBwas inventedCinventedDinvent3 . Are you alone? 1 just want to have aword with you.AsingleBawfulCprivateDcertain4 . Eat healthy food, you will feel better.AorBandCsoDbut5 . Shall we go to see a film together? _.AYes, I shallBYes, I willCYes, Id loveDId love to, but I have things to do.6 . -I lost my wallet on my way to school this morning.-_! You should be careful next time.ATake careBExcuse meCWhat a pityDYoure welcome7 . I really need to take more exercise because Im _ weight.Aputting offBputting onCputting downDputting away8 . Scott has _interesting _.Aan; jobBa; jobCan; workDa; work9 . I cant understand _ Apples iPad 2.Awhy are they so mad aboutBwhy they are so mad aboutChow are they so mad aboutDhow they are so mad about10 . The girl finally made it after so many years hard work.Congratulations to her.AsucceededBfailedCleft二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择适当的句子补全下面的对话,并将其代号填在相应的题号上。(其中有两项是多余的)Jenny:Hello? This is Jenny.Laura:Hi, Jenny.11 . Jenny:Oh, hi, Laura. What are you doing?Laura:Not much.12 . What about you?Jenny:Im watching TV.13 . My parents arent at home. We can eat out.Laura:Yeah.14 . Jenny:Lets meet at my home first.15 . Laura:OK. See you then.AId love to.BIm just washing my clothes.CDo you have to make friends with me?DDo you want to join me for dinner?EIts Laura here.FLaura isnt here.GCome at half past six.三、完型填空How many times have you seen someone on TV or in a crowd and had that nagging feeling that youve seen them somewhere before but can quite place them? This seems to be quite a(n)_experience and it raises questions about exactly how we recognize faces Whats going on in our brains when we see a face?Scientists have recently carried out tests on volunteers to find out which areas in the brain are involved in face recognition The tests must have been a lot of fun to take part in! The volunteers were_a photograph of a famous person on a computer and then the face gradually changed into another famous persons For example a picture of the 1950s film star Marilyn Monroe_changed into a picture of the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher! Obviously, Marilyns beautiful curly blonde hair became greyer, her nos became sharper and longer, and her face developed wrinkles and lines around the mouth As they watched the person change, complicated equipment scanned thevlunteers brains to see which parts of the brain were lighting upThe_showed that we use three main areas of the brain to identify peoples faces While one section of the brain looks at the physical features such as size and shape of eyes, another part identifies the face as known or unknown_, a third part of the brain is checking out the name or other information about the face in our memory It sounds_but it seems that human beings can store as many as 10,000faces in their memories and most of us can recognize about ninety per cent of our classmates up to thirty five years after we last saw them!16 . AbadBcommonCunusualDexciting17 . AshownBslowlyCslowlyDsuddenly18 . AwasBwereCisDare19 . AsurveyBsituationCchangesDresults20 . AWhats moreBFor the time beingCAs a resultDAt the same time21 . AsillyBamazingCseriousDfamiliarOne day, I took my daughter to the local playground. The minute we got there, my daughter ran to the swing(秋千)and asked for a push. When I was helping my daughter, I _ another girl trying to make her swing go high by herself. Her old grandmother smiled at me, lying on the _ nearby. Maybe she was too old and had to lie on the chair and watch her granddaughter playing.I gave my daughter a big push and then walked towards the little girl. I asked gently _ could do for her. She smiled and said quietly but happily, _ her big shining eyes, Could you please give me a push, too? For the next two hours, I kept pushing the swings and playing with my daughter and the little girl. When we got home, I was very tired. But my heat was flying much _ than the swings.One day, two years later, after a long days work, I was a bit tired, but I needed to _ my daughter before going home. While I was waiting outside the school gate beside my car, a little girl came over and smiled sweetly at me. She gave me a big hug _ she got on her school bus. As I watched her running away, I didnt feel _ anymore.In life, the love we give to _ will find its way back to us. It may travel from heart to _ or it may blossom(开花)in the heart which is planted in. The love we share, the kindness we give, and the happiness we create will always come back to us with a big surprise.22 . AdroveBnoticedCheardDcaught23 . AchairBbedCtableDground24 . AwhoBwhatChowDwhy25 . AtoBofCwithDfor26 . AearlierBdeeperCbetterDhigher27 . Aend upBput upCpick upDtake up28 . AbeforeBuntilCunlessDafter29 . AwarmBsadCcrazyDtired30 . AanotherBthe othersCothersDother31 . AheadBheartCarmDhand四、阅读单选Nature Nurtures Farm plans to organize some charity(慈善) activities in this summer. It hopes to teach young people about charity. The farm wants to get about 30,000 through these activities .They will use the money to improve the public water system(公共给水系统) in the city. Here is the information about these charity activities.Farm FestivalTime: July 10th,9 a.m.-4 p.m.Place: Nature Nurtures FarmAdmission:10 for anyone 5 or olderOther: you can enjoy music, feed farm animals, visit the fruit garden and take pictures._Art showTime: July 18th,2 p.m.-5 p.m.Place: State Capital MuseumAdmission: FreeOther: 67 works of art will be here. You can buy any one of them. The money will go to the city public water system._Mentoring program(指导计划)Time: August 7th. 10 a.m.-3 p.m.Place: Nature Nurtures FarmAdmission: FreeOther: Teens aged from 7 to 18 can join the program. Children with problems in helping others can get help from this program._32 . why does Nature Nurtures Farm plan to organize some charity activities?ATo make visitors have fun.BTo help young people know about farm.CTo help young people learn about charity.Dto listen to advice on the public water system.33 . There are _charity activities in this summer.AtwoBthreeCfourDfive34 . The underlined word “Admission” means “_” in Chinese.A学费B报酬C使用费D入场费35 . If Miss Jackson is free on the afternoon of July 18th, she can go to the _.AFarm FestivalBArt ShowCNature Nurtures FarmDMentoring program36 . Who can join the Mentoring Program?ALisa ,5 years old.BTim, 6 years old.CBob, 12 years old.DJane, 19 years old.For Chinese students nowadays, no matter what kind of schools they are going to universities, high schools and even primary schools, they have to face and tackle the problem of learning English. All examinations they want to pass require them to first pass English. English has become the most popular course in tutorial classes and even in the self-study classroom.When nearly all students attention is focused on English, looking at the situation of our mother language, even Chineselinguistsget confused about its use. Not only have many new words and phrases which are very popular on the Internet started to fill in every corner of the society, common use of Chinese is full of mistakes and misunderstandings are all around.Chinese has the most speakers of any world language and also one of the oldest in history. Around the world, many countries have started enthusiastically learning Chinese and Chinese has become one of the most important foreign languages in some foreign countries.Besides, there are 282 Confucius Institutions around 88 countries and regions in the world that are teaching Chinese, while more than 260 institutions from 50 countries and regions applied to establish Confucius Institutions. The number of people learning Chinese is about 50 million outside China.For those foreigners that are so crazy about Chinese language, what kind of attitude should the Chinese have? Frankly speaking, learning English itself shouldnt have been criticized too much, and we need to learn English to communicate with the world to show our culture and society.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。37 . In China, it is true that.AIf you want go to some college of Arts, it is neednt learn English.BIt is easy for most Chinese to learn English.CEnglish has become one of the most important courses in China.DChinese student just learn English in the self study classroom38 . What is the meaning oflinguists?A文字专家B语言学会C文学家D语言学家39 . Chinese is/hasaround the world.Athe most speakersBthe oldest in historyCthe most popularDthe most important40 . What we can learn form this passage?AIt is necessary for every Chinese to learn English wellBMore and more foreigners have enthusiastically learning Chinese.CConfucius Institutions spread all over the world.DLearning English is good for Chinese to learn the culture about the English countries.41 . Which is the best title for this passage?AEnglish Is Very Import in ChinaBChinese Is the Most Popular in the WorldCMore and More Foreigners Learn ChineseDIts Time to Protect Chinese LanguageIt was said that in the fifth century, an Indian master taught some monks(和尚)at the Shaolin Temple a series of enlightened by the movements of animals.These forms became the basis for the style of fighting known as kung fu.Over 16 centuries.the monks have used kung fu for self-defense and in war.With they have won many battles against their enemiesIn Dengfeng today.ten kilometers from the Shaolin Temple.there are over 60 martial arts schools with more than 1000 students.Students to school for a variety of reasons.Some hope to become movie stars.Others are sent by their parents to learn self-control and hard work.Master Hu zhengsheng teaches at a small school in Dengfeng.Recently, he was offered an important role in a kung fu movie.It would have been a good opportunity for his school to earn fame.However.he did not accept.He doesnt agree with how kung fu is often shown in movies.He feels they show too much violence.Unlike many large schools, which teach acrobatic and kick-boxing.Hu teaches his students traditional kung fu forms. He teaches them the way his Shaolin kung fu forms. But attracting students to this style of kung fu has become a problem. Hu is afraid his art will soon die out.He has to remind his students that kung fu was designed for fighting, not to entertain.His students sleep in unheated rooms and train outside no matter what the temperature.They hit trees with their bare hands and take turns sitting on each shoulders to build leg strength.Why such hardship? To master kung Iu. they must learn respect and how to “eat bitterness”.The life of a Shaolin master, Hu teaches is not easy or attractive.But for old traditions to survive.the young must learn.Master Hu now hopes to attract new students and convince them to learn Shaolin kung fu the traditional way.42 . What can we learn about kung fu from the passage?AIt was introduced from Thailand to china.BIt was actually all animal movements.CIt was traditionally used for fighting.DIt was designed to entertain people.43 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?AOver centuries.the monks have won many battles with kung fu.BThere are over 60 martial arts schools at the Shaolin Temple.CHu Zhengsheng teaches 500 students at the Shaolin Temple.DHu Zhengsheng plays a role in a kung fu movie.44 . Why does the passage mention Hu Zhengsheng?AHe is a kung fu student learning kick-boxing.BHe is the man who introduced kung fu to China.CHe is a kung fu master keeping old traditions.DHe is a famous actor in an exciting kung fu movie.45 . What is the purpose of the third paragraph?ATo show how Hu teaches kung fu.BTo tell people that everyone can play in a movie.CTo explain the challenges traditional kung fu schools have.DTo present the difference between traditional kung fu and kung fu in movies.46 . We can learn that_.Athe life of a Shaolin master is attractiveBtraditional kung lu has been challengedCHus students hope to become movie stars.Dall the students learn kung fu the traditional way.Spring Festival is coming soon, which means gift-giving season is also coming. Are you thinking about buying gifts for the ones you love? According to Chinese culture, there are some taboos on gift giving that you should remember in mind.Chinese people usually dont give a clock to each other. A clock sounds as zhong in Chinese. It means “the end”. So giving someone a clock means “your time is up”. It is unlucky, especially for old people.If clocks arent OK, maybe buying some fruit is a good idea. But remember not to buy pears. A pear sounds as li in Chinese. That means separation (分离). The umbrella also sounds the same as the word for separation in Chinese. Therefore, both pears and umbrellas are not good gifts.Its hard to choose gifts. So what is a right gift? A “red envelope” with money in it is the most popular gift in China. People give their friends red envelopes as a way to express their greetings. During the Spring Festival, the elder people will give children red envelopes to express their love.Chinese people like to put amounts of money equal to certain “lucky numbers” inside red envelopes. For example, “520” means “I love you”, “1,314” means “forever love”, “666” means “hoping that everything goes well for you” and “888” means “wishing you wealth”.47 . _ may have the meaning of “separation” as gifts.APears and applesBPears and umbrellasCUmbrellas and clocksDClocks and apples48 . Youd better not give someone a clock as a gift because it means that _.Ayour life is coming to an endByou must finish something on timeCyour are an unlucky personDyou are getting old49 . The underlined word “taboos” in the first paragraph means _.A符号B禁忌C秩序D短信50 . The author writes the passage to _.Atell people the Chinese traditional festivalBdiscuss the different kinds of giftsCask people to give others some expensive giftsDhelp people choose the right gifts五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)51 . My bedroom looks much _ (整洁) after a half-an-hour cleaning.52 . With their _(支持), we won the basketball final.53 . Please read the _(说明)first before you do it yourself.54 . Do you know the _ (重) of the Golden Gate Bridge?55 . Tom is a _ (幽默的) boy, he often tells funny jokes.56 . The sun _ (shine) brightly and it made us feel warm.57 . Jerry was so careless that he gave an _ answer at last (correct)58 . _(mix) different fruits together can make the salad look colourful.59 . All the _names are on the paper. You can have a look. (swim)60 . Her grandmother was _(terrible) ill, but luckily she is now out of danger.六、回答问题阅读简答阅读短文,根据短文内容简要回答下列问题。If you go to another country, what kinds of things would you buy? Would you buy a camera in Japan, some beautiful clothes in France, or a watch in Switzerland? No matter what you may buy, you might probably think those products were made in those countries. However, you could be wrong. Kang Jian is a 17-year-old student from Shanghai. Last year he went to visit his aunt and uncle in San Francisco. He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China. “I wanted to buy a toy car for my cousin, but even though most of the toys had American brands, they were made in China.”Toys are not the only things made in China. “I wanted to buy a pair of basketball shoes,” he explains. “But I had to visit five or six stores before finding a pair made in America!” He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China. “In fact,” he continues, “there are so many things made in China footballs, handbags, pet food, mobile phones. Even American flags are made in China!” Kang Jian thinks its great that China is so good at making these everyday things. However, he wishes that in the future China will also get better at making high-technology products that people can buy in all parts of the world.61 . How old is KangJian?_62 . Where did KangJian go to visit his aunt and uncle? _63 . Are toys the only things made in China? _64 . Where were American flags made ? _65 . What did KangJian realize after his shopping experience?_七、话题作文66 . 假如你是 Gina,你是一名中学生。请根据以下信息,给你的笔友 Helen 写一封电子邮件。要求:语句连贯、通顺,可适当拓展。字数不少于 60 词。(开头、结尾已给出,不计入词数。)Name职业交通方式上班或上学所花时间现在正在做的事Gina/骑自行车15 分钟写信Father教师开车30 分钟看报Mother工人乘公交10 分钟洗碗Dear Helen,_How are you ?Gina第 13 页 共 13 页


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