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呼和浩特市2019-2020年度中考一模英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Lets start _ stamps, shall we?AcollectBcollectingCcollectsDcollected2 . Can you_ your photos_ us? Of course.Agive; forBshow; toCshow; forDtake; for3 . - What color are your shoes ? -.AIts blackBTheyre black shoesCThey re blackDBlack shoes4 . All the cars _ stop when the traffic light is red.AcanBneedCmayDmust5 . My friend works _ a hospital _ a doctor.Aat, inBfrom , asCin, asDon ,as6 . (2017广东37)Johnson wont answer the phone if he _ the number.AknewBdoesnt knowCwill knowDdidnt know7 . _ she didnt love him at all, she pretended to.ABecauseBIfCAlthough8 . I havent seen your grandfather for several years. Where has he gone?Oh, he _ for two years.Ahas diedBhas been deadCdiedDwas died9 . How about going for a drive now?_. I have been at home the whole day.AIm sureBI seeCI think soDI agree10 . When I was taking a walk yesterday,an old woman stopped me and asked me to do _a favor.AsheBherChersDherself11 . Our Chinese teacher told usinteresting story andstory was about Thomas Edison.Aan; aBthe; theCa; theDan; the12 . Now the air in our hometown is _ than it was before, and we must do something for that.Amuch betterBmuch badCmuch goodDmuch worse二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,有两项多余。A:Hello! Whos calling,please?B:Hi! This is Jack speaking in Beijing. 13 . A:Hey,Jack! This is Amy.Why are you in Beijing now?B:I come to see my aunt with my parents.A:14 . B:Its now very warm and comfortable in May,just right for sightseeing.A:Thats why many people go there for sightseeing at this time of year. 15 . B:For five days.A:16 . B:I like the Summer Palace best.When I was there,I lost myself in the beautiful scenery.A:Really?17 . B:Im sure you will have fun here.三、补全短文6选5阅读理解根据短文内容,从方框中的六个句子中选出五个句子还原到短文中,使短文通顺、完整。Dont be too surprised if you see a car going down the road without a driver in Beijing these days18 . Last month, Baidu began to test its self-driving cars on open roads in Beijing.19 . Since then, companies like Tesla, Uber and Baidu have been working to produce and test their own self-driving cars.Self-driving cars are safer than regular cars. 20 . They can remove the stress of driving and allow disabled or blind people to get around more easily.21 . In one test, researchers pointed a laser pointer(激光棒)at the cars sensors(传感器)while it was moving. The car mistakenly thought that the laser beam was in its way and slowed down or changed the direction.The software that is used to direct the cars may not be safe enough. 22 . When we use our computers or smartphones, they sometimes crash(崩溃)without any reason. But if this happened to a self-driving car, the results could be deadly. Improvements to the software could be a solution to this problem.AAt times, it may break down.BSelf-driving cars began to develop in 2010.CIt might be one of Baidus self-driving cars.DBut self-driving cars have their own problems as well.EAnd they are more environmentally friendly than regular cars.FIt is important to do like this.四、完型填空Yesterday my son and I went to the supermarket. We wanted to buy some bread and _ to make sandwiches. When we were waiting in line to pay, we saw a little girl and her mother in front of us. The little girl asked her mother _ a box of Smarties. The polite way she asked _ the mothers heart. She said, “Im sorry ,honey, _ we have no money to buy it.”My son was watching them all the time. He just _ some money by cutting grass in our garden and planned to buy a bike. When he watched the girl and her mother _ the supermarket, he suddenly ran to the candy shelf and bought a box of Smarties with his money. Then he ran out and gave the box to the girl. He came back and told me what he told them, “Every kid _Have a box of Smarties.”I was so _that I bought a box of Smarties for my son after I paid for the bread andButter. I told him that I was proud of him and the box of Smarties was for his kindness. He said , “But you often do _ things for people and you will never get anything from it.”I explained to him, “When you do something nice for someone, you shouldnt expect to get _, but when you get something from others, you should be very thankful.”23 . AyogurtBbutterCcoffeeDpopcorn24 . AforBinConDwith25 . AaddedBmixedCcoveredDbroke26 . AandBbutCsoDor27 . AmadeBpeeledCshookDdug28 . AcoverBleaveCserveDgo29 . AshouldBputCopenDopened30 . AunhappyBworriedCexcitedDtired31 . AboringBbadCniceDterrible32 . AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing五、阅读单选Different gestures (手势) mean different things in different countries. Sometimes a gesture that is polite in one country is not polite in another and should not be used. Different meanings of gestures can also cause problems in understanding what another person is trying to say. A gesture that many people do not understand is one that uses the thumb. Most westerners will sometimes show that they like something by holding out a closed hand with the thumb lifting in the air. This is called give someone or something the thumbs up. Often, only one thumb is used, so it should be the thumb up. The usual explanation (解释) for the origin of this gesture is not really correct. It says that in ancient Roman times, when people were pleased with the way a gladiator (角斗士) had fought, they showed their thumbs up. When they were not pleased, they gave the thumbs down. When a gladiator was given the thumbs up, the emperor allowed him to live. When a gladiator was given the thumbs down, the emperor ordered him to be killed. The truth is, however, it was translated into a wrong meaning by mistake. If people wanted to save the gladiator, they put out their hands and hid their thumbs in their hands. If they wanted the gladiator to die, they pointed their thumbs straight at him.33 . Westerners lift their thumbs when they _.Awant someone to dieBlike somethingCwant to go to a playgroundDwant someone to live34 . Most people think that in ancient Rome, thumbs up meant that _.Athe emperor could dieBthe people wanted the gladiator to liveCthe fighting could continueDthe people were not pleased35 . In fact, if people wanted a gladiator to live, they _.Ahid their thumbsBpointed their thumbs downClifted their thumbs upDpointed their thumbs at him36 . From the article we know that _.Adifferent gestures have different meanings in different countriesBa friendly gesture is always the same in different countriesCthe meaning of thumbs up is the same both now and the pastDwe should often use the thumbs37 . The main idea of this article is about _.Agestures around the worldBclosed thumbsCgestures in ancient RomeDthe thumbsup gestureA year has twelve months. My favorite month is October. October 1stis National Day(国庆节). We have a seven-day holiday(假期). During the holiday, my parents always take me to see my grandparents.Our school has some interesting things in October. On the 12th , we have a soccer game. I dont love basket ball. Its difficult for me. But I love soccer. I love playing soccer and watching soccer games. We have a book sale on October 20th. I have three old books and I want to sell them. The art festival is fun. We haveiton October 29th. My birthday is also on this day. October is a really great month for me.38 . What month does the writer(作者) like best(最)?ADecemberBNovemberCOctoberDSeptember39 . The writer thinks basketball is _?ArelaxingBinterestingCdifficultDboring40 . The underlined(下划线) word “it” means the _.Asoccer gameBbook saleCschool tripDart festival41 . How many things does the school have in October?ATwo.BThree.CFour .DFive.42 . The writer loves October Not because(因为) _.Ahe can have a seven-day holidayBhis birthday is in OctoberCOctober has thirty-one daysDa soccer game is in OctoberDo you like drinking coffee in the KFC? Now here is good news for you. You can eat the coffee cup after drinking.In KFC, people like fried chicken best. But in some years, people will like different things. Now KFC is working to make and edible coffee cup. We find this kind of coffee cups are cookies and they look like cups. They are from white chocolate. You can eat it too. The food scientists(科学家)from the USA make this kind of cups. They look nice, smell delicious and taste great. Some people say, “These cookie cups have different smells. The smells bring people pictures of nice things like nice stars, relaxing music and delicious food for sure, this kind of cups tastes good and they are good for the environment (环境), too.” They may come to China some day next year.43 . We find this kind of coffee cups are _.AcandiesBchocolate coffeeCcookiesDcoffee44 . The new coffee cups bring people pictures of the following(下列的) things except(除了)_.Anice starsBrelaxing musicCdelicious foodDgreat fruits45 . What does the underlined word edible mean?A可回收的B可观赏的C可食用的D可变换的46 . Why are the new coffee cups good for the environment?ABecause they are from food, not paper.BBecause food scientists make them.CBecause they can make people happy.DBecause they have delicious smells.47 . Whats the best title(标题)of the passage?AGreat scientistsBEdible coffee cupsCDelicious coffeeDDifferent smells六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentence with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)48 . We both wear glasses ,but my eyesight is worse than _.(you)49 . When the problem happens, speak to the _or write to the director.(manage)50 . I dont think doctors are paid enough for doing such a _job.(responsibility)51 . I think starting up a Chinese restaurant in this area is likely to _.(success)52 . Hera helped Jason get back to the island _where Pelius was waiting for him.(safe)53 . The fact that he didnt speak English put hime at a _during the visit .(advantage)七、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。three, article, stop, practice, I, inside, luck, but, for, placeTom Barry is 17. He started skateboarding (滑滑板) when he was nine. He grew up in New York. There he 54 . hard and won his first competition. He was 55 . . A writer watched him that day, and then wrote a(n)56 . about him. “They even made a video (录像) of 57 . !” said Tom. “I left school last year and now the magazine is paying me to practice and to skateboard in competitions. But Im not doing this58 . the money. Im doing this because its so much fun!”Tom has just come back from Japan. Skateboarding is the 59 . most popular sport for boys aged 12 to 16 in the USA, but in Japan it is less popular.“I took my skateboard out to the city street and the traffic (路上行驶的车辆) 60 . . People watched me!” said Tom. “The skateboarders in Japan dont have many61 . to practice outside. Skate parks are usually 62 . big buildings in large cities, so street skating is difficult there. 63 . things are changing (改变). I enjoyed the trip a lot and hope to go back to Japan to skate there again very soon.”八、单词填空综合填空。阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中岁给单词的正确行形式。Last weekend, I decided to visit64 . of my friends in London. I took the train from my town and after two hours I arrived 65 . London. Then I took a bus and got66 . my friends house. After I met him, we decided to go67 . (shop) in busy Oxford Street. There were many shops there. Each of us bought a pair68 . beautiful sunglasses.Later,we were hungry, 69 . we went to Brick Lane, a street in East London famous for Bangladeshi restaurants.We 70 . (order) Chicken Tikka Masala(咖喱鸡块) with rice. It was so delicious that we want 71 . (much).The next day we visited Buckingham Palace and took many great 72 . (photo).Next, we had a picnic in Hyde Park and played there 73 . (happy).九、回答问题Once upon a time, a greedy rich man hired a wise man. He wanted the wise man to find a way to make him even more money. The rich man was building a giant safe. And his greatest dream was to fill the safe with gold and jewels.The wise man thought about this problem for months. One night he appeared at the rich mans house with a big smile on his face. He said, “ Ive done it! My calculations are perfect! Youll be rich beyond your wildest dreams.” The rich man was very delighted to go on a long journey. He promised the wise man double pay to run his business for him.When the rich man returned, he found that all of his money was gone. Very angry, he asked the wise man to explain. The wise man told him hed given everything away. The wise man said, “ I analyzed(分析) how a single rich man could gain the biggest wealth. But it is limited how much one man can do by himself. Then I realized that many people could help us achieve our goal. By helping other people, you could gain most.”Disappointed and angry, the rich man went away. As he was walking, several neighbours saw him. All of them had their share when the wise man gave away the mans wealth. They were so thankful that they welcomed him to their homes and offered anything he needed.Over the next few weeks, 74 . Did the rich man ask a wise man to build a safe? (此题一分)75 . Why did the rich man hire a wise man?76 . What happened when the rich man returned from his journey?77 . How could the rich man gain biggest wealth according to the wise man?78 . How did the rich man feel after the wise man explained?79 . Please add an ending(结尾) to the story(write at least three sentences). (此题三分)十、汉译英:整句根据中文意思完成句子。80 . Nowadays, people_ (保持联系) their friends and relatives by WeChat.81 . I like drawing_ (然而) she likes dancing.82 . As_ (事实上) I have no place to live.83 . About_ (四分之三) of the earth s surface is covered by water.84 . Who breaks the rules will_ (被惩罚)十一、材料作文85 . 你或你身边的同学是否也和Carnegie有着相似的经历呢?假设你校将举行一场主题为“失败乃成功之母”的英语演讲比赛,请你写一篇演讲稿,谈谈你的看法。内容包括:1. 描述你或同学的一次类似的经历;2. 谈谈你或同学在这次经历中的收获(至少两点)。作文要求:1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Good morning, everyone! I think everyone will agree with the saying that “Failure is the mother of success.” _ _Dont be afraid of failures. If you learn how to deal with failures, you will surely taste success in the end. 第 11 页 共 11 页


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