八年级英语上册Unit 4 Topic 1课时练习

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八年级英语上册Unit 4 Topic 1课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My parents ask me _ in order to make me healthy.Abuild up meBbuild me upCto build up meDto build me up2 . Is everyone out of the fire?No, _ two are still in the burning house.AanotherBotherCthe otherDothers3 . He never _ a lie, so all of us like him.AtalksBtellsCsaysDspeaks4 . Which is of the two boys?Athe tallestBthe tallerCtallerDtall5 . _ he like math? Because its difficult for him to learn math well.AWhy doBWhy dontCWhy doesntDWhy does6 . Kate does her homework _ than her classmates.Amuch carefulBmuch more carefulCmuch carefullyDmuch more carefully7 . Where are you going, Jack?Im going to _ the English corner. Would you like to _ me?Im afraid I cant.Atake part in; joinBjoin; take part inCjoin; join inDjoin in; take part in8 . My mother often tells me to study hard. She says hard work _ success.Aleads toBbelongs toChas toDholds on to9 . That story sounds _.AinterestBinterestsCinterestingDinterested10 . Mark didnt go out for a walk,he stayed at home to have a rest_.AevenBreallyCinsteadDcarefully二、完型填空Once there was a young lion named Leo who loved to play. He often played with his brothers and sisters. Sometimes his mother would play with him, too. But Leo wished for _ more. He wanted to play with other _.So one day Leo walked up to Millie the monkey. “Would you like to play with me?” he asked.I cannot play with you,” said Millie. “Lions are _.”Then Leo asked Fred the fox to play. But Feds mother had told him to _ lions. Pat the pig said that lions did not make good friends.Leo had tears in his eyes as he went along.Leo heard a _ sound as he was walking home. Someone seemed to be crying. Then Leo saw Zip the zebra. The poor little zebra was caught in a _ net. And Zip cried even more _ when he saw Leo coming.Leo told Zip that he wanted to _ him. He used his sharp teeth to chew a hole in the net. Soon Zip was free. He jumped out of the net and licked Leos face.The next morning Leo saw Zips mother standing close to Zip.Hi, Leo,” called Zip.Thank you for _ my child,” said Zips mother.Then Leo saw the other animals. All the animals invited Leo to play with them. Leo _ the day playing with his new friends. They played tag, hide-and-seek, and follow the leader. Leos wish had come true finally.11 . AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything12 . ApeopleBanimalsCplantsDworms13 . AfriendlyBstrongCgenerousDdangerous14 . Akeep in touch withBstay away fromCget ready forDmake friends with15 . AusualBhappyCstrangeDnatural16 . AdoctorsBpolicemansCworkersDhunters17 . AquietlyBloudlyCcarefullyDquickly18 . AkillBhurtChelpDfollow19 . AfeedingBbelievingCteachingDsaving20 . AspentBtookCcostDpaid三、阅读单选Giant pandas have been living on Earth for millions of years. Other animals that lived long ago, such as stegodons and smilodons , have since died out. But we still have pandas with us today.Pandas can change their diets to fit into different environments, according to Wei Fuwen from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.Researchers studied the bones of 12 giant panda fossils (化石). They found that pandas went from being meat eaters to becoming plant eaters over time. They mainly ate bamboo, as they still do today. Other large meat eaters had no interest in bamboo, so pandas could live safely in bamboo forests. That is one of the reasons they have been around for so long.In addition, pandas are very strong and have great bite force (咬合力). They can also climb trees. Both of these abilities helped them stay alive in the past.However, pandas are facing some problems. There are fewer pandas in the world today. They are dying out mainly because of habitat loss . People have cut down forests to build houses and farms. This has caused pandas to lose both their food and their homes.Pandas also have problems giving birth to babies. Female pandas can only get pregnant(怀孕) once a year and they are very choosy about their mates. And because they mainly eat bamboo, their milk is low in nutrients(营养). This makes it harder for their babies to survive.21 . According to Wei Fuwen, pandas havent died out because they _.Ahave thick fur to live through the cold weatherBcan run fast to escape from their enemiesCcan change their diets to fit into new environmentDcan kill other bigger animals around them22 . Female pandas can get pregnant _.Aonce a yearBtwice a yearCtwice every five yearsDthree times every four years23 . What is the main problem pandas are facing now?AClimate change.BThe loss of their habitat.CNatural enemies.DDangerous diseases.24 . According to the story, it is hard for baby pandas to survive because _.Athey are very short when theyre bornBpanda milk is low in nutrientsCtheir parents dont take care of themDthey arent used to cold weather四、阅读判断阅读理解Heat(热量) comes from many things. Heat comes from the sun. Heat comes from gas(气体). Heat comes from oil( 油). When wood burn,t makes heat, too.We use heat in many ways. We use it to cook. We use it to keep warm. We use it to dry(使干) things.Your body (身体) makes heat. Put your hand on your head. Does it feel hot? Your body is like a stove(炉). It does not burn wood. It burns food. Food helps you keep warm.根据短文判断正误25 . Heat is important to us.26 . We can get heat from many things.27 . We burn wood to get heat.28 . We bum our bodies to make heat.29 . We use heat only to keep ourselves warm.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。30 . Mickey is one of the most popular _ (mouse) in this cartoon.31 . _ (luck), I got the last ticket (票) to the film Avengers III.32 . Be quiet! The baby _ (sleep) in the bedroom.33 . Last Sunday, Jacks uncle _ (fly) to Shanghai for a meeting.34 . Dave would like _ (have) some beef and carrot noodles.六、完成句子根据句意及汉语提示完成句子35 . 我更愿在家里看电视,而不是跟朋友在外闲逛。_ hanging out with friends, I prefer to watch TV at home.36 . 在公园里游客应被阻止踩踏草地。Visitors should _ on the grass in the park.37 . 不要把小孩子单独留在家里。Dont _ small children _ at home.38 . 短时间内学好英语不是件容易的事。Its not easy _ English well in a short time.39 . 这里有一些安全建议。Here _ some _ tips.完成句子10分40 . 他能看见水里有好几百条鱼He can seefish in the water.41 . 机器人能帮助我们做饭吗?Can robotsus with?42 . Peter 在深圳找到了一份工作,所以他不得不在那独居。Peter found a job in Shenzhen, so he had tothere.43 . 我起床,然后叫醒我弟弟。I got up andmy brother44 . 天空中有很多乌云,似乎要下雨了。There are many black clouds in the sky, Itrain45 . 在他的努力下,最终实现了他的梦想。His dreamat last with his great effort.46 . 他的航班将在一小时后起飞。His flight isin an hour47 . Mr Black 总是抱怨挣得钱少。Mr Black is alwaysmaking little money.48 . 父母总喜欢那自己的孩子和别人家的比?Parents always like totheir own childothers49 . 医生们正在努力寻找废墟下的人Doctors are trying topeople under buildings.七、填写适当的句子补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。Wang Wei: Hello! This is Wang Wei speaking. 50 . Michael: Hi, Wang Wei. This is Michael speaking. Are you free today?Wang Wei: Yes. Michael, Im writing a passage and I want to make a survey about plants and animals.51 . Michael: I like plants better. I think roses(玫瑰) are the nicest of all the flowers. Wang Wei: But they cant play with you. Michael: What about you, Wang Wei?Wang Wei:52 . I think animals are friendlier. Michael:53 . Wang Wei: Because animals are our friends. They make us happy. Michael: Do you keep a pet?Wang Wei: Sure. I keep a pet bird. It is beautiful. 54 . Michael: Wonderful! We should all like plants and animals. Wang Wei: They are both important to us. We share the same world with them.八、信息归纳信息归纳My Favorite AnimalDo you like animals? My favorite animal is a dogIts name is WalesWales comes from the USAMy mother bought it for me as my birthday gift last yearNow he is three years oldWales is very beautifulIts black and white with big blue eyesIt likes eating meatIt also likes going for a walk with meEvery afternoon I take a walk with it,and it is very happyWales is very smart,tooIt can help me with many thingsFirst,it can help me watch the doorBesides,he is my good company(伙伴) and he is a very good listenerWhen I am sad,Id like to talk about the bad things with WalesHe is so friendly that all my family love it very muchI think people should love their dogs because they are really our best friendsThe name of the dog95. 55 . The place the dog comes from96. 56 . The age of the dog97. 57 . The thing the dog likes doing every afternoon98. 58 . The thing the writer would like to do when he is sad99. 59 . 九、话题作文60 . 书面表达节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起。Li Ming 是一个注重“低碳生活”的中学生,假设你是他,请以“My Low-carbon(低碳) Life”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,简单描述自己的“低碳生活”要点:1每天步行上学;2离开教室时,关灯、关电扇、关电视等;3不用水时,记得关水龙头,循环使用水;4不使用塑料袋;5充分使用纸张。My Low-carbon Life第 9 页 共 9 页


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