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吉林省2019-2020年度八年级上学期期末英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . When is your birthday?Its .Aat April nineBin April ninthCon April ninethDon April ninth2 . (题文)Tony didnt come to school last week _he was ill. And _his illness he missed a lot of lessons.Abecause; becauseBbecause of; because ofCbecause; because ofDbecause of; because3 . May I _ the book from you? Sorry. I have promised to _ it to Tom.Aborrow; lendBkeep; lendClend; borrowDkeep; borrow4 . We are about the news that Beijing will hold the Winter Olympics in 2022.Aexcited; excitingBexciting; excitedCexcited; excite5 . If you have some questions in class,please _your hands.Alift upBtake awayCput downDtake back6 . Do you know who taught _ French? Nobody. He learned it by _.Ahis; himselfBhim; himChim; himselfDhis; him7 . He has a great sense of_, which makes him a good teacher.AhumourBmoneyCsecurityDfeeling8 . Would you like some sandwiches?_.AYes, I would.BYes, please.CNo, I like some sandwiches.DNo, I wouldnt.9 . A: I went to Tokyo last summer vacation.B: How long_you_there?A: For three weeks.Ahave, stayedBwould, stayChad, stayedDdid, stay10 . In recent years, a growing number of Americans _ that Chinese learning is a must.ArealizeBhave realizedCrealizedDwill realize二、完型填空A lady wanted a birthday gift from her husband. For many months she had liked a beautiful _, and knowing her husband could_it, she told him that was all she wanted. On the morning of thebirthday, her husband told her how_he was to have such a good wife, and how much he loved her. Hegaveher a beautiful gift package (纸盒). She opened it andfound a Bible._, she raised her voice and said to her husband, “With all your money, you give me a Bible?” She was soupset that she left him.Many years passed and the lady was very_in business. She owned two large companies. She _her husband was very old, and thought perhaps she should go tovisithim. But before she could, she_a letter telling her that he had died, and gave all of his possessions (财产) to her. She needed to come back and take care of things.When she arrived at his house, sadnessfilled her heart. She saw the still new_, just as she had left it years before. Withtears, she opened it and began to turn the pages. A ring _from the Bible to the floor and acard could be seen. She picked it up and found it was the ring she wanted in those days. And on the card was the date of her birth, and the words “LOVE U ALWAYS”._your gift is not packaged the way you want it, its because it is better packaged the way it is! Always appreciate little things; they usually lead you to bigger things! The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched for they must be felt with theheart.11 . AwatchBringCcoatDbox12 . AaffordBlikeCdesignDguess13 . AproudBkindCsorryDbrave14 . APolitelyBLightlyCPatientlyDAngrily15 . AdifficultBlonelyCsuccessfulDpoor16 . AwonderedBhopedCrealizedDexplained17 . ApassedBwroteCsentDreceived18 . AcarBBibleCletterDtable19 . AhidBdroppedCdisappearedDmade20 . AIfBButCAlthoughDSo三、阅读单选That morning, we noticed a cab following Sir Henry and DrMortimer in London But who?We went to Sir Henrys hotel Holmes asked Dr Mortimer if anyone with a black beard lived in or near Baskerville HallYes, said DrMortimer,Barrymore We must send a telegram to check whether Barrymore is in London or at Baskerville Hall,said HolmesSir Henry said he wanted to go to Baskerville HallOK, said Holmes But you mustnt go alone Watson can go with you Sir Henry and I agreed to take the 10:30 train on SaturdayHolmes thought deeply on the way home: the story of the Hound, Sir Charless death, the strange letter, the missing boot and the black-bearded man He sat in his room all afternoon, smoking and thinkingJust before dinner, a telegram arrived It said,Barrymore is at Baskerville Hall That becomes a dead end, Watson We will have to look for another way to go forwardJust then the door bell rang It was the cab driver who drove the man with the black beard I got a message that you are asking for me, he said Ive never had a complaint I came here to ask you what you had against me! No, no, said Holmes Instead, Ill give you money if you tell me about the man in your cab this morning He watched this house at 10:00 and then told you to follow the two gentlemen The driver looked surprised and then answered,The man said he was a detective(侦探) and that I shouldnt tell anyone about him Its serious, my friend, and you may be in trouble if you refuse to answer His name, said the driver, was Sherlock Holmes Id never seen Holmes more surprised Then he laughed He scored against me that time, Watson The driver told us everything he knew Holmes gave him the money and sent him away This is a dangerous enemy (敌人), Watson -Taken from The Hound of the Baskervilles21 . According to the passage, the underlined phrase dead end in Paragraph 10 means _ AHolmes wanted to give up solving the caseBthe road in front of Baskerville Hall was closedCthe cab driver didnt find his way and turned roundDthey didnt know who the man with a black beard was22 . According to the passage, we can know that the cab driver _ Awas as dangerous as the black-bearded manBreceived a complaint from the black-bearded manCdidnt know why Holmes asked for him at the beginningDdidnt tell Holmes anything about the black-bearded man23 . Which of the following is the correct order according to the passage? _ a Holmes received the telegramb The cab driver came to see Holmesc Watson was asked to go with Sir Henryd Holmes was surprised and then laughede Watson and Sir Henry took the 10:30 trainAcabdeBceabdCabcdeDacebdIt is good to keep animals in zoos. Zoos are places for people to see many different kinds of animals from all over the world. Without zoos, most people would never see a real tiger or bear. Secondly, zoos look after the animals very well. The animals are always given food and cleaned on time. In the wild, it is not always possible for an animal to find food, so sometimes it goes hungry. Thirdly, Zoos protect the animals. They give them safe place to live in. In the wild, some kinds of animals are in danger. If there is no zoos, there would be fewer kinds of animals in the world.However, some people think it is unnatural(非自然的) and unfair to keep wild animals in cages. Some cages are too small for many animals such as bears and tigers. They always look not happy in cages. Wild animals should look for their own food. Anyone would not feel happy if he isnt allowed(允许) to go outside his home and animals dont like it either.24 . If you go to a zoo, you can see _AdogsBtigersCcatsDmice25 . In the zoos, _AAll animals are very happy.BAnimals dont eat enough food.CAnimals always died because they get ill more easily.DSome cages are too small for many animals in the zoo.26 . In the wild, _AAnimals can eat enough food.BAnimals look for their own food.CThere will be more kinds of animals.DAnimals cant live happily.27 . According to the last sentence, we can say _ASome people think we should take the animals back to the wild.BPeople shouldnt go outside home.CPeople will be glad to stay at home.DAnimals like to stay in the cages.28 . What does the writer think of the animals?AAnimals should be kept in zoos.BIts better for wild animals to go outside.CIts better for wild animals to be kept in zoos.DHe is not sure whether it is better for animals to stay in zoos.People enjoy different indoor and outdoor activities in Britain. A recent European survey (调查) discovered that people in Britain spend about 45% of their free time watching television, 24% of their free time doing social (社会的) activities, 22-23% on sports and hobbies, and 10% on other activities. Other popular activities are listening to the radio, listening to music, reading, gardening, eating out and going to the cinema.TelevisionThe most common activity in the UK is watching television. People often spend 25 hours every week on TV. Almost every household (家庭) has at least one television set at home. In 1999, 13% of households had satellite television and 9% cable television. RadioPeople in Britain listen to about 15 hours and 50 minutes of radio every week. Entertaining (娱乐)Another popular activity in Britain is visiting or entertaining friends.CinemaAbout 123 million British people went to the cinema in 1998. It is the most popular cultural (文化的) activity in the UK. Eating OutMore and more British people like to eat out. In 1999 every British person spent 5.63 every week on food outside.29 . What do most English people like doing in their free time?AWatching TV.BListening to the radio.CDoing some sports.DEating out.30 . How long do people in Britain listen to the radio every day according to the survey?ALess than half an hour.BAbout fifty minutes.CMore than two hours.DAbout sixteen hours.31 . How many households could watch satellite television in 1999?A13% of households.B9% of households.C33% of households.D19% of households.32 . Which is NOT true according to the passage?AEnglish people spend most of their time eating out.BBritish people often listen to the radio and visit their friends.CLots of English people like going to the cinema.DBritish people often do gardening by themselves.33 . What is the main idea of the passage?AWhat are the common hobbies of British people?BHow do people spend their free time?CHow do children spend their holiday?DWhat are the special customs in Britain?Dear Peter, How about your study? Its Sunday today. Im writing a letter to you. Im going to tell you about things in Beijing.Beijing is different from London. In our country, we drive on the left side of the road, but here people drive on the right side. Most people go to work by bus or by bike. The rush hours(高峰时间)are from seven to nine in the morning and five to seven in the afternoon. People in China work around eight hours a day, five days a week. They usually begin to work at eight in the morning, and rest on Saturday and Sunday. I have Chinese classes every morning from Monday to Friday. The students in our class are from many countries. Were all working hard and friendly. The Chinese students are ready to help us with our Chinese. We also help them a lot with their English. Were getting along very well(相处得融洽). Thats all for today. Please write to me soon. Yours, Susan根据书信内容,选择正确答案。34 . Susan is probably from .AChinaBEnglandCAmericaDCanada35 . People drive on in London.Athe same side in Beijing asBthe right side of the roadCthe left side of the roadDboth sides of the road36 . The rush hours a day in Beijing usually last Atwo hoursBthree hoursCover five hoursDabout four hours37 . In Susans class, students are not .AlazyBfriendlyChelpfulDhard-working38 . The letter is written from .Aa Chinese student to an English studentBan English student to a Chinese studentCa Chinese student to an American studentDan English student to another English student四、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内所给单词的适当形式。Look! This is a picture39 . a classroom. The classroom is big and clean. You can see a teachers desk and six40 . (chair). You can see a girl and boy, 41 . .Three books 42 . (be) on the teachers desk. A pencil box is on a desk. Two pens and two rulers are in the pencil box. 43 . school bag is behind a chair.The girl is Mary. She is thirteen. The boy is Henry. They are 44 . Class Four, Grade Seven. They are good 45 . (friend). 46 . (they) teacher is Miss Gao. 47 . she is not here. 48 . is she? I dont know.五、多任务混合问题Have you ever felt angry with your parents? Do you sometimes quarrel with your parents? If youre upset or angry, try to keep yourself cool. Sometimes, the more you show your anger, the unhappier your parents will be. Try to come up with an idea that can solve your problem so that it wont happen again.It might seem that your parents dont understand youbut dont give up. Remember that they dont really want to make things difficult for you. Your parents care about you, but sometimes its just hard for them to know what you are thinking.One of parents jobs is to take care of you and keep you safeuntil youre old enough to take care of yourself (but some parents have trouble giving up looking after their children even then)!Usually, kids who quarrel with their parents learn to get along with them sooner or later. This is especially true if kids are able to make their parents know how they feel and whats important to them.And remember that this may take time. Its not always easy. Talking with your parents about your opinions patientlyinstead of shouting at themwill also make them listen to you more carefully. And youll get respect(尊敬) and learn how to get along with them.49 . If kids want to get along with their parents, they should try to make their parents know _ their thoughts are.(填单词)50 . Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese._51 . What does “this” in the last paragraph refer to?_52 . How can you make your parents listen to you more carefully?_53 . Give a proper title to the passage._六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句(每小题均有一处词形变化)54 . morning, wake up, this, early, I_.55 . rotten, one of, is, tooth, his _.56 . flowers, take good care of, your, are_.57 . terribly, I, now, feel, very_.58 . form, habit, we, good, should_.七、材料作文59 . 书面表达英语作文课上,老师要求你们阅读下面这首古诗,然后用英语写一篇短文谈谈你对这首古诗的理解以及你的体会和认识。悯农(唐)李绅锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。要求:1. 内容要紧扣古诗主题,语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯;2.词数80左右。参考词汇:唐诗Tang poem;农田field;浪费waste_八、书信作文60 . 根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的邮件。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。假如你是李华,你的笔友Mike想了解中国人过春节的习俗,请你给他写一封邮件,简单介绍一下你和家人在过春节前都做什么准备,在春节期间通常吃什么及做什么。提示词语:clean, buy, dumpling, watch, visit提示问题: How do you get ready for Spring Festival? What do you usually eat and do during the festival?Dear Mike,Im very glad to tell you about how people celebrate Spring Festival in China. _I hope you can come to China and celebrate Spring Festival with us some year.Yours,Li Hua九、便条61 . Your friend Sam is coming to your house tomorrow evening. Write a note (便条)to Sam.Tell Sam:1)What time to come?2)What to bring?3)How to get to your house?要求:1.你只需要回答三个问题, 语句要连贯。2.字数 2535.Dear Sam,_yours,Li Hua第 12 页 共 12 页

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