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哈尔滨市2020年八年级上学期期中英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)Once a week, Neil went grocery shopping. He always made a list, but he always forgot to put one or more items on the list. This used to anger him, but now he just accepted it. Youre not as _as you used to be, he told himself.It was Fridayshopping day. He went to the 99 Cents store. Sometimes they had a lot of fresh produce, sometimes they didnt. He got lucky. There were fresh, packaged broccoli, celery, eggplant, and squash. Also, packages of peaches, plums and apples. He _had eough produce to last all week, if it didnt rot first. The produce alone filled up four plastic bags. Four other bags _other items that were on Neils list. He drove to Albertsons, which sold milk by the gallon and at cheaper prices than the 99 Cents store. Interestingly, the price of milk had soared in the last month. He used to buy 2 gallons of nonfat milk for $ 3.59. Now he was paying $ 4.69.Yet, the news media was silent-the same news media that reports a 2-cent increase in gasoline prices or even a 1-cent decrease. Thats all _the news.He parked his car in the carport and opened the trunk. Somehow he managed, as usual, to put all 10 plastic bags into his hands and lug them upstairs. “What a drag shipping is!” he thought. And then he mentally slapped himself:if you think its a drag now,wait till you cant drive. Wait till you cant even walk up the stairs_you use a cane. How are you going to get your groceries then? The older you get, he old himself, the more youd better appreciate the fact that you can still do these _chores and errands.1 . AgoodBsharpCusefulDwell2 . AeasilyBquicklyCfastDcarefully3 . AwithBhadCcontainedDincluded4 . AonBwithCofDover5 . AunlessBifCwhenDwhy6 . AinterestingBniceCboringDuseless二、阅读单选Some cool inventions(发明)appear in Science Magazines 25 best inventions of 2019. They are making the world better, smarter andin some casesa little more fun, according to the magazines website. Do you want to learn more about some of the inventions? Lets find them out.Spark Spark is a new kind of drones(飞行器)by a Chinese science group in Shenzhen called DJI. It can help people take photos and videos. Spark might be the smallest drone. When folded(被折叠), it can be as small as a small bottle. The coolest part is that users can drive the small drone just by using body language. For example, if you shake your hand from left to right, the drone will fly from left to right. When you want it down, you just need to put your hand out. The drone will come to you and fly down on your hand. Social Robot Robots may not be good communicators(交流者). But Jibo, made by US company Jibo Inc, may be different. With a big, round head and round, fat body, Jibo looks like a cartoon character. As soon as you say, Hey, Jibo. It will laugh, dance and turn to face you. When it talks to you, it moves its head and body quickly to talk with you. Although it has no eyes or mouth, Jibo uses icons(图像), such as a smile icon, to show feelings. Now Jibo can only do some simple things, like taking photos or reading the news to you. And it may learn to do more in quite a few years.7 . According to the passage,we know _ASpark might be bigger than any other drones.BUsers can drive spark by using body language.CSpark can only fly from left to right.DSpark is made by a US science group.8 . What do the two inventions have in common?ABoth of them are made by Chinese companies.BBoth of them have big bodies.CBoth of them can fly in the sky.DBoth of them can help us take photos.Many people like to watch 3D movies. But do you know students in the US can watch 3D movies in class? They can learn a lot in 3D classes.In the US,some students can watch 3D movies in many classes,such as math,science and geometry(几何) classes. The 3D classes show a special(特别的) world to the students. They can help students understand the knowledge better. Students can remember the knowledge easily.The students like 3D classes very much. They say,“ Its easy to learn,because you can remember all the things in the movies,and its fun to learn.”9 . The students in the US can watch 3D movies in_ classes according to the passage.AhistoryBChineseCgeometryDEnglish10 . What does the underlined word “knowledge” mean in Chinese?A游戏B电影C知识D剧本11 . The 3D movies can help students_ .Awatch more movies in classBbe interested in math and scienceCknow more knowledge about moviesDunderstand the knowledge better12 . The students think itsto learn with 3D lessons.Adifficult and boringBeasy and funChard and boringDbad but fun13 . Whats the best title for the passage?A3D Movies in the USB3D Classes in the USCMovies about Different ClassesDExciting MoviesMy name is Li Mei. This afternoon, Uncle Li wants to come to my home. He wants to have dinner with us. Mom and I go shopping.We dont have any meat (肉), but uncle likes. We need to buy some. Its twelve yuan a kilo before (以前). But now a kilo is twenty yuan. I say,“Mom, lets buy some fish.”Mom says,“OK.” Fish is uncle Lis favorite food. We buy two kilos. We buy vegetables and some chicken, but we dont buy any hamburgers. Uncle Li doesnt like them. Mom wants to buy some apples for me. She knows, I like apples very much. But we cant find any.14 . How much is meat now?ATwelve yuan a kilo.BTwenty yuan a kilo.CThirty yuan Two kilos.DForty yuan three kilo.15 . What doesnt Li Meis mom buy?AMeat.BFish.CHamburger.DVegetables.16 . Uncle Lis favorite food is _.AfishBchickenChamburgerDvegetables17 . _ are Li Meis favorite.AHamburgerBVegetablesCBananasDApples18 . Who wants to have dinner with Li Mei?ALi Meis friend.BLi Meis classmate.CLi Meis grandfather.DLi Meis uncle.Steven Contursi is an American. He has a hobby of collecting coins. He became well known because he owned a very special coin. It is thought as the nations oldest silver dollar. In 1794, America began producing silver dollars. On the front of the coin was a drawing of Lady Liberty with long, straight hair; on the back was a drawing of the famous American eagle. About 1,750 such silver dollars were produced that year. But now, only about 150 are known to exist in the world. Luckily, Steven collected one. Even 216 years later, it still looks very fine. So many coin collectors have great interest in it.In May, 2010, Steven sold the coin to an educational organization that collects rare coins and educates the public about them. Can you imagine how much he sold the onedollar coin for? $7.85 million! The organization has a plan to put the coin on show. With the help of the little coin, the public will understand more about the early history of America.Steven bought the coin in 2003 and wasnt planning on selling it until the organization gave him an offer he couldnt refuse.19 . How many years had Steven kept the coin?A6.B7.C8.D9.20 . On the front of the coin is a picture of _.APresident WashingtonBLady LibertyCAmerican eagleDSteven Contursi21 . The organization plans to put the coin on show in order to _.Alet visitors know more about the early history of AmericaBmake lots of money by selling tickets to the visitorsCshow it off to the publicDfind another person or company to buy it22 . What can we learn from this passage?AThe coin cant help us understand the history of America.BThe coin will be sold by the organization for more money.CThe coin was sold by Steven Contursi in 2003.DThe coin will be kept well in the future.23 . Whats the best title for this passage?AA Rare CoinBSteven Contursis HobbyCA History Show for the CoinDA Public Education for the Coin三、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(单句首字母填空)24 . Dont pour dirty water and litter into the river. They will p_ the water.25 . Do you think Mr. Smith is the o_ of the shop?26 . Lucy is ill in hospital and cant go to school, so she is a_.27 . The telephone was i_ by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, that is, he was the first person to make the telephone.28 . Thomas Edison invented many things in his life. He was one of the greatest i_.29 . Liu Huan is a famous m_. I love his songs.30 . Could you p_ me with some information about how to work out the problem?31 . Edison was so c_ that he invented a lot of things.32 . Youre right, so no one here d_ with you.33 . Eating fruit and vegetables can help you keep f_.四、单词填空阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案写在答题卡相应题号后的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。care unless wonder way another make take deep show afraid so happyIt seems that Americans are much happier to help strangers than Chinese. Once I walked on the street and tried to find my34 . to my hotel. I stopped and35 . out my map and began searching for the right way. Then a lady came to me with a friendly smile.1 was36 . if l was in her way. The lady asked, Do you need any help ? I can37 . you the way. I was very surprised. In China, most people wont give you a hand 38 . you ask. I said yes to her. She carefully explained the direction to me.1 was39 . moved by her warm attitude.After experiencing40 . many things like that in the US,I thought about the situation in China. My teacher in China told me that several years ago he went to41 . city by himself. After a whole days hard work at a factory, he bought a pancake at a stall(摊位).42 . he later found out that it had gone bad. Since then, he has been very43 . to buy food at the little stalls.Chinese people are more vigilant(警惕的)to strangers because they are afraid to get hurt. But many American people believe that if you love others first, you will be loved, I think we should learn. from this attitude.五、信息匹配根据每段所描述的内容,选择适当的主题。AMyComputerBPrintaDocumentCSendEmailsDSaveaDocumentEWrite Homework on the Computer44 . If you want to print a document,first put some paper in here,then click “print” and “OK”.45 . My sister often sends emails to her friends. She sends five emails every day.46 . If you want to save a document,click “save” and write the name in the box. Then click “save” again.47 . You can write your homework on the computer. First,open a new document. Then click the mouse on “new document”.48 . I have got a computer in my room. Its a new computer. My father buys it for me.六、材料作文49 . 请根据所给中文提示,以“My hometown”为题用英文写一篇短文,向大家介绍你的家乡。内容如下:1.扬州地处江苏省(province)北部,以瘦西湖(the Slender West Lake)而闻名于世。2.扬州有悠久的历史,还有许多著名的景点。3.扬州曾经是一个小城市,但是近20 年扬州发生了翻天覆地的变化,现在已经变成了一个现代化、受欢迎的城市。4.如果你来扬州旅游,你可以去东关街(Dongguan Street)买纪念品(souvenir),品尝各种当地的美味小吃。5.最佳的旅游时间是春天,因为天气非常舒适。6.我认为我们的家乡.注意:1.表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2.作文应包括所有相关信息,并作适当发挥;3.词数 100 左右。第 8 页 共 8 页


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