八年级英语下册Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.

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八年级英语下册Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years._第1页
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八年级英语下册Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Could you help me fill the bag _ sand?AtoBofCwithDin2 . I wonder if you are for or _ the plan.AtoBagainstCofDwith3 . Where are you going, Mom?Im going to the store. There _ vegetables at home.Aare someBisnt anyCis someDarent any4 . -Would you _ turning down the music a little bit? Its too noisy.-Of course not. Ill do it right away.AadviseBsucceedClikeDmind二、完型填空Home Alone is a very funny 1990 American film. It tells a story about a boy who is accidently left alone at home.One night _ Christmas, the McAlister family meet at their house. Theyre planning to _to Paris for the coming holiday and are busy getting ready. 8-year-old Kevin is the youngest child and is fighting with his brothers, sisters and his cousins. When he goes to bed, he is so mad that he wishes all his family would _. In the morning, everyone wakes up very _. They are all in a hurry to get to the airport, so they forget Kevin and he is left alone at home by accident.Although Kevin is alone, he is very happy at first. His terrible family has gone-his _has come true. He watches TV, eats lots of fast food and plays games. He has a good time. But later on, he goes out and hears two _ men called Harry and Marv planning to steal from his house. He goes home and plans some funny ways to _ them. Many things in the house get broken as Kevin tries to stop them. Finally, the _come and the men are taken away.The house is now a mess, _ Kevin tidies it up and waits for his parents. They get back from Paris and are happy to find that Kevin is _.5 . AbeforeBafterConDfrom6 . ArideBdriveCflyDwalk7 . Arun inBcome outCfall downDgo away8 . AearlyBlateCquicklyDeasily9 . AwishBplanCorderDpromise10 . AbraveBniceCbadDhonest11 . AkillBcatchCpleaseDreplace12 . AfamilyBclassCarmyDpolice13 . AorBasCsoDbut14 . AactiveBsafeCquietDfree三、阅读单选The Chinese director Feng Xiaogang is not quite the Asian Steven Spielberg , but like the American director, hes achieved great successes in a number of movies.His new film Youth based on the novel by Yan Geling, is about a Peoples Liberation Army dance troupe (人民解放军歌舞团)in the early 1970s. Its a film about the youth of our parents generation (一代).Set in the 1970s, the story begins in an arts troupe, in which the soldiers duties are to sing, dance and promote culture. He Xiaoping is a newcomer and a talented dancer. With a painful childhood, she familys background makes her the laughing stock among the other girls. The only person whos nice to her is Liu Feng , a kind and selfless man.In most youth films, the characters life paths are only influenced by their personal choices. However, the young people in Youth are also a part of the “historical change”, as film critic Justin wrote in the Los Angeles Times. In a span(跨度)of more than 30 years, they have to experience a lot. They all have to “make peace with the past and make the most of the present”, wrote reporter Giovanna Fulvi on the website Tiff. Net.But theres still something that never changes about youth. No matter what time of history it is. People share the same longing for love and beauty. Sunshine, laughter and swimming pools-these special images of youth are all well kept by Feng in his new film.According to I feng News , Youth is actually a nostalgic(怀旧的)and personal work in which Feng wants to show his own experiences of working in a troupe.“When I look back in time, everything else in my life seems to be black and white,” he said.”The days in the troupe are the only part of my memory that always remains colorful.”15 . The underlined word “promote” in Paragraph 2 may mean _.ArefuseBspreadCproduceDaccept16 . We can probably read this passage in_.Aa guide bookBa storyCan advertisementDa piece of newspaper17 . We can infer from the passage that _.AYouth is a film directed by Feng XiaogangBYan Geling is one of the main characters in the filmCFeng Xiaogang plays the lead role in the filmDthe film Youth is a black-and-white film18 . According to the passage, all the following is true EXCEPT_.AFeng Xiaogang wants to share with us his own experiences in a troupeBthe film shows us what happened during a long period of timeCsome foreigners are also interested in this filmDthe film is about the life of people in the thirties四、句型转换四、句型转换19 . Amys father isnt tall or short. (改为同义句)Amys father is _.20 . Tony is short and has brown hair. (对画线部分提问)_ does Tony _?21 . Linda wears glasses. (改为一般疑问句)_ Linda _ glasses?22 . Alice has a big nose. (用a small nose改为选择疑问句)_ Alice _ a big nose _ a small nose?23 . Tom is a handsome man. He wears glasses. (合并为一句)Tom is a handsome man _.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词填空请根据所给首字母或中文提示,写出单词在句中的正确形式。每空只能填一词,将单词完整地写在答题卡上。24 . My brothers schoolbag is small, but Jims is b.25 . Look! That is my lovely c. Its running after a mouse.26 . Please othe door and come in.27 . Miss Qin is a good t. She teaches English well.28 . Dont ride your bike too fin the street. Its very dangerous.29 . Boys and girls, please take out your(钢笔) and write down the new words.30 . How about this(红色的) skirt? Its vey nice. I will take it.31 . A girl from a primary school in Guilin was very(幸运的) to get a free ticket to the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.32 . When you(接受) a present, you must use both hands. Its a traditional custom in China.33 . The villagers(庆祝)the Dragon Boat Festival by having a dragon boat race last Wednesday.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。34 . 我喜欢红色。你呢?I like red._ you?35 . 和他们玩游戏是很有趣的。Its interesting to _ them.36 . 我们星期一至星期五上学。We go to school _ Monday _ Friday.37 . 安娜下周四有一个科学测验。Anna has a science test _38 . 放学后你想做什么?What do you want to do_?七、用单词的正确形式完成句子A. how long B. by subway C. on time D. be good with E. come trueF. how far G. help with H. be late for I. take the bus J. in time39 . Could you drive a little faster? The plane is taking off. By the way, _ is it from the bus station to the airport? Take you time. Its only 15 minutes drive.40 . If you want to join our club, you should be free on weekends and you need to _ kids.41 . The police reached _ and stopped the fight.42 . Dont _ school, or the teacher will be mad at you.43 . We need you to _ housework for the old people who have listening problem.44 . Excuse me, _ does it take to walk to the library? Let me see. It may take 20 minutes to walk there.45 . I ride to work every day, but I _ to work when it is rainy.46 . On school days, we must hand in our homework _.47 . He hopes his daughter can become a doctor. It is very likely that this wish will _ soon.48 . Many students in Nanchang go to school _ every day.八、填写适当的句子补全对话根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。49 . He _ (对感兴趣)maths.50 . I spend some of _(我的业余时间) playing football.51 . Ill be a writer _ (在将来).52 . Our China is a _(发展中)country.53 . We should try _(做一些新的或不同的事情).54 . Look! The farmers _(种植蔬菜).55 . I hope _(你会成为成功的作家).56 . My hobby is _(喂养动物).57 . His little sister likes _(打排球).58 . Being a student, you should learn _(新的技能).第 7 页 共 7 页


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