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八年级下学期第五次大联考月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . His grandma saw the changes _.AhimselfBherselfChers2 . 一Were going to the supermarket.一_youre there, can you get me some milk?AThoughBWhileCUntil3 . I want to buy a book _ my son. Do you have any books_ history?Ato; forBfor; aboutCfor; in4 . I cut myself when I was making dinner this morning.一You_put some medicine on it.AshallBwouldCshould5 . I saw an old man fall down on the street and _his head on a bike.AchangeBfixChit6 . Because of the bad weather, we have to _ the meeting till next week.Atake offBget offCput offDset off7 . I can hardly understand what he said.You can ask him to repeat it.AcompletelyBmuchCalmost not8 . Little boys are always at the world.Aexcited; amazedBexciting; amazingCexciting; amazedDexcited; amazing9 . 一What a_! What are you doing?一Im looking for the movie ticket.AmessBstressCwaste10 . _our English teacher, all the students in our class got good grades in the exam.AAlong withBThanks toCSuch as二、补全对话7选5补全对话(选择)A: Hi, Lin Wei. Are you busy with your homework now?B:Oh, yeah, Daming. And you?A: Im training for the basketball match. Hey, Lin Wei. Have a break! We should be outside in the fresh air. Its good for us.B: Sorry, I cant. 11 . I must hand it in tomorrow.A: Oh, I see. But we cant always stay indoors. We must often take exercise. 12 . B: Never. I hardly have time now. A sea of homework almost takes up all my free time. Its sad but that is life. 13 . .A: You mean my life? In fact, Im also very busy like you. But you know I like sports. 14 . Whenever I have a little time, I will try them.B: No wonder you are so energetic.A: Yeah, better health, better grades. 15 . B: Yes, you are right. It sounds as if I should also try to exercise often in the future. Daming, shall we play basketball for a while now?A: OK. Lets go!AHow about your life?BI like jumping, running, playing basketball and so on.CWhy not walk in the fresh air?DHow often do you exercise?EDo you agree with me?FI have to finish my homework first.GSounds like great fun!三、补全短文6选5根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确。有一项多余。Pete hated losing anything. He couldnt stand losing. When he won, he would feel really good and he didnt want to give up that wonderful feeling. 16 . It seemed to Pete that losing was the worst thing in the world.A new child named Albert came to Petes school 17 . So he played tennis very well. It didnt take Pete and Albert long before they challenged each other to a match.Pete worked hard to prepare for the match 18 . But when they began to have a match. Albert became serious and scored again and again.There was always a smile on his face. However, Pete was so eager to win that he managed to win by cheating. Pete thought it was a big thing to win, but it didnt seem so important for Albert.“19 . ”said Albert.That night, Pete couldnt fall asleep and didnt feel very happy. Whats more, Albert didnt feel bad about losing. One day, Pete saw Albert playing basketball. Although Albert lost again and again, that happy smile never left his face. Later, Pete found that no matter how bad the result was, 20 . Albert enjoyed the game, not the result. Pete began to learn that enjoying a game was much more important than winning or losing.AAlbert, on the other hand, didnt seem to take it seriously.BIts fun. We should play again sometime.CAlbert always kept smiling.DBut if he lost, he would feel terrible.EHe liked playing soccer very much.FAlbert was a tennis player.四、完型填空Friends can help you when you are in need. Some may _ you to have a big dinner, or sometimes you may borrow(借) _ erasers, pens, rulers and other things. _ do you show your gratitude(感激)? Saying “_” is a good way(方法) sometimes. At other times, you can say it in a different way. Here are more _ for you. _ a thankyou note, or a thankyou email. Buy some _ from a store with a thankyou note. Give him or her a basket(篮子) _ fruit. Ask him or her to a movie, dinner, or coffee. Find what he or she _ and gives it to him or her. Have a party for him or her. As you can see, there are many ways to say thank you. Think of a way you like. If you do this, you and your friend will be _.21 . AtalkBaskCsayDspeak22 . AtheyBthemCtheirDtheirs23 . AWhereBWhatCHowDWhy24 . AsorryBthats OKCexcuse meDthank you25 . AlessonsBwaysCstoriesDgames26 . AWriteBTalkCTellDCall27 . ATshirtsBdictionariesCbasketballsDflowers28 . AonBinCofDat29 . AlikesBfindsCwatchesDhas30 . AdifficultBboringCsorryDhappy五、阅读单选Daniel comes from Sydney. He is now staying in Beijing with his family. He usually gets up at about 6:30 am and has breakfast at 7:00 am. Then he leaves home at 7:15 am.He gets to school at 7:45 am. His first class begins at 8:00 am. There are four lessons in the morning. Morning classes are over at 11:50 am, and he has lunch 10 minutes later.Afternoon classes begin at 1:30 pm. There are two lessons in the afternoon. They are over at 3:10 pm. Daniel usually stays at school for another hour to play soccer, and then goes home.31 . Where is Daniel living now?A. Sydney. B. Beijing. C. New York. D. Shenzhen.32 . When does Daniels first class begin?A. At 7:15 am. B. At 7:45 am. C. At 8:00 am. D. At 8:15 am.33 . What time does Daniel have lunch?A. At 11:50 am. B. At 12 oclock.C. At 12:10 pm. D. At 12:20 pm.34 . How many classes do they have a day?A. Four. B. Two. C. Six. D. Eight.35 . After school, Daniel usually stays at school for one hour to _.A. play soccer B. play basketballC. do his homework D. play musicAt 15, Stephen Sutton found out that he had cancer. Instead of feeling sorry for himself, he decided to make the most of the day and live every second to the fullest. He ended up achieving more in a few years than many could in a lifetime.Stephen made a long list, which had goals ranging from skydiving to hugging a huge animal. He didnt manage to check off all the items on his list, but he did achieve the first item, which was to raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust.At first, he set out to raise 10,000 dollars for the Trust. However, the passion(热情)he put into his fund-raising efforts drew the attention of many famous people. In a matter of months, Stephen raised over 3 million dollars.Stephen had wanted to study hard and become a doctor so that he could make a contribution to the world. However, his doctors suggested that he take a year off from school, Instead of following their suggestion, Stephen continued with his studies, receiving excellent grades.In December 2012, doctors told him that his disease was not able to be cured that was when he made his list and decided to put his energy into raising money for young people with cancer. Stephen saw this as the best way to make his own life better. I dont see the point in measuring (测量)life in terms of time anymore. Id rather measure life in terms of making a difference.” he said.On May 14, 2014, Stephen passed away in his sleep. He was 19. Tributes(哀悼)poured in from all over the world, calling him exactly what he was-a selfless and inspiring person. His experience teaches us the importance of appreciating life and helping others.36 . According to the passage, which or the following about Stephen is TRUE?AStephen felt really sorry for himself after knowing the fact.BStephen managed to raise much more money than he expected.CStephen followed his doctors suggestion and took a year off from school.DStephen was lucky to achieve all of his wishes on the list at last.37 . Why did Stephen want to become a doctor?ATo raise more money for the Trust.BTo make his own life much better.CTo help the world and people in need.DTo show his great ability in learning.38 . How old was Stephen when he decided to raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust?A15B17C19D2139 . What is the correct order in which these events happened?a. Stephen wrote down his wishes and tried his best to raise money for the trust.b.Although Stephen died at a young age, people praised him highly.c.A lot of people followed Stephen, and he raised over 3 million dollars at last.d. Stephen discovered that he had cancer and decided to do something different.Ad-c-a-bBa-c-d-bCa-d-c-bDd-a-c-b六、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读下面短文,用方框内所给词汇的适当形式填空,使短文语义完整。new help it be because true both drop a manyA blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said, “I am blind, please40 . me.”There were only a few coins in the hat. A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and41 . them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned 42 . around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the43 . words.Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot44 . people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things45 . .The boy recognized(识别)his footsteps and asked,“Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?”The man said, “I only wrote the46 . . I said what you said but in47 . different way.”What he had written was, “Today is a beautiful day but I cannot see it.”Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?Of course 48 . signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply told people to help by putting some money in the hat. The second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day, but the boy could not enjoy it49 . he was blind.七、填空阅读填空先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。所填单词必须写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。每个空格只能填一个单词。Bullying (欺凌) is a serious problem at school. It makes students feel lonely, unhappy and afraid. It makes them feel like there must be something wrong with them. Some kids are even unwilling to go to school. In other words, its very important not to let bullying harm your life!Okay, so there you are, and someone is bullying you, what do you do “in the moment”?n Ignore (忽视) the bully. Dont even look at him. Walk right past him if you can.n Dont get sad or angry. Even if youre feeling really hurt, dont let it show. Thats the bullys goal. You can talk about or write down your reaction later.n Turn and walk away, or run if you have to. Remove yourself from the situation. Go to a place where an adult is present.n If youre being called names, imagine that youre inside a huge fish tank (罐) filled with white fog. Nothing touches you. Practise by thinking of the worst things a bully can say to you, then letting the fog eat them up.n If youre being bullied again and again, theres one “Most Important Thing” you should do: Talk to an adult. Start with your parents. If the bullying happens at school, make sure your parents discuss it with a school official, not with the parents of the bully. Make it clear to the adult that you are really worried about whats going on. This is especially true if the bullying is verbal (言语的) bullying.Title: How to Stop Bullying at SchoolWhy is bullying50 . to students? They feel lonely, unhappy and afraid. They feel like there must be something wrong with them. Some kids even51 . to go to school.How do children keep away from bullying? Take no52 . of the bully. Dont show your53 . or anger. Talk about or write down your reaction later. Remove yourself from the situation. Go to a place where an adultis present. Imagine that you stay in a huge foggy fish tank where nothing touches you. Talking to an adult that you are really worried about whatshappening54 . more than anything else.八、多任务混合问题阅读短文按要求完成各题What are you going to do if you are in a burning house? How will you escape? Do you know how to save yourself? Please read the following passage. Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can save you life. It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family, such as stairways and fire escapes, but not lifts. From the lower floors of the buildings, escaping through windows is possible, learn the best way of leaving by windows with the least chance of serious injury. The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. An average(平均高度的) person, hanging by the finger-tips will have a drop of about six feet to the ground. It is about the height of an average man. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building. Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed. Or smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may leaked(渗) into the room.On a second or third floor, the best windows for escape are those that open onto a roof. From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely. Dropping onto cement(水泥) might end in injury. Bushes(灌木丛) and grass can help to break a fall.55 . 阅读短文,补全句子,每空一词The passage mainly tells us how to _ _ _ from the lower floors of the building.56 . 阅读短文,补全句子,每空一词From the passage we know we cant use _ to leave a burning building57 . 阅读短文,将划线句子翻译为汉语。Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may leaked(渗) into the room._58 . 词组break a fall在文中的汉语意思是_.59 . 回答问题,答案10词以内What should we do to escape if an earthquake happens ? (One idea is enough)We should / shouldnt_九、材料作文60 . 书面表达根据所给图片写一篇80词左右的英语短文,要求完整叙述故事内容,可以适当想象.提示词: a cigarette case 香烟盒 a garbage bin 垃圾箱(字数不宜过多或过少;写对句子比写好的句子更重要;书写对阅卷老师评分的影响超过你的想象;水平高的同学在有把握的前提下写23个高水平的句子提升层次;水平低一些的同学尽量多写,背诵经典句子,你的得分会高于你的预期)第 11 页 共 11 页

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