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英语四年级上册期末专项训练:单选姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . What _ the twins _ now? ( )They are _ TV.Aare; doing; watchingBis; doing; watchCare; do; watching2 . 他在玩他的玩具汽车。( )AHe is playing with his toy train.BHe is playing with his toy car.3 . Isthat_coat?( )AKateBKatesCKatesDKateher4 . Dad, I want _. ( )Asome strawberryBto buy coconutCa grapefruit5 . Her hair _long.( )AamBisCare6 . Help yourself._AYesBThanksCNo, thanks.7 . 选出画线部分发音不同的一项。( )1. A. me B. we C. let( )2. A. bag B. face C. dad( )3. A. six B. rice C. like( )4. A. mum B. use C. cut( )5. A. got B. nose C. dog8 . Amy feelsHer mother has a headache. ( )AtiredBsadChappy9 . I have got a _ sweater.( )AredBgreenCwhite10 . monkey is smaller? ( )AWhatBWhichCWhoDHow11 . I am reading a letter. Its_ my friend, Lucy.AfromBon Cof火眼金睛。选出不同类的一项。12 . AfineBhurtChappy13 . AseeBvisitCsaw14 . AgrapeBappleCfoot15 . AAugustBMondayCSunday16 . AcampingBsingCfishing17 . Our school trip is in October. We will _ the Great Wall. ( )AgoBgoing toCgo to18 . How ice creams do you want? ( )AmanyBmuchCany19 . Today _ my birthday. Im very happy. ( )AbeBisCare20 . From then on, Billy didnt work _ play alone.( )AandBwith Cor21 . Theyre walking on a bridge. You should say: _.( )ATalk quietlyBTake turnsCKeep to the right22 . I often go to_cinema with Tom. And we often have_ good time there. ( )A/,aBthe,aCthe,/D/,/23 . Li Bing asked _ to play table tennis with him.AIBhisCher24 . She _big eyes and small ears. ( )AisBhasChave25 . Good morning, boys and girls!A早上好,同学们。B同学们,下午好。26 . Here you _. ( )AareBisCam27 . Is it under the chair?A、Yes, it is.B、No, it isnt.28 . _ in it?AWhichsBWheresCWhats选出不同类的单词。29 . AplateBknifeCcake30 . AparentsBteacherCdriver31 . AforkBjuiceCCoke32 . AcoffeeBvegetableCsoup33 . AschoolBchopsticksCroom34 . Whats your mother doing? ( )Shes cooking meat _ potatoes.AofBorCwith35 . _ this is my friend. ( )APointBAndCHi36 . Let_cleanthewindows.( )AmyBmeCI37 . Five years ago, Mr. Li a teacher. ( )AwasBareCis38 . Whats _ name, please? ( )Im Sue.AIByouCyour39 . Where is my toy box? ( )_AIts in the desk.BHere you are.CThank you.40 . sheep( )AB41 . The man _ the photo is my father.( )AinBon theCin theDunder42 . Pass me the plate,please.A请递给我叉子。B请递给我盘子。C给我刀。43 . Do they like sweets? ( )_ANo, they don t.BNo, I dont.CYes, I do.44 . I am hungry. Whats dinner?( )AforBandCat45 . Can you run, Peter ? ( )ANo , he cant.BYes , he can.CYes , I can.46 . ( )Dont_in class.AeatsBeatCeating47 . 当你想要询问别人的生日是什么时候时,应该如何问:AWhen do you have breakfast?BWhen is your birthday?48 . -What day is today? ( )-_.AIts SundayBI can play the pianoCI like music.49 . He made a video _his space travel. ( )AforBatCabout50 . Here_.( )Ais youByou areCare51 . What would you like _ dinner? ( )AtoBforCas52 . What _he_? ( )Hes playing with his dog.Adoes;doingBis;doingCdoes;do53 . Would you like to go to the Childrens Center to help this weekend? ( )_.AThank youBNo, I cantCSure, Id love to54 . -_ you sing Chinese songs, Amy? ( )-No, I cant .AAreBCanCDo55 . -Whose book is it? ( )-It not _.Its_book.Amine; herBmy; hersCmine; hers56 . Will it be windy in Suzhou? ( )AYes,it will.BNo,I dont.CYes,it is.57 . My grandma is _. ( )AillBilly58 . _ in the street. Its dangerous. ( )ANot playBNot to playCDont playDDont to play59 . There_ (be) some juice and milk in the fridge.60 . Whats in _schoolbag?AyouByourCI给下列句子选择相应的英文表达。61 . 这些是西红柿吗? ( )AArethesepotatoes?BAretheytomatoes?CArethesetomatoes?62 . 这些是什么? ( )AWhatarethese?BWhatarethose?CWhatarethey?63 . 它是土豆。 ( )ATheyarepotatoes.BYes,theyare.CItsapotato.64 . 豆角是如此长。 ( )AThegreenbeansaresoshort.BThegreenbeansaresobig.CThegreenbeansaresolong.65 . We can _ the birds. ( )AfeedBfeedsCfeedingDfeeded66 . Can I have _ look? ( )AaBanC67 . 当不知道笼子里的是什么动物时,你可以问:_AWhats this?BWhat time is it?68 . How _ water do you want ?AmanyBmuchhCsomeDany69 . - _the boy under the tree? ( )- Hes Tim.AWhosBWhoseCWho are70 . A: Whats that over there? B: _a cap.AItsBit isCThats71 . I amart teacher.( )AaBanCis第 8 页 共 8 页

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