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英语六年级下册ReviewAgain2,please!练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I _ a tail. ( )AhaveBhasChaves2 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AhotBlikeCwindy3 . What shetomorrow?( ) She will go to swim.Adoes; doBwill; doCdo; do4 . He _ a banana for me yesterday. ( )AbringBbringsCbrought5 . Danny is pictures. ( )AtakesBtakeingCtaking6 . Her sister Ann likes _ TV. ( )AwatchingBwatchCwatches7 . -Where are you going this afternoon?-_AIm going to the zoo.BIm going to buy a bookCCan I help you?8 . 选出不同类的一项: ( )AmuscleBboneCskinDbody9 . _ much water is good for your health. ( ) ADrinkBTo drinkCDrinking10 . How many people are there in your family? ( ) _.AThere are 4.BI have 4.CI can see 4.11 . _is where we live. ( )AU.K.BThe CanadaCChina12 . This horse is strong. Its _. ( )AhealthyBweakCsick13 . He_to the lake yesterday. ( )AwentBdoCgoes14 . _ that? ( )Its an _.AWhos; tigerBIs; owlCWhats; elephant15 . How _ you feel? ( )AareBisCdo二、情景交际16 . 当你想让你的同桌听老师的话,你应说:_ ( ) AListen to your mother carefully.BListen to our teacher carefully.CListen careful.17 . 当别人感到冷时,你该怎么对他说APut on your coat.BTake off your coat.18 . 你的朋友的宠物狗丢了,你知道后该怎么办? ( )AHelphertolookforherdog.BTakehertotheKFC.C. Tellherthatherdogisasilly(愚的)one.19 . 当你想要问午饭吃什么时,应该说:AWhat would you like for dinner?BCould I have a fish for dinner?CWhat would you like for breakfast?三、任务型阅读阅读理解,阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Jenny goes to school five times a week, from Monday to Friday. She wakes up at 6:00 in the morning. She likes to run in the morning. Then she washes her hands and face. At 7:00, she eats breakfast. She likes to eat soup for breakfast. After breakfast, she brushes her teeth and combs her hair. She goes to school on foot because her home is near the school.20 . Jenny goes to school five times a week. ( )21 . At 7:10, she eats breakfast. ( )22 . She doesnt like to eat soup for breakfast. ( )23 . After breakfast, she never brushes her teeth. ( )24 . Jenny walks to school. ( )第 3 页 共 3 页


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