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四年级下册期中检测英语试卷(三)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I go outside now ? ( )AIsBDoCCan2 . Theyre. ( )ApearsBorange3 . 选出划线部分发音不同的一项。1. A.bookB.look C.food2. A.zooB.cookC.school3. A.noodles B.roomC.good4. A.afternoon B.foot C.cool5. A.sunnyB.fly C.happy4 . Look! The students arewith their teachers. ( )Agoing campBgoing campingCgo campingDgo camp5 . do you watch TV? ( ) I watch TV twice a week.AHow oftenBHowCWhen6 . These are Christmas lights _ our house. ( )AinBonCforDabove二、填空题根据提示补全句子。7 . He often goes home _.8 . By ferry, you must wear a _.9 . Pay attention to the traffic lights. Its red now. You must _ and _.10 . She often goes to school_in winter.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符。My name is Lily. Im 12 years old. Im 1.45 metres tall. Im 40 kilograms. I have a twin sister. Her name is Lucy. She is 1 cm shorter than me. Im 3 kilograms heavier than her. Her hair is longer than mine. Last weekend we bought two pairs of shoes.I wear size 35 shoes. She wears size 36 shoes.11 . Lucy is 12 years old.(_)12 . Lily is shorter than Lucy.(_)13 . Lucy is 43 kilograms.(_)14 . They bought two pairs of shoes.(_)15 . Lilys feet are bigger than Lucys.(_)四、匹配题看图选单词。AboyBchildrenCmonkeyDgirl16 . _17 . _18 . _19 . _找正确的答语。A. Five.B. Its rainy.C. Its twenty degrees.D. No, I usually go to school by bike.E. Im from Xian.F. Yes.G. Im washing the dirty dishes.H. I don t know.I. Its eight oclock.J. I would like cereal, please.20 . What time is it? (_)21 . Where is it? (_)22 . What would you like for breakfast? (_)23 . What are you doing? (_)24 . Do you usually go to school by bus? (_)25 . Where are you from? (_)26 . Do you like Canada? (_)27 . How is the weather today? (_)28 . Whats the temperature outside? (_)29 . How many pencils? (_)五、连线题30 . 圣诞图片词汇连连看。ABCDE. 1. Christmas lights2. Christmas song3. Christmas tree4. gift5. Santa第 5 页 共 5 页


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