六年级上册期末测试英语试卷 1

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六年级上册期末测试英语试卷 1姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The students of Class 3 _a football game now. Lets go and watch. ( )Aare havingBwill haveCis havingDwill be had2 . My aunt has long _ and her glasses are orange. AnotebooksBhairCkitchenDphone3 . What sport do you like? ( )AI like basketball.BYes, I like.4 . Bananas _ my favourite fruit.AisBamCare5 . _ do you have on Monday? ( )AWhats lessonsBHow many lessonCWhat lessons6 . 选出画线部分发音与所给单词相同的一项。(_)1. soon A. book B. choose C. foot(_)2. song A. hospital B. into C. policeman(_)3. subject A. pupil B. put C. supper(_)4. take A. paper B. have C. answer(_)5. hole A. lesson B. hope C. cross7 . _ the baby is crying. ( )ANowBnow8 . Whatheon Sundays?AdodoBdoesdoCisdoing选出画线部分读音不同的选项。9 . AknowBshowCclownDslow10 . AballoonBfootCfoodDafternoon11 . AdrinksBballoonsCcapsDsocks12 . AlikeBfindCexcitedDhit13 . AlearnBearlyCearthDhear14 . Daming ate three hamburgers school( )AonBatCin选出画线部分发音与其余不同的单词15 . AyellowByesCfly16 . AbusBputCduck17 . AdanceBcakeCmake18 . AyouBbuyCyoung19 . AEnglishBclimbClike20 . AplayByearCyou21 . They often _ on Saturday afternoon. ( )Aplay the footballBplaying footballCplay football22 . His cat and mouse small.( )AisBamCare选出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的一项。23 . make( )AcakeBcanCmany24 . my( )AfamilyBfactoryCfly25 . young( )AtryByellowCsky26 . like( )AhighBliveCfilm27 . noon( )AroomBfloorCgood28 . Chinese( )AEnglishBwinterCsmile29 . 选出画线部分读音不同的一项:( )AinventedBimportantCChinese二、情景交际30 . 给你。( )AHere you are.BHow are you?31 . 你想知道球的价钱,你应问_AHow much is the ball?BWhere is the ball?CI want a ball,please.32 . 想问对方来自哪里,应该说:( )AWhere are you from?BWhos that girl?CWhat are you?33 . 教师节到了,你对老师说:_( )AHappy birthday!BHappy Teachers Day!CHappy Mothers Day!34 . 你在逛街时,看到有人拉面,你会说:( )AHe is making noodles.BHe make noodles.三、排序题35 . 给下列句子排序,组成一段意思通顺的对话。AOne kilo, please.BI want some pears.COK!DThey are pears.EWhat are these?FHow many kilos do you want?GHow much money?H. Eight yuan._四、匹配题单词辨认。将下面的单词与图片配对。ABCDEFGH. I. J. 36 . Christmas (_)37 . theatre(_)38 . bike(_)39 . medicine (_)40 . candy(_)41 . bottle(_)42 . present (_)43 . picnic(_)44 . cough(_)45 . cinema(_)46 . 我是小小翻译官 Are you Miss Cat?_A我是奇奇。 Im Mr Dog._B我是一个女孩。 Good morning._C你是猪先生吗? I am a girl._D你是猫小姐吗? Im Qiqi._E我是狗先生。 Are you Mr Pig?_F早上好。五、字母题写出所给字母的左邻右舍。47 . b48 . E49 . W50 . q51 . k六、连词成句连词成句。52 . is, She, a, girl_.53 . to, like, We, play_.54 . from, the, Im, UK_.55 . are, good, We, friends_.56 . are, from, Where, you_?连词成句。57 . you, can, fast, run (?)_58 . cant, you, high, jump (.)_59 . are, you, winner, the (.)_60 . Lingling, can, basketball, play (?)_61 . is, she, our star (.)_62 . 连词成句。(1)a , cold , have ,I(.)_(2)feel, hot , you (.)_(3)cough , have , I ,a (.)_(4)is , my ,this , face(.)_(5)rest, should , you , take ,a ,good(.)_63 . Order. 连词成句,注意首字母大写、标点符号以及书写规范、美观。1. 2.3. 4. 5.64 . 连词成句,注意大小写。1. is T-shirt it Sams ._2. you did at buy the supermarket what ?_3. we to went the British Museum week last. _4. are twelve there crayons my in bag . _5. London went to by plane they ._第 10 页 共 10 页

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