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四年级上册期末测试英语试卷(三)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Hi, _ are you? ( )Im well, thank you.AhowBhow oldCHow2 . Whos _ English teacher? ( )Miss White.AyouByoursCyour3 . ( )AIm a wolf.BIm a boy.4 . My sister canwell. Shes a good. ( )Adancing, dancer.Bdance, dancerCdance, dancing5 . _did you go to Xinjiang? ( )We went there last month.AWhereBWhenCWhat6 . Children often _ their grandparents_ weekends. ( )Avisits; atBvisit; onCvisit; at7 . -Whatdoesyourfatherdo? ( )-Hesan_.AteacherBpolicemanCengineer8 . Tom _play the guitar. ( )AcanBisChas选出每组单词中不同类的一项。9 . AhandBheadCcat10 . AbagBfaceCleg11 . AgiftBgreenCblue12 . AearBeyeCbear13 . AnoseBmouthCone二、情景交际14 . 当你想表达感谢的时候,可以说:A、Let me help you. B、Thank you.三、排序题15 . 根据图片和开头语提示,仔细阅读下列语段,然后用1、2、3、4、5的顺序将其排列成条理清晰的短文。A Happy Christmas DayHello! Im Mary. Now I will talk about my Christmas Day. Its on 25th December every year. We always have a party on Christmas Day. (_) Next, we open the presents from our friends. (_) I go back home and go to bed at 9:30 p.m.(_) First, we decorate the Christmas tree.(_) Finally, we play games, sing songs and watch TV. Its really good fun.(_) Then, we eat cakes, chocolate and turkey.四、任务型阅读16 . 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。Mr. Liu is an English teacher. He works in Shanghai. In July he wants to go on a trip to Chengde with his wife and daughter. Shanghai is far from Chengde. It is about 1,400 kilometres. They want to take a plane. Because a plane is fast. They are going to stay in Chengde for seven days. Because it is very cool there.【小题1】Mr. Liu teaches English.(_)【小题2】Mr. Liu works in Chengde. (_)【小题3】Its 1,400 kilometres from Chengde to Shanghai. (_)【小题4】They will go to Chengde by train. (_)【小题5】The weather is cool in Chengde. (_)五、判断题17 . 判断单词中划线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同: robot holiday (_)六、匹配题18 . 从II栏中选出与I栏相对应的答句。III(_) 1. How is the weather there?AI can jump high.(_) 2. Here are some toys for you.BSome noodles.(_) 3. What can you do?CIts rainy.(_) 4. What do you have for breakfast?DTo the Great Wall.(_) 5. Is there any milk in the fridge?ENo, he wont.(_) 6. Where are you going this Sunday?FBecause he likes cooking.(_) 7. Will Peter visit his aunt this weekend?GYes, a little.(_) 8. Why does he want to be a cook?H. Thank you.第 4 页 共 4 页


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