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三年级下册期末测试英语试卷(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Their mothers often _ them. ( )AhelpsBhelpingChelp2 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AcatBfatCtiger3 . 选出不同类的一项。【小题1】AfamousBcityCbeautiful【小题2】AwhoseBhouseCship【小题3】AbigBqueenCold【小题4】AhouseBpalaceCvery【小题5】AlongBwideCabout4 . 你常见的重量单位“公斤”通常用_表示。AkgBgCmlDmm5 . -Whatwouldyouliketodrink? ( )-Idlikesome_.AsaladBmilkCorange6 . They are going there _ May 10( )AwithBinCon7 . Point to the _(窗) .AgirlBdoorCwindow8 . Point to the _ (门)! ( )AwindowBdoorCchair9 . Look at the two brothers. One is.The other one(另一个)is short. ( )AtallBhighCshort10 . Is Tom in, please? ( )Sorry, its a (n) _ number.AanotherBotherCwrong11 . Last weekend we _ in the park. ( )Aread booksBsingCclimb the mountain12 . 选出不同类的一项。【小题1】AniceBcleverCcall【小题2】AbadBpupilCshy【小题3】AbirdBelephantCanswer【小题4】AcoolBteacherCparrot【小题5】AnaughtyBheCshe13 . _ you _ free tomorrow? ( )No. I _ free the day after tomorrow.AAre; going to; willBAre; going to be; willCAre; going to; will beDAre; going to be; will be14 . 选出所给单词不同类的选项。( ) 1. A. hamburger B. banana C. pear( ) 2. A. amB. is C. them( ) 3. A. sixty B. how much C. how many( ) 4. A. English B. mathC. bike( ) 5. A. pretty B. cheapC. expensive15 . 选出每组中不同类的单词。(_)1. A.sweet B.bitter (苦的)C.thinD.sour(_)2. A.carB.starC.bus(_)3. A.yellow B.orangeC.appleD.lemon(_)4. A.wait a minuteB.at noon C.at night(_)5. A.badB.good C.girl二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。Our class is going to the Peoples Park for an outing on May 16th, Saturday. In the morning, we are going to visit the East Lake. We are going to have a picnic by the lake at noon. Girls are going to sing and dance if they would like. After that, we are going to visit the South Garden. Please wear your sports shoes, and take your lunch and drinks with you. If its possible, each group is going to take a couple of cameras along so that you are going to take some pictures of the beautiful sights. We are going to meet at the school gate at 6:50 a.m. The buses are going to start at 7:00 a.m. Dont be late.16 . The class is going to _ for an outing. ( )Athe Peoples ParkBthe Peoples ZooCthe Peoples Cinema17 . _, they are going to have a picnic by the lake. ( )AIn the morningBAt noonCIn the afternoon18 . They are going to meet at the school gate at _ in the morning. ( )Aten past sixBten past sevenCten to seven19 . 文中画线部分的意思为“_”。( )A大门B迟到C门卫20 . In the afternoon, they are going to visit _. ( )Athe East LakeBthe Peoples LakeCthe South Garden三、匹配题21 . 从B栏里找出A栏的正确答句。A B(_) 1. Are they your ducks?AThere are four.(_) 2. What is the weather like today ?BNo, they aren t.(_) 3. What time is it now?CIt s cloudy and cool.(_) 4. How many horses are there? DThey are hens.(_) 5. What are these?EIts three oclock.第 5 页 共 5 页


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