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海口市2019年五年级上册期末测试英语试卷(一)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题找出不同类的单词。1 . ABritainBcleverCNew Zealand2 . AherBhisChe3 . AnoseBworkerCeye4 . AcaryonBstudyCwork5 . AfruitBpearCcherry6 . Its time to go to bed. Please _ the TV. ( )AopenBturn onCturn off7 . How many _do you have? ( )Amath booksBmath bookCa math book8 . My aunt is an English _ . She _Science in our school. ( )Ateacher; teachesBteacher; teacherCteach; teachDteach; teacher9 . 选出单词中不同类的一项:( )AinterestingBridingCsingingDreading10 . We _ in the cinema yesterday. ( )AwasntBdidntCwerent选出每组中不同类的一项。11 . AdogBcatCapple12 . ApenBrulerCclassroom13 . AboyBbananaCgirl14 . AaBanCmarket15 . AthisBpearClemon16 . Idontlike_cakes.Ilike_bread.( )Asome,anyBany,someCa,aDan,an17 . I always _ a policeman _ help when I am lost(迷路). ( )Aasks; forBask; forCask; to18 . You are _ good students! ( )AallBmanyCmuchDanother19 . It is very _ of you to make such stupid mistakes.AcleverBniceCkindDsilly20 . They went to Badaling ( )AbusBby busCwalk二、阅读选择美食文化栏目组需要收集不同国家的饮食文化及饮食习惯,记者采访了以下几位同学。阅读采访资料,完成题目。Reporter: Different people eat different food. Hi, children. Where are you from? What do you usually eat?John: Hello, Im John. Im from America. For breakfast, I usually have milk and bread. And I often have chicken and hot dogs for lunch. Theyre delicious.Reporter: Sounds great!Helen: Hi, Im from England. I usually eat sandwiches and salad. Theyre healthy. In the afternoon, we often have a teatime.Reporter: Thank you!Chen Jie: Im from China. I often have some rice, meat and vegetables for lunch. Sometimes I eat noodles and jiaozi.Reporter: I like Chinese food.Tim: My favourite food is hamburgers. I eat them every day. I like Coke, too. But Im not happy. I am too fat now.Reporter: They are not good for you. Eat some vegetables and fruit, please.21 . John is from America. He often has_ for lunch. They are delicious. ( )Achicken and hot dogsBsandwiches and saladCrice and meat22 . People from _have a teatime in the afternoon. ( )AChinaBEnglandCAmerica23 . Chen Jie is from China. Sometimes she eats _for lunch. ( )Arice, meat and vegetablesBnoodles and jiaoziCmeat and fish24 . Tim has _every day. Theyre not healthy. ( )AhamburgersBvegetables and fruitCnoodles and jiaozi25 . Different people eat different food. Here different means(意思是)_( )A不同的B相同的C奇怪的三、改错找出句子中错误的一项并改正在横线上。26 . Thereistwochairs.(_)_A B CD27 . Therearetwoorangepen.(_)_A B CD28 . Ihasanewclassroom.(_)_AB C D29 . Mypenarered.(_)_A B C D30 . Howmanybookcanyousee?(_)_A C B D四、看图题根据图片写出对应内容。31 . 颜色_32 . 物体_33 . 颜色_34 . 物体_五、连词成句35 . 连词成句1. bottle where the is_2. box in the is it_3. table a draw_4. on box the it is_第 5 页 共 5 页

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