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河南省2020版五年级下册期末测试英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . This is my sister. _ is a doctor. ( )ASheBHeCIt2 . Helen often _ fishing on Sunday. ( )AgoingBgoCgoesDis going3 . I like helping people. _about you? ( )AWhichBWhatCwhat4 . The bank is _ to the hospital. ( )AnearBfarCnextDat5 . Riding a bike is a good wayto school. ( )AgoBto goCGoing6 . _do you eat dinner? ( )AWhenBWhatCWhy7 . We wood make tables chairs and many other things.Ause; andBuses; toCuse; toDuses; for8 . Yang Ling likes sweet food, _ she eats a little at a time. ( )AsoBbecauseCandDbut9 . There _any chairs here now. ( )AwerentBareCarent10 . Its cold today. We cant _. ( )Ago to schoolBgo swimmingCclean our room11 . I enjoy _ mooncakes. ( )AeatingBto eatCeat12 . Keep quiet! The baby is _in the bedroom now. ( )AsleepBsleepingCsleeps13 . -Is he young?-_, he isnt. Hes old.ANoBYesCNow14 . Tom likes playing _, but he doesnt like playing _.( )Apiano, the footballBthe piano, footballCpiano, football15 . I dont have _ rulers. But I have _ erasers. ( )Aany; anyBsome; someCsome; anyDany; some二、阅读选择16 . 短文阅读。I am Mike, I am 10 years old. I am from the USA. This is my new friend. She is a girl. She is 10 years old. She is from Canada. Her name is Amy. She is a good pupil.【小题1】Mikes new friend is a .( )AboyBgirl【小题2】Mike is from .( )ACanadaBthe USA【小题3】Amy is from.( )AChinaBCanada【小题4】Amy isyears old.( )AtenBnine【小题5】Amy is a .( )AstudentBteacher三、填空题17 . This is _ (Lingling) bike.18 . 填空题。1. Do you want _ a good player? (be/ to be)2. Amy can_ (run/ jump)fast.3. Lingling is good_ (in/at)football.4. Birds _(can/ cant)fly in the sky. 5. Can you_(are/ be)a good goalkeeper?No, I_ (can/ cant)四、任务型阅读19 . 阅读短文,完成表格Its Sunday today. Mike and his friends are talking about the things they could and couldnt do six years ago. Mike could read English books six years ago, but he couldnt sing English songs. What could Helen do? She could draw beautiful pictures and dance, but she couldnt play the piano. Now she can play the piano very well. What about Su Hai? Su Hai could fly the kite. Su Yang could fly it too. But Su Hai couldnt cook meals and Su Yang couldnt make the bed. What could you do? What couldnt you do? Can you tell us?NamesThings they could doThings they couldnt doMikeread English books1._Helen2._play the pianoSu Hai3._4._Su Yang5._6._五、英译汉20 . Its on your left. ( )A它在你的左边。B它在你的右边。六、汉译英根据中文提示完成句子。21 . 为了安全地穿过马路,你们必须做什么?What must you_ to_safely?22 . 你们在马路上禁止做什么?What must you_on the_?23 . 你怎样才能安全地穿过马路?How _you _the road_?七、句型转换句型转换。24 . Cinderella has a good time at the Princes party.(改同义句)Cinderella has a _ at the Princes party.25 . Lucy has to do homework before dinner.(对画线部分提问)_ Lucy _ do homework?26 . Mary eats some mushrooms.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ Mary _ mushrooms?No, _27 . Jim does his homework every day.(改为否定句)Jim _ his homework every day.28 . My brother helps me with my study. (对画线部分提问)_ with your study?29 . I am so sad because I cant go to the party.(对画线部分提问)_ so sad?八、填内容补全对话根据首字母提示,完成一篇英语短文My name is Alice. There are t30 . people in my family, my father, my mother and me. My father is a d31 . . He works in a big hospital. He h32 . sick people. My mother is a t33 . . She teaches E34 . . She l35 . reading. She has many books. Im a s36 . in Grade(年级)Four. I have a happy family.九、匹配题问答配对,把答句的大写字母编号写在相应问句的括号内。AIts next to the swimming pool.BIts Lilys.CThere are five.DI like English best.EYes, there is.FIts eight.GIt is large.37 . Is there a swimming pool in your school? (_)38 . Where is the dining hall?(_)39 . Is the library large or small?(_)40 . Whose storybook is it?(_)41 . Look at the blackboard. How many stars are there? (_)42 . What is your favourite subject? (_)43 . Whats your favourite number? (_)第 6 页 共 6 页

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