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河北省2020年(春秋版)六年级下册期末模拟测试英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I like playing the pipa and she_. ( )Alike singingBlike to singClikes singing2 . 动手选一选。(选择恰当的单词填空)(1).A. watch B.watching(2)A. snowing B.snow(3) A.singing B.sing3 . What are you going to do _ the weekend? ( )AinBonCat4 . _ is New Years Day? ( )Its January the first.AWhenBWhatCWhose5 . He can write a letter _ English. ( )AonBinCwith6 . Jack lives _ the west _ China. ( )Ain: ofBon: inCin: at7 . Why are you laughing? ( )Because Im _.AhappyBsadCtired8 . They _ teachers then. ( )AareBwereCis9 . The grape is. ( )AroundBsquareClong10 . 选出不同类的一项: ( )AnaughtyBseeClook二、填空题11 . 选词填空in your are too and(1)The panda is black _white.(2)What colour is _cat?(3)It is red,_.(4)Whats _the box?(5)What colour _the birds?三、排序题12 . 为下列句子排序,组成一段通顺的对话。AHere are two stamps. I know you like collecting stamps.BReally? Whats that?CHow are you today?DIts a CD with songs. I bought it yesterday. I hope you like it.E. I feel better.F. Thank you. Ill give you a gift, too.G. I like music, so I like it very much. Thank you._四、阅读回答问题Read and judge阅读短文,判断句子正误Today is Saturday. Its a sunny day. The Blacks want to go to the park. Jack and Mike, the sons, get up very early in the morning. Jack wears a shirt and jeans, and Mike wears a T-shirt and jeans. They help their parents put bread, meat, eggs and some fruit in a basket and carry it to the car. Mrs. Black also takes four bottles of fruit juice with her. They are grape juice, orange juice, apple juice and watermelon juice. And then Mr. Black drives them to the park.13 . It is a nice day today. (_)14 . Both Jack and Mike wear jeans. (_)15 . They take some food and drinks to the park. (_)16 . Mrs. Black takes four bottles of grape juice with her. (_)17 . They go to the park by car. (_)读短文,完成句子。Jane and Lucy are going to take a plane to Beijing. But they dont know how to get to the airport from their school to the airport. Chen Jie, their friend, writes a note to show them the way to the airport.Dear Jane and Lucy,First, you may take Bus No. 102 at your school gate. And then get off at Guangming bus stop. Go straight along the Guangming Road, and then turn right at the second crossing. You will find that the big airport is just in front of you. You cant miss it.YoursChen Jie18 . Jane and Lucy are going to Beijing by _.19 . Their friend, Chen Jie helps them the way to the _.20 . First, they can take _ at the school gate.21 . They need to get off at _ bus stop.22 . They should turn _ at the second crossing.五、判断题23 . 判断下列发音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”。(_) 1. A. class B. clothes(_) 2. A. close B. uncle(_) 3. A. clever B. clean(_) 4. A. cloudy B. cold(_) 5. A. cool B. clock六、句型转换24 . Are you feeling happy?(作肯定回答)_第 5 页 共 5 页


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