太原市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级上册Module2 Unit 2练习卷(I)卷

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太原市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级上册Module2 Unit 2练习卷(I)卷_第1页
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太原市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级上册Module2 Unit 2练习卷(I)卷_第3页
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太原市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级上册Module2 Unit 2练习卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 找出划线部分发音不同的一项:( )AyouBturnCnurseDpurple2 . Here _ the nurses. ( )AisBcomesCcome3 . -What do you ? ( )-I have some stickers.AdoBlikeChaveRead and find. (火眼金睛找不同)4 . AbookBbagCred5 . AblueBpencilCgreen6 . AblackBwhiteCcolour7 . ApencilBcrayonCblue8 . AeraserBrulerCbrown9 . clean the blackboard. ( )ALetBLetsClets10 . How does he go to Beijing? ( )AI go there by train.BHe goes there by plane.11 . 在这儿! ( )AHere is it.BIts there.CHere it is!12 . I have _ aunt. She works in a school. ( )AanBaCany13 . They _ going to see a film _ space travel.( )Aare; aboutBare; ofCis; about14 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AtenBsixCpick15 . 根据同类单词选出不同:( )AmotherBfactoryCfather二、填空题16 . 填空。1. 看那件T-恤。 Look at the _.2. 看那件大衣。 Look at the _.3. 看那条裙子。 Look at the _.4. 看那件衬衫。 Look at the _.5. 我喜欢红色的那个。 I like the _ one.6. 我喜欢白色的那个。 I like the _ one.7. 它们很漂亮。 They are _.8. 现在几点钟了? _ time is it?9. 现在是11点。 Its _ oclock.10. 现在是12点。 Its _ oclock.三、任务型阅读阅读对话,判断正误A: Good morning, Mr Wang.B: Good morning, Miss Li.A: Mr Wang, what are they?B: They are small. They are yellow. Theyre chicks.A: How many chicks?B: One, two, three. There are ten.A: Do you like chicks?B: Yes, I like chicks.A: What are they on the flowers?B: They are ladybirds.A: What colour are they?B: They are red and black.A: Can they fly?B: Yes, they can.17 . The chicks are yellow. (_)18 . There are nine chicks. (_)19 . Mr Zhang likes chicks. (_)20 . The ladybirds are on the flower. (_)21 . The ladybirds cant fly. (_)阅读下文,判断正误。Hello, my name is Jack. I am a student. I have an uncle and an aunt. This is my uncle. Hes a tall man. His name is Tim Black. He is 26 years old. He is a firefighter. Hes brave. He can run very fast. Hes very strong. The lady is my aunt. Her name is Louise Brown. Shes thin and tall. She is a singer. She can sing very well. She can dance, too. Shes thirty years old. She has many fans. They all like her very much.22 . Jack is a student.(_)23 . Jack has two uncles.(_)24 . Tim Black is a strong police officer.(_)25 . His aunt can sing very well.(_)26 . She is thirteen years old.(_)四、句型转换27 . 句型转换1. Helen will go to the library tomorrow. (对划线提问)_ will Helen _to the library?2. The children are going to Jiaoshan Park next week.(对划线提问) _ going to Jiaoshan Park next week?3.Will the boys go to the Bund? (作否定回答)_,they _4. They re having a party now. (改为一般将来时)They _ going to have a party.5. Theres an interesting story in the book. (改为复数句)There _ some interesting _ in the book.五、选内容补全对话选词填空,补全对话。help strong teacher school wants alsoBen 28 . to be a policeman. He wants to 29 . people when they are in trouble. A policeman should be 30 . . So Ben will study hard and do more sport. Lily wants to be a 31 . when she grows up. She likes children. She 32 . likes playing with the children at 33 . .六、匹配题给下列句子选出相应的答句。A. No. I hurt my arm.B. Yes, he is.C. Im walking to the hotel.D. Sure. E. OK. Im sorry.34 . May I take your picture? (_)35 . Are you okay?(_)36 . Dont draw or write on the wall. (_)37 . Is Danny busy?(_)38 . What are you doing? (_)七、看图题39 . 根据右图判断正(T)误(F).(_)1. The pumpkin is on the chair. (_)2. The carrot is on the box. (_)3. The apple is in the box. (_)4. The pencil is on the box. 八、书面表达40 . Think and write (以My _s job 为题,写写你的一位家庭成员的工作) My _s job _第 6 页 共 6 页


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