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哈尔滨市2019版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(九)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ he_ his lunch? ( )一Yes, he did.ADoes; hasBDoes; haveCDid; haveDDid; had2 . There is not coal oil on Earth. ( )Atoo many; orBmany too; andCtoo much; orDmuch too; and3 . Sarah _swimming last Monday.( )AgoBgoesCwent4 . Look! They _games. ( )Ais playBis playingCare playing5 . - _ she thinking? - No, she _. ( )AIs, isntBDoes, doesntCAre, arent6 . Is there _ this month? ( )AsomethingBanythingCsome thing7 . _ it be cloudy? ( )Yes, it will.ADoBIsCWill8 . 读句子,选出正确的单词。1. Turn right _ (at/on) the school. Youll see it.2. I want to _ (by/buy) a pair of shoes.3. Its _ ( near/ next ) the hospital.4.(How/What)_ can I get to the hospital?5. I want to _ ( sending /send)a post card.9 . Do you want some soup? ( )No, .Athank youBpleaseCOK10 . Have you got any chopsticks? ( )ANo, I dontBNo, I havent11 . Look! There are three pandas. ( )Theyre _.AfatBcoolCthin12 . You cant run fast. You are _. ( )AslowBfarCquick13 . is the desk? ( )Its near window.AWhatBWhereCWhat14 . Autumn is _ season in our hometown. ( )Athe bestBbestCmore15 . Mr Liu _ to talk to old people. ( )AlikeBto likeClikes16 . They water( )AlikeBlikesCliking17 . Lets draw a monkey _ the computer. ( )AinBonCat二、阅读选择阅读短文选择正确的答案。Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London. This is the present from the people of Norway to the people of Great Britain. They send it to the Londoners every year and Londoners decorate the Christmas tree. In the evening before Christmas, people like to look at the big tree. On Christmas Eve the streets in London are decorated, too. The shops are very busy at Christmas. People want to buy presents for their family and friends. People open their presents on Christmas morning and they are all happy with what they get. For Christmas lunch people eat turkey, potatoes and green vegetables. Then they have the Christmas pudding. At five oclock its time for tea and Christmas cake. On Christmas Day people wish their nearest and dearest friends a merry Christmas.18 . Every year the people of Norway send _ to the Londoners. ( )ApresentsBitCChristmasDa Christmas tree19 . Before Christmas Day _ in London are decorated. ( )Athe treesBthe streetsCthe Christmas treeDB and C20 . What do people want to buy for Christmas? ( )AThey want to buy presents.BThey want to buy presents and a lot of food and drink.CThey want to buy nothing.DThey want to buy potatoes and green vegetables.21 . What is the time for tea and Christmas cake?( )AAt three oclock.BAt four oclock.CAt five oclock.DAt six oclock.三、填空题按要求写单词。22 . thin(比较级) _23 . short(比较级) _24 . young(反义词) _25 . foot(复数形式) _26 . small(反义词) _27 . I(名词性物主代词) _把下列词分类。its children hungry Tian anmen Square fallwomen difficult her stop the Palace Museum28 . men _29 . go _30 . easy _31 . his _32 . the Great Wall _四、任务型阅读判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。My name is Zhang Peng. I am eleven years old. Im short and fat. Chicken is my favourite food. I like all kinds of meat. But I dont like vegetables and fruit. So I am very fat. I have mutton(羊肉)and pork(猪肉)today. I want to keep fit. What should I do?33 . Zhang Peng is 12 years old. (_)34 . Zhang Peng is tall and fat. (_)35 . Zhang Pengs favourite food is chicken. (_)36 . Zhang Peng should eat more meat. (_)37 . Zhang Peng has mutton and pork today. (_)五、句型转换句型转换38 . This jacket is Mikes. (改为复数句)_39 . Is there a hill in your school? (作肯定回答)_40 . Hes my father. (对划线部分提问)_?41 . I want to go inside. (改为一般疑问句)_42 . My mother is an English teacher. (对划线部分提问)_六、选内容补全对话选择合适的句子补全对话。A.Ioftenplaysports.B. Doyouoftenplaybasketball?C.Letsplayfootballtogether.D.Whendoyoueatbreakfast?E.Whataboutyou?Tom:Hello,Peter!Peter:Hi,TomTom: 43 . Peter:At7:30.44 . Tom:Ieatbreakfastat8:00.Whatdoyouoftendoafterbreakfast?Peter:45 . Tom:46 . Peter:No,Idont.Ioftenplayfootball.Tom:47 . Peter:Great!七、连词成句48 . 连词成句。(1)your, sister, what, does, do (?)_(2)father, my, a policeman, is (.)_(3)works, at, home, my, mother (.)_(4)an, English, teacher, is, your, brother, too(?)_(5)doctors, sick, people, help (.)_(6)brother, your, has, nice, car, a (.)_第 7 页 共 7 页


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