南京市2019版英语五年级上册Unit1 What‘s he like?单元测试卷(I)卷

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南京市2019版英语五年级上册Unit1 What‘s he like?单元测试卷(I)卷_第1页
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南京市2019版英语五年级上册Unit1 Whats he like?单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Who can help me? ( )_ Im carrying many books.AYoure welcome.BSorry, I cant.CI can help you.2 . 选出不同类的单词。(_) 1. A. juice B. ice cream C. bank(_) 2. A. yellow B. hotel C. pink(_) 3. A. in B. end C. behind(_) 4. A. December B. September C. New York(_) 5. A. post office B. policeman C. farmer3 . 找出下列单词与众不同的一项。【小题1】AdayBsunnyCtrainDpaid【小题2】AusuallyBbrushCstudyDbut【小题3】AteaBhealthyCbreadDbed【小题4】AappleBpastChaveDat【小题5】ApicnicBdriverCtwiceDlike4 . _ ( )I always go to school by bus.ADo you often go to school by bus?BWhere do you always go?CHow do you go to school?5 . Whats that? _ my hand.AItBItsCThat6 . Is this Kallys cat? _AYes, its my cat.BYes, its her cat.CYes, its his cat.7 . The blue and yellow butterfly beautiful.( )AareBisChas8 . Its autumn in Beijing. Its _. ( )Acool and sunnyBhot and sunnyCcold and sunny二、填空题9 . 根据图片选择正确的词填在横线上。1.The clown(小丑) is so _ (strict/ funny) . He makes us laugh.2.My music teacher is 56. He isnt _ (old/ young).3.Our English teacher is _ (kind/ strong) to us. We love her.4.Mr Yu is _ (tall and strong/ old and thin). He is 30 years old.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,按要求完成题目。Mr Brown is my English teacher. He comes from New York. He is tall and strong. He is 40 years old, but he looks very young. Now he lives in Wuhan with his family. He has a daughter. She is in our school. Mr Brown is kind, but sometimes he is strict with us. He often helps us. We usually have fun in his class.10 . 阅读短文,找出两组反义词,并填在横线上。1. _ 2. _11 . 阅读短文,选择正确的答案,将其序号填入括号里。1. -Where does Mr Brown come from? (_)-He comes from _.A. the UK B. the USAC. China2. Which one is NOT right? (_)A. Mr Brown is tall and strong. B. Mr Brown and his daughter are in the same school.C. Mr Brown teaches maths.12 . 翻译文中画线的句子。_四、书面表达13 . 写作。请看图介绍一下贾玲吧。Look, this is_五、其他按要求写句子。14 . in , schoolbag , Whats , your (?)(连词成句)_.15 . English, I, new, a, book, have, (.)(连词成句)_.16 . a, It, panda, is, fat, ( . )(连词成句)_.17 . 你手里有什么?(翻译句子)_.18 . 我的书包是白色,红色和黄色的(翻译句子)_.第 5 页 共 5 页


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