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西宁市2019-2020年度三年级下册期中测试英语试卷A(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ ( )No, thanks.AWould you like some chicken?BWould you like some beef?2 . 根据课文内容,选择正确的答案。1. Xiaoqiang and his Mom are at the _. (_)A. bus stop B. home2. Remember _ wait in line. (_)A. never B. always3. Please give seat to _ people. (_)A. younger B. elderly4. The man is pushing to the _ of the line. (_)A. front B. behind5. The man is the _. (_)A. driver B. passenger (乘客)3 . Kally _ to swim in the sea. ( )AisBlikesCcan4 . 选出不同类的单词。(_)1. A. Saturday?B. Tuesday?C. China?(_)2. A. bird?B. popcorn?C. hamburger(_)3. A. pink?B. brown?C. rabbit?(_)4. A. bear?B. skirt?C. dress (_)5. A. socks?B. mouse?C. tiger?(_)6. A. write?B. your?C. listen?(_)7. A. sheep?B. cow?C. shoes?(_)8. A. game?B. knees?C. nose (_)9. A. hate?B. like?C. purple(_)10. A. apple?B. milk?C. tea5 . Tim was _last year, but now hes _. ( )Acute, prettyBshort, tallCsmall, pretty选出每组中不同类的单词。6 . AseaBgymCriver7 . AhappyBshouldCmay8 . ApriceBfarCnear9 . AGermanyBItalyCpizza10 . AdictionaryBcomicCcard11 . Lets _ straight and _ right _ the bookstore. ( )Aget, turn, inBgo, turn, atCgo, turn, in12 . Paris is the capital of _.Athe USABthe UKCFranceDAustralia13 . My eyes _ brown. ( )AisBareCam14 . They knock the door and cry, Trick or treat! ( )AinBforCat15 . 选出与所给单词同类的一项。【小题1】computer ( )AflowerBdrawCread【小题2】help( )AwaterBcomputerCbike【小题3】my( )AheBsheChis【小题4】for( )AonBaCgo【小题5】likes( )AwatchesBshoppingCcook16 . 读一读,选出与其它三项不同类的单词。(_) 1. A. library B. computer C. playground D. art room(_) 2. A. Chinese B. dinner C. lunch D. breakfast(_) 3. A. warm B. cold C. weather D. hot(_) 4. A. P.A B. music C. English D. sunny(_) 5. A. classroom B. light C. picture D. fan17 . _are those? ( )They are hens.AHow manyBWhatCWhere18 . The farmers like the _. ( )AstormBtyphoonCrain and the sun19 . Mr Wang is and . ( )Ayoung; oldBtall; strongCnew; sorry20 . What do you need to paint? ( ) I need _.Aa capBan umbrellaCsome crayons21 . We write a letter _ paper. ( )AonBinCto22 . Lets draw a monkey _ the computer. ( )AinBonCat23 . Mike is watching the sun _. ( )Ato go downBgo downCgoing down24 . There iselephant under the tree. ( )AaBanCnone二、填空题根据中文或首字母提示完成填空。25 . My father is very t_. He wants to go to bed now.26 . My sister is very h_. Because she has a new doll.27 . Whats the _(问题)? Im ill.28 . Are you _(饿的), Mike? No, Im not.29 . Can I have some _(水)? Here you are.30 . He is very _(伤心的).根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词完成句子。31 . When do you _(去学校)?32 . W_ do you start class in Spain?33 . I often c_ my room and wash my clothes.34 . I often _(去购物)with my mum.35 . When do you usually eat d_ in Spain?36 . 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词:Im from C_.37 . Chinese New Year is coming. Lets c_together.38 . The movie is very funny. We are l_ .根据句意及中文或首字母提示填空。39 . Someone is standing in the middle of the r_.40 . Be careful when you c_ the road.41 . They arrived in Shanghai s_.42 . The l_ in this street are very beautiful.43 . There is a_(斑马线) on the road.44 . We must_(遵守)the traffic rules.45 . We must stay _(安全的) on the road.46 . Then the drivers can see you _(容易地).根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词47 . _dress do you like, the red one _the blue one?I like the red one.48 . 将下列单词补充完整 t_morrowro_wr _tepicni_49 . John often _on Sundays.50 . _(蓝色) is my favorite color.51 . A lot of _ (people) are playing in the playground.52 . Amy _(write) this letter to Daming.53 . I like to eat _ (sandwich) very much.根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。54 . It can s_ our love for you.55 . Shes my _(妈妈).56 . It has a _(长的)nose. It is_(高的).根据首字母或中文提示填空。57 . We all like_ (夏天). Because we can swim in the river.58 . Lets go and have a_ (野餐), Mike.59 . Leo is too_ (胖的). He cant eat snacks at all.60 . Mike and I often play b_at weekends.61 . My grandparents like w_TV.62 . Lucy often c_with her friends on the Internet.63 . C_out and play basketball, Billy!填空题。64 . Tom is my b_.65 . You are late. You need a c_.66 . I brush my t_ at seven oclock. 67 . I will f_ a kite on Saturday.68 . She _ my mother. She _ thin. She has _ hair. 三、阅读回答问题阅读理解。John, a young man, is Mr Smiths neighbour. His friends call him “Mr Goingtodo”. Do you know why? Because John always says he is going to do something, but he never does it. Every Saturday John goes to Mr Smiths home and talks with him. He always says he is going to do something. “Im going to clean my house today,” he says, or “Im going to wash my car tomorrow.” or “The tree in front of my house is too big. Im going to cut it down next week. ” But Mr Smith knows his neighbour isnt going to do those things. Mr Smith often says to his son Dick, “Are you going to do something? Then do it. Dont be another Mr Goingtodo. ”读短文, 判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。69 . Mr Smiths son is John. (_)70 . John always says he is going to do something, but he never does it. (_)71 . John goes to Mr Smiths home every Sunday. (_)72 . John really cleans his house every day. (_)73 . Mr Smiths son is another “Mr Goingtodo”. (_)四、英译汉写出下面英语单词的中文意思。74 . famous_75 . there_76 . visit_77 . museum_78 . south_79 . flower_80 . 英译汉:Amy and Sam are jumping._英译汉。81 . here you are _82 . some stickers_83 . thirteen cars _84 . have a try_85 . cant fly_86 . Dont be sad._87 . these toy tigers_88 . our fruit salad _89 . cute and fat _90 . those cakes_91 . Read and translate: Lets have a look._92 . 翻译下列短语。1. go to the movies_2. play outside_3. visit my friends_4. forget to do my homework_5. spend too much time_93 . 写出下面单词的意思。1. window _ 2. van _ 3. uncle _94 . 将下列句子翻译成汉语。1. Please pass me the rice._2. Do you like fish?_3. I like meat._4. Does your mother like swimming?_5. Here you are._看英文写中文。95 . Im Liu Tao._96 . Good afternoon._97 . This is Miss Zhang._98 . Shes my sister._99 . Hes my friend too._100 . Are you Su Hai?_101 . Hi, Mike._102 . Yes, I am._英译汉。103 . when _104 . which _105 . street _106 . between _107 . in _108 . away _109 . 翻译下列句子: I go to bed at 9 oclock. _单词翻译。110 . lucky _111 . won _112 . key _113 . lost _114 . happened _115 . next _116 . missed _五、判断题判断下面两个单词的发音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不同的打“F”。117 . usually hungry(_)118 . dinner teacher(_)119 . cake have(_)120 . watch match(_)121 . morning for(_)122 . time big(_)123 . meet see(_)124 . and lesson(_)读一读,判断每组单词画线部分发音是(T)否(F)一致。125 . girlnurse (_)126 . workhorse (_)127 . parkwarm (_)128 . littlepeople(_)129 . computersweater(_)130 . 判断读音是(T)否(F)相同: hear dearear_判断每组单词中画线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。131 . dressbedroom(_)132 . whyyear(_)133 . badsad(_)134 . partywarm(_)135 . latetake(_)判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。136 . water sister(_)137 . turn card(_)138 . tallarm(_)139 . bird nurse(_)140 . apple table(_)141 . fork world(_)142 . 判断划线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同:pastas (_)143 . 判断单词中画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同:should shout mountain(_)Read and judge.(判断每组中画线部分发音是否都相同,用“T”表示相同、用“F”表示不同。)144 . lunch schoolchicken (_)145 . brown cloud down (_)146 . crayonszebra size (_)147 . chaseask hard (_)148 . wrong nose come (_)149 . meat sea head (_)判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不相同的写“F”。150 . ten desk (_)151 . have cake(_)152 . red make(_)153 . seepen (_)154 . Ken bed (_)155 . seetree(_)156 . 判断每组单词中画线部分发音是()否()相同。( ) 1.shirtshoes( ) 2.threethis( ) 3. lunchchicken( ) 4. teethmath( ) 5.thisthey( ) 6. bedskids( ) 7. catsshorts( ) 8.whatwho六、匹配题选择正确的交际用语。A. Its yellow. B. Fine, thank you.C. Im Peter.D. Thanks. E. Great!157 . Heres a pear for you._158 . Lets draw a cat._159 . How are you?_160 . What colour is it?_161 . Who are you?_七、连词成句162 . 连词成句。【小题1】is, the, a, picture, mouse, There, in (.)_【小题2】are, many, There, plants, in, garden, the (.)_【小题3】is, the, bottle, water, Where (?)_【小题4】is, a, in, There, front, dog, the, of, house (.)_【小题5】photo, The, desk, on, is, the (.)_163 . Order and write: They animals like_.连词成句。164 . I, that, is, would, like, what, (.)(缩写形式)_165 . donut, milk, some, a, and, (.)_166 . there, bananas, how, are, many, (?)_167 . the, clever, helps, sheep, monkey, the, (.)_168 . lives, a, farm, cow, on, a, (.)_169 . 连词成句。1. your, is, grandmother, old, how.(?)_2. is, not, your, tall, short, she, sister. (.)_3. your , mother , she , is (?) _4. eyes , big , are , my(.)_5. tall , thin , and , am , I(.) _6. is , not , she , thin(.)_7. are, a, you, cat(.)_8. Lily , you , are (?) _9. a , I , girl , am (.) _10. I , not , Mike , am (.)_11. not , are , a , wolf , you (.) _170 . 连词成句1. you, will, tomorrow, what, do (?)_2. are, on, phone, talking, little, two, girls, the (.)_3. to, may, Colin, I, speak (?)_4. cant, to, he, school, go, today (.)_5. in, park, Id, the, like, play (.)_八、连线题171 . Read and match.1. These are my shoes.A有一双鞋。2. Lets swim!B这些是我的鞋。3. These are your socks.C这些是你的袜子。4. There is a pair of shoes.D是他们的短裤。5. Theyre his shorts.E我们一起游泳吧!第 17 页 共 17 页


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