杭州市2019-2020年度英语六年级下册 Unit 1 How tall are you_ 单元测试卷(II)卷

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杭州市2019-2020年度英语六年级下册 Unit 1 How tall are you_ 单元测试卷(II)卷_第1页
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杭州市2019-2020年度英语六年级下册 Unit 1 How tall are you_ 单元测试卷(II)卷_第3页
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杭州市2019-2020年度英语六年级下册 Unit 1 How tall are you_ 单元测试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. youngerB. strongerC. singer D. shorter(_) 2. A. handB. thanC. arm D. head(_) 3. A. funnyB. thinkC. kind D. active(_) 4. A. feetB. legC. wear D. hair (_) 5. A. bothB. cm C. ton D. kg2 . -How_ are you?-Im 5 years old. ( )AmanyBoldCabout3 . Myfatheris10cmthanme. ( )AtallerBshortCheavierDyounger4 . Tom is older than _. ( )AmyBme5 . _ size are your shoes? ( )I wear size 38. AWhatBWhereCWhy二、填空题按要求完成句子。6 . funny(比较级)_7 . thin(比较级)_8 . your(名词性物主代词)_9 . my(名词性物主代词_10 . kilogram(缩写形式)_11 . centimeter(缩写形式)_12 . foot(复数)_13 . strong(比较级)_14 . heavy(最高级) _15 . big (最高级) _Read and write.(按要求写出下列单词的相应形式)16 . become(动词-ing形式)_17 . angry(比较级)_18 . hot(比较级)_19 . I(名词性物主代词)_20 . Amy(名词所有格)_21 . tall(最高级)_22 . twelve(序数词)_23 . foot(复数)_24 . kilogram(缩写形式)_25 . countryside(汉语意思)_三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断下面的句子是“”否“”与短文相符。Hello, I am Lily. I am a Chinese girl. I have three good friends. They are Amy, Tommy and Ben. I am the thinnest one of us . Amy is the shortest one of us. Tommy is the tallest one of us. And Ben is the heaviest one of us. We often study together and play sports together.26 . Lily has three good friends. They are all girls. (_)27 . Amy is taller than Lily. (_)28 . Ben is heavier than Tommy. (_)29 . Tommy is the tallest one of them all. (_)30 . They often study together and play sports together. (_)四、英汉混合31 . 英汉互译1. come to the party_2. please reply_3. 将要_4. play lots of games_5. 玩玩具火车_五、填内容补全对话32 . 调查3个人的年龄和身高,并做好表格登记!NameageheightHow old are you?Im .years old.How tall are you?Im .metres._六、匹配题33 . Read and match. 读句子,选择相应的答句,将字母序号填入题前括号内。(_) 1. How many rulers?ASure. Here you are.(_) 2. Can I have some coke, please?BMy name is Amy.(_) 3. Lets make a puppet.CThank you.(_) 4. Whats your name?DTen.(_) 5. Happy birthday!EIts a funny dog.(_) 6. Whats this?FGood idea!(_) 7. Im hungry.GHave some eggs.七、书面表达34 . 写作。根据表格信息写一段短文,要求使用上比较级,不少于五句话。NameLilyTomAge1211Height (m)1.561.54Weight (kg)4851八、其他按要求完成句子。35 . getting, his, and, is, longer, shadow, longer (.)(连词成句)_.36 . becoming, You, a, are, girl, beautiful (!)(连词成句)_.37 . My bag is bigger than yours. (同义句)_.38 . Jim的铅笔比Joe的长。(翻译句子)_.39 . 那个红色的球比黑色的球小。(翻译句子)_.第 6 页 共 6 页


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