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广州市2019-2020学年五年级上册期末检测英语试卷(九)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . What_do you want to tell me? ( )AotherBothersCelseDelse things2 . Does Amy _ rice and meat? ( )AlikeBlikesCdoes like3 . Ill to school at 7:30. ( )AgoingBgoCwent4 . 找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项(_)1. A. breakfast B. dinner C. have(_)2. A. spring B. summer C. July(_)3. A. one B. first C. second(_)4. A. June B. Monday C. March(_)5. A. jumping B. running C. dance5 . Who is heavier, Zhang Peng _ the small dinosaur? ( )AandBorCwith6 . Lookatmy_ . ( )AbirdBbear7 . Why do you always go to the park? ( )_ABecause we can see films there. BBecause were going to fly kites there.CBecause we like to fly kites there.8 . The Yellow River is _ longest river in China. ( )Athe twoBtwoCthe second9 . We can play football on the _. ( )Amusic roomBlibraryCplayground10 . He wants _ to school in Canada. ( )Ato goBgoCgoing11 . _ is this dress? 78yuan.AHow muchBHowCHow many12 . you want some fruit? ( )ADoBAreCCan二、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。13 . I will _(visit) my grandparents tomorrow.14 . Does Liu Tao_(like) Australia?15 . Are there_(some)_(kangaroo) in the picture?16 . He _ (come) from_. Hes an _ (Australia)17 . I cant wait _(have) the picnic.18 . Let me _(buy) some fruit for the party.19 . Therere many _(country) in the world.20 . Are you going _(play) the piano?21 . Would you like_(go) with _( she) ?22 . They _(talk) about their plans next lesson.23 . 写出下列单词的正确形式。1. grow(三单形式)-_2. swim(现在分词)-_3. camp(现在分词)-_4. close(反义词)-_5. student(复数形式)-_6. trip(复数形式)-_读读,选出适当的单词完成句子,将字母代号写在横线上。A. second B. different C. all D. both E. same F. first24 . Childrens Day is on the _of June.25 . Tim and Tom _ like playing chess.26 . I am a music man. I can play _ the musical instrument.27 . Do your sister and you live in the _ room?Yes.28 . Judy lives on the _ floor.29 . What a nice candy shop! So many _ kinds of candies.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正确还是错误。AnOldManOnedayanoldmanistakingatraintohishometown.Oneofhisshoesfallsontotheground,butthetrainstarts. Hecannotpickitup.Thenhetakesofftheotherandthrowsitnearthefallen shoe. Aboybesidehisaskshim ,“whydoyoudothat?”Hesays,“Ifamanpicksthemup,hemayaswellgetapairofshoes.”30 . Anoldmanistakingatraintohishometown. (_)31 . oneofthemansshoesfallsontotheground. (_)32 . Theoldmanpickshisshoesup. (_)33 . Theoldmantakesofftheotherandthrowsitnearthefallenshoe. (_)34 . Theoldmanisverykind. (_)四、判断题判断下列单词划线读音是否相同,用“T”“F”表示。35 . cousin shout (_)36 . habit bite(_)37 . short work (_)38 . fast last(_)五、填内容补全对话39 . 填空。A: Excuse me.B: (1) _ the problem?A: Is this your pen?B: No, its not my pen. I (2) _ its Li Leis.A: (3) _ Li Lei?B: Hes my good friend. Look! Hes over there. Hello, Li Lei!C: Hello, Bill!B: Li Lei, (4) _ is Lin Tao.C: Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, too. Li Lei, is this your pen?C: Oh, yes, (5) _ is.A: (6) _ you (7) _.C: Thank you (8) _ (9) _A: Youre (10) _.六、匹配题选出相对应的答语。A. Its red.B. Thank you.C. Happy New Year!D. Yes, please.E. Its a doll.F. Its nice.40 . Whats this? (_)41 . Would you like this CD? (_)42 . Happy New Year to you all. (_)43 . This robot is for you. (_)44 . Look at my new cap. (_)45 . What colour is the ice cream? (_)七、连词成句46 . 包在椅子上。on, the,is,The, chair, bag(.)_第 6 页 共 6 页


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