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青海省2020年(春秋版)六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(二)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的一项:( )ALondonBBeijingCChina选出每组中不同类的一项。2 . AhotBhatCcap3 . AredBwarmCblue4 . AlibraryBplaygroundCweather5 . AcoolBsunnyCoutside6 . AcoldBdegreeCwindy7 . 请把不同类的单词选出来( )AisBamCbe8 . What does it _?( )AsayBsaysCsaying9 . My brother usually up at six in the morning, but he up at seven this morning. He was late for school. ( )Agets; gotBgot; getsCgets; gets10 . Welcome _ Super Show. ( )AtoBforCin11 . Read and circle(读一读,圈出在意义上属于不同类的单词):(_)1.A. hair B. headC. hear(_)2.A. eyes B. ears C. nose(_)3. A. are B. can C. is(_)4. A. IB. heC. she(_)5.A.dog B.catC. bird12 . The Tower Bridge is_. ( )AwideBnewCround13 . 读算式,选答案,将序号写在横线上。A six B seven C three D five E ten F eight1. two + four =_ 2. nine three =_3. four + _= nine 4.seven + three =_5. _ - one = six 6.two four =_14 . 划出划线部分不同于其他三个的单词。AmustBuncleCbusyDbus15 . Its _today. ( )AwindyBrainyCsunny16 . There arent any _ in the basket. ( )AtomatoBtomatoesCtomatosDa tomato17 . 选出所给单词中不同类的一项:( )AdressBdifferentCT-shirt18 . Were going to do _ research. ( )AanyBaCsome19 . There a Chinatown in New York. ( )AisBamCareDyou20 . 选出画线部分发音不同的单词ApetBbedChe21 . 找出划线部分发音不同的单词,将其序号填入括号内。1( ) A. bike B. rice C. fish D. fine2( ) A. home B. nose C.box D. no3( ) A. desk B. she C. he D. me4( ) A. bag B. name C. cake D. face5( ) A. bus B. cup C. cute D. but22 . 选出下列各组单词中划线部分发音与众不同的一项。【小题1】AshopBsockCclothes【小题2】AnoBwelcomeCgo【小题3】AfishBriceCsix【小题4】AcameraBatCmay【小题5】AdressBcameraChelp二、完形填空完型填空。Hainan is a scenic _in south of China. It is famous _the blue sea and the beautiful beach. Last summer, my parents and _went there on holiday .We _in the hotel by the coast of Sanya. Our stay _for two weeks. _our holiday, we had lots of fun. My mum swam in the sea, my dad _the motorboat with me. We also drank the _juice, and had different kinds of delicious seafood. The island was wonderful _the people there were really friendly .We enjoyed the holiday very much. I _the island again in the future.23 . AcityBcountryCfarmDisland24 . AofBforCtoDwith25 . AmyBmineCIDme26 . AplayedBsleptCtalkedDstayed27 . AlastedBis lastingClastsDlast28 . ABetweenBAtCDuringDUnder29 . AflewBrodeCridedDdrew30 . AcoconutBmelonCappleDdrew31 . AsoBandCbutDwhen32 . AvisitBam visitingCvisitedDwill visit三、填空题33 . 根据句意及首字母填写单词。1. I had _ (a) interesting holiday.2. I saw _ (star) in the sky. 3. She _ (go) to the beach yesterday. 4. I did my homework and I _ (do) other things.5. I _ (have) a party last Sunday.四、排序题34 . 对话排序(_) He is a businessman.(_) What about your mother?(_) He often goes to other countries.(_) Hey, what does your father do?(_) Thats nice.(_) Shes a head teacher.35 . 排序。(_) Yes, it is.(_) Hello, Jill.(_) Whats that?(_) Its a ruler.(_) Hello, Mike.(_) What colour is it?(_) Its red.(_) How nice! Is it your ruler, Mike?五、任务型阅读阅读,完成任务。Hello! Im Amy. Im a happy girl. Im from (来自.) Ningbo. Look at me. I have long hair. I have a big mouth and two big eyes. I like to drink Coke and eat ice cream. My pencil box is red. I have five pencils, a ruler and an eraser. I have a cat. Its (它的) name is Lily. It likes fish and milk. It is small and lovely.36 . 根据短文内容填空。Amys pencil box is _. She has _ pencils.37 . Amy铅笔盒里的东西还少什么,请写出来。_38 . 下面哪一个是Amy?ABC39 . 下面哪一个是Lily?ABC40 . Amy最喜欢的食物组合是: _Amilk and ice creamBmilk and fishCCoke and ice cream六、填内容补全对话41 . 阅读对话, 根据首字母填入适当的单词, 使其内容通顺。Jill: Good morning, Ken. 1.H_do you go to school every morning?Ken: By school bus.Jill: Me, too. Whats that in your schoolbag?Ken: A pair of sport shoes. The fourth 2.l_is PAJill: What 3.s_do you like?Ken: I like 4.p_football! Do you like it?Jill: No, I dont. I like singing and dancing in the5. M_lesson.Ken: Do you have a 6.C_lesson today?Jill: Yes, its the third lesson.Ken: What lessons do you have this afternoon?Jill: We have 7.E_and Art.七、选内容补全对话补全对话。A. Do you want to go with me?B. We can go there by bus.C. This is Tom.D. When will we go there?E. Lets meet at the bus station.Betty: Hello, this is Betty. May I speak to Tom?Tom: Hello. 42 . Betty: I want to watch a film this Sunday. 43 . Tom: That is wonderful. 44 . Betty: At 9:30 in the morning. Tom: How can we go there?Betty: 45 . Tom: OK. 46 . Betty: OK. See you.八、看图题47 . 看图回答问题1. Will it be windy in Beijing tomorrow?_2. Will it be hot in Chongqing tomorrow?_3. Will it rainy in Taibei tomorrow?_4. Will it be cold in Jinan tomorrow?_5. Where will be sunny tomorrow?_九、连线题48 . 将图片与句子连线。1. AThis is my family photo.2.BMy sister is a student.3. CMy brother is nine years old.4. DMy father is a driver (司机).5. EMy mother is a teacher.49 . 连一连。1.Chinese a. fish2.cheap b. teacher3.fresh c. shop4.shoe d. shirt5.chicken e. sandwich十、书面表达50 . 书面表达。你的爱好是什么?请以“MyHobbies”为题写一篇短文,介绍你的爱好。要求:1语句通顺,书写工整2.不少于40个单词。_第 10 页 共 10 页


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