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济南市2020年(春秋版)三年级上册期末测试英语试卷(一)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . How old _ Mocky? ( )AareBamCis2 . What colour is your pen? ( ).AIts redBIts sixCIts nice3 . 读句子在横线上写出单词的适当形:Sam wants some _(bread).4 . Lily sometimes _ the blackboard. ( )AcleanBcleansCcleaned5 . I often go _ with my father. ( )AshopBshopsCshopping6 . _ gifts? Ten.AHow manyBHow muchCHow old7 . They _ running now. ( )A、isB、amC、are8 . I see orange. ( )A让我看看黄色。B我看到了橙色。9 . Here you are. ( )A你好。B给你。10 . _ I go to school by bike? ( )No, you cant.ACanBAreCAm11 . Its _ to learn English. We should try the best. ( )AeasyBimportantCfun二、阅读选择读短文,根据短文内容,选择填空。Last night, Mr Li came back very early. He wanted to stay with his sons. At dinner time, Mr Li told them interesting stories. They laughed and laughed. Mr Li wanted to play basketball with Tony and Tommy after dinner, so he asked (问) them,“Do you finish (完成) your homework?” Tommy answered, “Yes, Dad. I finished my homework. I wrote (写) the composition (作文)-If I Am A Manager (经理).” “How about you, Tony?” Mr Li asked Tony. “No, Dad. Im waiting for my secretary(秘书),” Tony said. Mr Li laughed and said, “Go and finish it, Tony.”12 . Mr Li wanted to stay _ his sons. ( )AatBwithCfor13 . Mr Li told his sons stories _ dinner time. ( )AatBbeforeCafter14 . Mr Li wanted to play _ with his sons. ( )AfootballBbaseballCbasketball15 . Tony was waiting _ his secretary to do his homework. ( )AtoBforCat三、匹配题选出与所给句子相对应的句子,将其序号填在括号里。AAt six.BAll right.CYes, he can.DYes, there are.EI like skating.FNo, I dont.GShe likes singing.H. Happy New Year!I. He has a lovely parrot.J. Its behind the door.16 . What does your mother like?(_)17 . What does he have?(_)18 . Lets go and play table tennis.(_)19 . Do you like dogs?(_)20 . Wheres my toy plane? (_)21 . Happy New Year!(_)22 . Are there any pictures on the wall? (_)23 . Can he run fast? (_)24 . Whats your hobby?(_)25 . What time do you get up?(_)四、字母题26 . 将下列字母按顺序排列。Kk Gg Qq Mm Oo Ji Pp Vv Nn Uu【小题1】五、连线题27 . 读一读,将相对应的句子连线。1. Wheres my pen? a. Many books.2. Lets clean the window. b. Oh, its nice.3. Whats in the desk? c. Its in your pencil-case.4. Thank you. d. All right.5. Look at the picture. e. You are welcome.28 . 找朋友,将英语与汉语意思连起来。1. My name is Sam.a. 多少只鸟?2. How many birds?b. 指向窗户。3. Point to the window.c. 我的名字叫萨姆。4. Its red.d. 你好,埃米。5. Hello, Amy.e. 它是红色的。第 4 页 共 4 页


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