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沈阳市2019版四年级下册期中测试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AsingBwishCdoing2 . The password _ interesting. ( )AlistensBsoundsChearsDlistens to3 . I am going to。AswimmingBswimsCswim4 . Mum, wheres my schoolbag? ( )_.AThanksBHere it isCOK5 . Whats the weather like in Sydney? ( ) Its _.AwindyBsunCcloud6 . _a nice poster! ( )AWhatsBWhatCHow二、情景交际7 . 当你询问朋友他的妈妈是否教英语时,应该问: ( )ADoes your mother teach English ?BDoes your mother like English ?8 . 当你想表达摸你的鼻子,应该这样说:( )ATouch your nose.BLets draw your nose.CClose your nose.9 . 你想知道对方看见多少只风筝,可以这样问:( )AHow many kites do you know?BHow many kites do you see?10 . 想告诉别人足球在课桌上面时,你可以说:_AThe football is in front of the desk.BThe football is above the desk.CThe football is beside the desk.三、填空题根据汉语提示补全句子。11 . 这是一本新书。This is a _.12 . 你能看见几只鸟?_ birds can you see?13 . 这是谁的房间?_is it?14 . 请戴上眼镜。Please _.15 . 我哥哥有时打篮球。My brother _.16 . 写出下列动词的现在分词形式。例:play-playing1. write-_ 2. dance-_ 3. love-_ 4. get-_5. put-_ 6. talk-_ 7. take-_ 8. sing-_9. do-_ 10. watch-_四、单词拼写看图,写出下列单词。17 . _18 . _19 . _20 . _21 . _五、阅读回答问题22 . 阅读短文,回答问题。Teacher:Come here, children. What can you do,Chen Jie?Chen :I can draw pictures.Teacher:Amy, what can you do?Amy:I can sing and dance.Teacher:What can you do.Wu Yifan?Wu:I can do kung fu.Teacher:How about you ,Zhang Peng?Zhang:I can play football. Can you play football, Mike?Mike:No, I cant. I can play basketball.Teacher:OK.【小题1】What can Chen Jie do?_【小题2】Can Amy sing and dance?_【小题3】What can Wu Yifan do?_【小题4】Can Zhang Peng play basketball?_【小题5】Can Mike play basketball?_六、判断题23 . Read and tick (T) or cross(F): I saw some snow. (_)24 . 读一读,看每组单词的发音是否相同,相同()不同()。(_) 1. A. catB. bagC. have (_) 2. A. dadB. handC. lake(_) 3. A. sadB. hatC. camp(_) 4. A. meB. legC. pen (_) 5. A. tenB. weC. he(_) 6. A. kiteB. bikeC. like(_) 7. A. fiveB. bigC. pig(_) 8. A. niceB. milkC. six(_) 9. A. thankB. breadC. let (_) 10. A. birdB. girlC. third七、其他按要求完成下列各题。25 . stronger, he, me, than, is (.)(连词成句)_26 . My shoes are size 7.(就画线部分提问)_27 . 那是这个大厅里最高的恐龙。(译成英语)_28 . Your feet are bigger than mine.(译成汉语)_29 . are, tall, you, how (?)(连词成句)_第 5 页 共 5 页

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