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杭州市2020年四年级上册期末测试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Have a great time. ( )_.AGood byeBThank youCDont worry2 . What _ your father do? ( ) He is a businessman.AdoBdoesCis3 . I like _ best. Its warm. ( )AspringBsummerCwinter4 . Wang Bing never computer games at school. ( )AplayingBplayCplaysDplayed5 . ? ( ) Its a doll.AIs this a doll?BWhats this?6 . Can you _ slow? ( )ArunningBrunCto run二、阅读选择7 . 读小短文,选择正确的答案的字母代号:I can see some hens on the farm. Look, this is a big hen. It can sing. It is orange.Listen! QuackQuack I can hear ducks, too. They can swim in the river. Theyare happy. I like farm animals.【小题1】This is a _.AhenBchick【小题2】It is _.AsmallBbig【小题3】It can _.AsingBdance【小题4】It is _.AyellowBorange【小题5】I hear _.AQuackQuackBMooMoo【小题6】I like farm _.AanimalsBapples三、填空题8 . 选词填空some any1. Im going to do _ shopping.2. Is there _ problem with it?3. Can you buy _ fruits for me?4. There arent _ vegetables.5. Ill buy _ apples.四、单词拼写根据汉语意思补全单词。9 . _u_i_(音乐)10 . _l_k(时钟)11 . b_k(书)12 . el_n(十一)13 . ch_(椅子)五、汉译英14 . 翻译下列句子1. 我有一个新玩具。_2. 这是什么?_3. 这是一艘船。_4. 我能看看你的新火车吗?_5. 这是一辆公交车。_六、选内容补全对话选择合适的句子补全对话。A. How many people are there in your family?B. Is your grandpa a teacher, too?C. What are your parents job?D. Yes, she is.E. Whats your grandmas job?Martin: 15 . Tim: Five. My grandpa, my grandma, my parents and me.Martin: 16 . Tim: My father is a teacher and my mother is a nurse. Martin: 17 . Tim: Yes, he is.Martin: 18 . Is she a nurse?Tim: 19 . 七、改错20 . 找出句中错误的地方,并改正:There are many sweet over there. _八、匹配题21 . 对号入座,请将右栏中相应的序号填入左栏的括号内。(_) 1. What do you have?AFive. (_) 2. Look at my cap.BGreat!(_) 3. How many cats do you have?CHow nice!(_) 4. Can you play football?DOrange.(_) 5. I dont like tigers.ESure. (_) 6. Can I have a look?FYes, I can. (_) 7.Do you like pandas?GIts under the tree.(_) 8.Lets make a fruit salad.H. I dont like either(_) 9.What colour is your box?I. Yes, I do.(_) 10.Where is the dog?J. I have some balls.九、连词成句连词成句。22 . my, is, missing, Chinese, because, book (.)_23 . for, lets, together, watch, look, your (.)_24 . you, why, do, look, excited, so (?)_25 . you, now, are, surprised (?)_第 5 页 共 5 页


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