杭州市2020年英语四年级上册Module 9 Unit 2 I’m going to the high jump. 练习卷D卷

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杭州市2020年英语四年级上册Module 9 Unit 2 I’m going to the high jump. 练习卷D卷_第1页
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杭州市2020年英语四年级上册Module 9 Unit 2 I’m going to the high jump. 练习卷D卷_第3页
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杭州市2020年英语四年级上册Module 9 Unit 2 Im going to the high jump. 练习卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . They do morning exercises every day. ( )AB2 . 选出不同类的一项。(_)1. A. SundayB. some C. Saturday(_)2. A. dadB. happyC. sad(_)3. A. fever B. coldC. fine(_)4. A. hear B. hungry C. thirty(_)5. A. thankB. talkC. speak3 . Come, Daming.! ( )Aon, runBon, RunCin, run选择出不同类的单词。4 . AbearsBmonkeysCzoo5 . AtigerBsnakeCwolf6 . AnoseBtailClong7 . AsevenBduckCten8 . AfunBroarCtrick9 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AcarefulBgoodCwant10 . Is she _ tired? ( )AfeelsBfeelCfeeling11 . This is my brother, Paul. He has a _. Its new. ( )AblouseBskirtCshirt12 . Shenzhen is a big city _. ( )AnowBthenCyesterday13 . Daming is going to run the【小题1】( )A、metreB、metresC、metres14 . What can you _ in the picture? ( )I _ at it, but I cant _ anything.Alook; look; look forBsee; see; look forCsee; look; findDlook for; look; look二、情景交际15 . 为朋友加油,你应该说:( )ACome on!BThank you.16 . 根据下面的情景,选择正确的句子。( )(1)当你想询问对方多大时,应说:AWhere are you ?B. How old are you ?( )(2)当你想告诉对方你的名字时,应说:A My name is Tom .B. Your name is Tom . ( ) (3)当你想知道她的名字时应说A Who is he ?B. Who is she ?( ) (4)当你见到对方很高兴时如何表式达:A Pleased to meet you !B. Good morning ! ( )(5)如何向别人介绍你的朋友:A This is Dick , my new friend .B. You are my friends .( )(6)当你想问对方从哪里来,应说:A Where are you ?B. Where are you from ?( ) (7)我们是好朋友,如何表达:A Were good friends .B. Lets be friends .17 . 根据所给情景填写句子:你告诉别人你妈妈是一名护士你应该说:_18 . “这很甜”怎么说?AHere you arBCIts sour.DIts sweet.三、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答问题。Tom: What are you going to do tomorrow?Mike: Im going to draw some pictures.Tom: Draw some pictures?Mike: Yes. I need some crayons. So Im going to the supermarket.Tom: How are you going there?Mike: Im going there by bike.19 . What is Mike going to do tomorrow?_20 . What does Mike need?_21 . Where is Mike going this afternoon?_22 . Is Mike going there by bus?_四、选内容补全对话23 . 选择句子,补全对话。AWere going to have a sports day.BAre you going to do the long Jump?CHow about you?DAre you going to school?EIm going to run the 200.John: Daming, _Daming: No, Im going to run in the park.John: Oh. _Daming: Yes.John: What are you going to do on sports day?Daming: _John: _Daming: No, Im not going to do the long jump. _John: Im going to do the high jump.五、匹配题24 . 从栏中找出与I栏相对应的句子,将其序号填在题前括号里。I(_)1. Where are you going?AWe have three.(_)2. What are you doing?BYes, I do.(_)3.How many apples do you have?CNo, but I have a cute cat.(_)4. Do you like apples?DYes, I did.(_)5. Do you have a dog?ESome milk.(_)6. Did you go to the Summer Palace?FThe girl in red.(_)7.What did you do on Monday?GIm going to the bookshop.(_)8. Whats in the bottle? H. The brown dogs.(_)9.Who is the lollipop (棒棒糖) for? I. Im making a fruit salad.(_)10.Whose tail is short?J. I climbed the mountain with my classmates.第 6 页 共 6 页

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