广州市2019版英语四年级下册Module 2 单元测试卷D卷

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广州市2019版英语四年级下册Module 2 单元测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Its very big _ tall.( )AbutBandCor2 . It has long ears. ( )AB3 . Now we can play _ games and do tasks _ English. ( )Athe; inBthe; withC/; inD/; with找出不同类的一项。4 . AseasonBspringCsummerDwinter5 . AkitchenBhomeCstudyDbathroom6 . AmouthBnoseCbodyDeye7 . AbasketballBfootballCping-pongDsports8 . AclothesBT-shirtCshoesDshirt9 . AMissBMs.CMrs.DMr.10 . AvisitBwearCfindDlate11 . ASundayBMondayCweekDThursday12 . ACanadaBNew York C.Washington D.C. D.Beijing13 . AdirtyBthinkCgiveDbring选出每组单词中不同类的一项。14 . ApassBcutCfork15 . AbowlBuseCspoon16 . AbeefBvegetableCknife17 . AmakeBchopsticksCspoon18 . AsoupBriceCbowl19 . This is Sam. ( )AanBaC不填20 . Hurry up, _ you will catch the early bus. ( )AandBbutCorDso21 . This is my _ bag. ( )AmothersBmothersCmother22 . Now she _thin. ( )AwasBareCis23 . I couldnt swim two years _. ( )AlastBagoCnow24 . 选出不同类的单词。(_)1. A. ear B. green C. nose(_)2. A. black B. mouth C. red(_)3. A. crayon B. eraser C. eye(_)4. A. face B. hand C. ruler(_)5. A. orange B. face C. nose25 . There a pair of socks on the bed. ( )AareBisCsome26 . Lets go shopping.( ) _AOK, lets go to the store.BOK, lets go to school.27 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AclassmateBcloudCcry28 . Which word has the same meaning as “autumn”? ( )AAuto.BSeason.CFall.二、填空题读一读, 按要求写单词。29 . young(比较级)_30 . thin(比较级)_31 . big(比较级)_32 . have(过去式)_33 . go(过去式)_34 . hurt(过去式)_35 . buy(过去式)_36 . fish(动名词)_37 . active(反义词)_38 . metre(另一种形式)_三、任务型阅读阅读短文,补全句子。Mr. Green is an English man. He is a teacher. He teaches English in No. 15 Middle School in Beijing. He likes teaching a lot. He goes to school by school bus every morning. There are fifty students in his class. He speaks English with them in class. His students enjoy his lessons. He plays games with them after school. He likes them very much. And his students love him, too. They are good friends.39 . Mr. Green is from E_ .40 . He is a good t_ .41 . He takes the school bus to s_ every morning .42 . He and his students _(说)Englisn in class .43 . Mr. Green plays games with his students b_(在之前)going home .四、句型转换按要求改写句子44 . They have some elephants. (改为单数句) She _ elephant.45 . I have three dogs. (对画线部分提问)_ you _?46 . Nancy has some flowers. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ Nancy _ flowers? _, she _.47 . They have no pencils or pens. (改为同义句)They _ pencils _ pens.48 . The dog can run and jump.(对画线部分提问)_ the dog _?句型转换。49 . It means you cant eat here.(就划线部分提问)_50 . I am happy. (根据划线提问)_ you _?51 . Its time for breakfast .(同义句)Its time _ breakfast.52 . That is her knife.(改成复数)_ are _.53 . Are you going to buy a birthday cake? (作肯定回答)_按要求写句子。54 . I saw a pig.(就画线部分提问)_55 . Did you take Amys doll?(作否定回答)_56 . She usually walks to school.(用yesterday改为否定句)_57 . Hurt my knee.(给出问句)_58 . He came last Sunday.(就画线部分提问)_59 . 按要求写句子。【小题1】Can you swim? (根据实际情况回答) _【小题2】A doll is on the bed. (对划线部分提问)_on the bed?【小题3】I can dance well. (改为否定句)I _dance well.【小题4】Is this his ruler? (作肯定回答)_【小题5】It is yellow. (对划线部分提问)_is it?60 . 按要求做题1.He is happy(同义句)_2. I can I help you.(否定句)_? 3. Is she sad?(肯定回答)_4.She was 10 years old.(一般现在时)_5. What color is it? (复数句 )_五、看图题根据所给图片和提示词,完成下面的句子和对话。61 . This is my_, _.She is _She is_ and_.62 . This is my_, _.She is_.She is_ but a little _.63 . A:Whos your_?B: _. A:Whats he like?B:He is _ and _.A:Is he_?B:Yes, he is.64 . A:Whos your_?B:Mr Wang.A:Whats he like?B:He is _.A:Is he_?B:Yes, he is. He is very _.六、连词成句65 . 连成词句,并注意句子开头字母大小写。1. to, are, going, classroom, the, we (.)_2. hamburger, favorite, food, is, my (.)_3. fun, this, great, is (.)_4. snow, he, through, the, walks (.)_66 . 连词成句。(1)are ,they, doing, what(?)_(2)playing, the, are, girls, basketball(.)_(3)the, how, about, teachers(.)_(4)very, they, are, playing, well(.)_(5)the, watching, we, games, are(.)_67 . 连词成句,注意句首字母要大写。1. sad, are, so, why, you ( ? )_2. too, eat, you, sweets, many, shouldnt ( . )_3. we, with, potatoes, are, meat, cooking ( . )_4. the, is, January, in, February, Spring Festival, or ( . )_5. at, the, bus, Park Station, get off ( . )_68 . 连词成句【小题1】Mike, old, nine, is, years (.)_【小题2】is, Frans, tomorrow, birthday (.)_【小题3】birthday, in, is, whose, September (?)_69 . 连词成句:a, That, is, white, bag (.)_七、连线题70 . 英汉连线。1. Lets drink some milk. a.让我们吃些鸡肉。2. Lets have some chicken.b.该吃午饭了。3. Its time for lunch. c.该上体育课了。4. Time to go home. d.该回家了。5. Its time for PE class. e.让我们喝些牛奶。第 10 页 共 10 页


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