广州市2019-2020年度英语三年级下册Unit 5 How old are you_单元测试卷D卷

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广州市2019-2020年度英语三年级下册Unit 5 How old are you_单元测试卷D卷_第1页
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广州市2019-2020年度英语三年级下册Unit 5 How old are you_单元测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Look, there is a on the desk. ( )AfanBlightCwater bottle2 . He took care _his mother.( )AinBforCof3 . -How old _ they?-I dont know.AareBisCam4 . _ useful job they are doing! ( )AHowBWhat aCWhat anDWhat5 . 选出下列每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AmorningBhardCtall6 . Mum, _ I play computer games? ( )Yes, you can. But you have to finish your homework first.AmustBmayCwillDneed7 . -How much are the exercise books? ( )- _30 yuan.AItBItsCTheyDTheyre8 . _ is the man? ( )AWhenBWhoCHe9 . Im helpful. I can _. ( )Awatch TVBclean the classroomCread books10 . a great story! ( )AWhatBHowCWhere11 . beautiful your coat is! Where did you get it?( )AHowBHow aCWhatDWhat a12 . -Wheres Miss Li ? ( )- _AIts in the library.BHes in the library.CShes in the library.13 . - _ did you finish your piano lessons? ( )- In the school.AWhereBWhatCWhen14 . This is not my watch, Do you know _ it is? ( )AwhatBwhichCwhoDwhose二、情景交际15 . -_. ( )-Thank you!APlease open the doorBWheres the cake?CHere you are.16 . 玩游戏时,别人输了,你可以说:( )AYoure right.BYoure out.CThank you17 . 风筝飞到了树上,你可以说:( )AIts on the tree.BIts in the tree.CHes in the tree.18 . 你想让同学许个愿,你会说: ( )AHappy birthday.BThis is for you.CMake a wish.19 . 同学问你多少岁了,你现在九岁,你会说: ( )AHow old are you?BIm ten.CIm nine.20 . 同学给你看他新买的夹克衫,你可以说:( )AHere you are.BIts red.CWow, how beautiful!三、排序题21 . 读一读,将下列句子排列成一段对话。1. Good morning, Helen.2. Happy Birthday , Helen.3. Thank you.4. Good morning, YangLing.5. How old are you today?6.Im seven years old.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。My name is Jim Green. I am 10. That is my mother. She is a teacher. That is my father. His name is Jeff Green. He is a teacher too. He is an English teacher. That is my sister, Kate. She is 8. This is Polly. She is a bird. She is 2. 22 . Jim Green is nine. (_)23 . Jims brother is a teacher. (_)24 . Jims father is a Chinese teacher. (_)25 . Jims sister is eight. (_)26 . Polly is a bird. She is two. (_)五、匹配题选择与所给句子相对应的答句。A. I like elephants.B. I have fifteen.C. They are cute.D. Yes, I do.E. Sure. Here you are.F. Yes, you can.G. I have some green apples.H. Good idea.27 . Do you like cherries? (_)28 . What animal do you like? (_)29 . Can I have a look at it? (_)30 . How many stickers do we have? (_)31 . What fruit do you have?(_)32 . Lets make a hot cake. (_)33 . Look at these fat pandas.(_)34 . Can I play basketball now? (_)六、看图题35 . 看图写出相应的单词。1._ 2._ 3._4._ 5._ 6._七、连词成句连词组句。36 . fun, we, Beijing, are, having, in (.)_37 . postcard, on, where, do, write, we, the (?)_38 . I, postcard, want, my, to, send, this, to, mom (.)_39 . date, write, first, the (.)_40 . the, dont, stamp, forget (.)_第 5 页 共 5 页


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