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哈尔滨市2019版英语五年级下册专项训练:排序、改错D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、排序题1 . 句子排序。( 4 ) Hmm. Lets go to the clothes shop.(_) I dont want to buy clothes.(_) Okay. Where?(_) I want to go shopping.(_) What do you want to do?(_) Well, what do you want to buy?(_) Ice cream.2 . 给句子排序,使其组成完整的对话。AWhat do you want to be in the future?BHi, Gao Wei. Look at my mum. Shes on TV.CShe looks very beautiful. Is your father a TV reporter, too?DHow interesting! He takes care of pets, right?E I want to be a vet like my dad.F She is a TV reporter.G Yes. My dad takes care of my pet dog and my sisters pet cat,too.H. Really? What does your mother do?I. No. He is a vet. A vet is an animal doctor.J. Thats a good idea! Animals are our good friends.难度:一般使用:3次题型:排序题更新:2016/12/21纠错智能换题收藏详情3 . 把下列句子整理成一段通顺的话。_Look! Its white._Hi, Dad! Whats in the box?_Thank you, Dad._Oh, what colour is it?_Its a cat. Its for you.难度:一般使用:2次题型:排序题更新:2019/4/24纠错智能换题收藏详情4 . Fangfang找不到去图书馆的路了,她只好向警察求助。将下列句子重新排序组成一段对话。( ) Its beside the zoo. ( ) Excuse me, where is Zhongshan Library?( ) Youre welcome. ( ) Go straight. Turn left at the second traffic lights. ( ) Thanks!( ) Where is the zoo?难度:一般使用:13次题型:排序题更新:2020/4/22纠错智能换题收藏详情二、改错5 . Write “T”or “F” and then correct: What do you do last night?(_)_难度:较易使用:1次题型:改错更新:2019/11/28纠错智能换题收藏详情6 . Helikesdrawingpicturesandgohiking.(改错)_难度:一般使用:36次题型:改错更新:2018/10/20纠错智能换题收藏详情7 . Look and correct the mistake. 改错。(1) What are you lookfor? _(2) My bottle isbig than those ? _(3) Would you minduse my water bottle._(4) Let me go and askshe. _难度:一般使用:15次题型:改错更新:2018/6/19纠错智能换题收藏详情改错。8 . He wants to woreastory.(_)_A B C9 . Did you visitedthe Bund?(_)_A B C10 . Is there a book on the desk just now? (_)_A B C11 . Was there some juice in the bottle yesterday?(_)_A B C12 . How manypear are there on the tree? (_)_A B C难度:一般使用:6次题型:改错更新:2020/1/14纠错智能换题收藏详情改错。13 . I go to homeat four thirty every day. (_)_A B C14 . I cantwatch TV in night. (_)_A B C15 . Whattimes is it now? (_)_A B C16 . Whatdo you go to bed every night? (_)_A B C17 . Whatcan you sees over there, Wang Bing? (_)_A B C难度:一般使用:9次题型:改错更新:2020/2/5纠错智能换题收藏详情18 . 选出句子中错误的一项,并在横线上改正:There arefourtypupilsin my class.(_)_A B C D难度:较易使用:0次题型:改错更新:2019/11/24纠错智能换题收藏详情二、改错5 . Write “T”or “F” and then correct: What do you do last night?(_)_6 . Helikesdrawingpicturesandgohiking.(改错)_7 . Look and correct the mistake. 改错。(1) What are you lookfor? _(2) My bottle isbig than those ? _(3) Would you minduse my water bottle._(4) Let me go and askshe. _改错。8 . He wants to woreastory.(_)_A B C9 . Did you visitedthe Bund?(_)_A B C10 . Is there a book on the desk just now? (_)_A B C11 . Was there some juice in the bottle yesterday?(_)_A B C12 . How manypear are there on the tree? (_)_A B C改错。13 . I go to homeat four thirty every day. (_)_A B C14 . I cantwatch TV in night. (_)_A B C15 . Whattimes is it now? (_)_A B C16 . Whatdo you go to bed every night? (_)_A B C17 . Whatcan you sees over there, Wang Bing? (_)_A B C18 . 选出句子中错误的一项,并在横线上改正:There arefourtypupilsin my class.(_)_A B C D第 6 页 共 6 页

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