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吉林省2020版六年级上册期末测试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AweBtheyCme2 . Is it? ( )No, it.Awind, isntBwindy, isntCwindy, arent3 . Lingling is sleeping, her sister is singing. ( )AandBorCbut4 . Whens _?( )Its on the second Sunday of May.AChildrens DayBMothers DayCFathers Day5 . My mother never _ basketball because she cant play it. ( )Aplays theBplayCplays6 . Toma dog.( )Adont haveBdoesnt haveCdont has7 . Does Suhai have _ habits?( )AsomeBanyCa8 . -Do you like _ bicycles?( )-Yes, I do.ArideBridingCride a9 . 向下( )AtoBwithCdown10 . ( )AThe computer is near the door.BThe computer is under the window.CThe computer is on the desk.二、阅读选择阅读理解,选择正确的答案。This is May. She is a girl. She is my new friend. She is 12 years old. She is from the UK. She is a good student.11 . I have a new_. ( )AteacherBfriend12 . May is from _. ( )AChinaBthe UK13 . She is _ years old. ( )AelevenBtwelve14 . May is a good _. ( )AstudentBteacher15 . May is a _. ( )AboyBgirl三、填空题16 . 按要那要求写单词。1.these(单数)_2. it(复数)_3.this(对应词)_4. potatoes(单数)_17 . 填空题。1. I can hear a _ and a _ .2. _ Gu Dong?Its a monster.3. What can you _ ?4. The toy rabbit is _ the bed. (填上合适的介词)5. Its ears _ white. (填上合适的系动词)四、单词拼写你能根据这些数字写出英语单词吗?18 . _ne19 . f_ur20 . s_x21 . n_ne22 . t_n23 . _ welve24 . f_fteen25 . s_xteen26 . _ighteen27 . _wenty五、选内容补全对话28 . 补全对话。AWhats this?BWhat are they?CGood morning, Mr Li.DIts fat.EThat monkey is big and fat.A: Good morning, Lily.B: _A: Lets go to the zoo.B: OK._A: Its a tiger.B: _A: They are monkeys.B: This monkey is small and thin._A: Look, its a panda.B: _六、匹配题找出相对应的句子。AGoodbye.BHello, Liu Tao.CHello, Mike.DHi, Lucy.EHi, Alex.FYes, I am.GGood afternoon. H. Good morning.29 . This is my brother, Mike. (_)30 . Are you Tom? (_)31 . Good morning, Miss Li.(_)32 . Good afternoon, Helen. (_)33 . Hi, Mike.(_)34 . Hes Alex. Hes my brother.(_)35 . Hello, Im Liu Tao.(_)36 . Goodbye. (_)37 . 对答如流1.Whats in the classroom ?AReally? lets go and have a look.2 .We have a new classroom.BA board,two lights, many desks and chairs.3、How many story-booksCHis name is Zhang Peng.4、10+20=?DThirty.5、Whats his name ?E I have 23.七、书面表达38 . 书面表达。假如你是Anna,你的朋友Frank来信问你初中生活的打算,你会在信中和他说些什么呢?要求:1. 语言准确,条理清晰。2. 字迹工整,不少于6句话(开头结尾已经给出,不计入总数内)。Dear Frank:Im going to leave my primary school and go to middle school. _Yours,Anna第 7 页 共 7 页

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