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呼和浩特市2019-2020学年三年级上册期末测试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -Bye, Bai Ling. ( )-_AOK.BGoodbye.CHi.2 . 怀特老师向大家作自我介绍时说: ( )AHello! Im Miss White.BGoodbye, Miss White.3 . Lets clean the desks and chairs. ( )_AReally?BThank you.CAll right.4 . Turn right_ the hospital and then go _.Aat ,leftBat , straightCon ,right5 . 当你听道“Mew!”的叫声,就知道它是? ( )AcatBdogCbear6 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AusBmeCthey7 . -What does this sign_? ( )-It_ you shouldnt walk on the grass in the park.Amean; meanBmeans; meansCmean; means8 . Look! There is _ Italian restaurant. ( )AaBanC不填9 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AhelloBblueCred10 . Where is your brother? - _ the bookstore.AOfBForCIn11 . your hands! ( )AWashBWashesCWashed二、情景交际12 . “这是一个空垃圾箱。”用英语怎样表达:( )AThiss an empty bin.BThis is a empty sink.CThis is an empty bin.13 . 爸爸问迈克晚饭想吃什么,迈克告诉他想吃牛肉和面条,迈克该怎么回答:( )AId like some beef and noodles.BWheres my dinner?CWhat would you like for dinner?14 . 当别人问你有多少铅笔时,应问AHow many pencils can you see?BHow many pencils do you have?15 . 下午在路上遇见同学王林,你应该说:( )AGood morning, Wang Lin.BGood afternoon, Wang Lin.CHi, Im Wang Lin.16 . 再见,林涛! ( )AHello, Lin Tao! BGoodbye, Lin Tao!17 . 你向别人介绍自己的爷爷,可以说:( )AThis is my grandpa. BThis is my father.CThis is my grandma.18 . 同学找不到他的故事书了,你想告诉他在这儿,应该说:( )AHere it is.BHere you are.根据情景选择合适的句子。19 . 询问这支钢笔是否是对方的,这样问:( )AIs this your pen?BIs that your pen?20 . 你找不到你的橡皮,这样问:( )AWheres my cap?BWheres my rubber?21 . 看到有人在课堂上讲话,你这样说:( )ADont sleep in class.BDont talk in class.22 . 看到一件物品,问是否是尺子,这样问:( )AIs this a ruler?BIs this a rubber?23 . 告诉对方你的衬衫在椅子上,这样说:( )AMy shirt is on the chair.BMy skirt is behind the chair.24 . 你想告诉你的伙伴他是你的爸爸,你应该说:( )AHes your father.BGood morning, Father.CHes my father.25 . 当你告诉对方你有一时,你应该说:( )AWhat do you have?BI have got a nice book.26 . 朋友来你家做客时,应该说:Awelcome .BHi,Im Mike.27 . 你告诉别人你最近很好,你说( )ANice to meet you.BIm fine, thank you.28 . 早上在校门口你遇到你的同学,你应该说:( )AGoodafternoonBGoodevening.CGoodmorning.29 . 早上向同学们问好时,可以说:( )AGood morning.BHi.CGood afternoon.30 . 上午上英语课时,老师会说:( )AOpen your books, boys and girls.BYes, please.CCome in.31 . 下午放学时,你会对黄老师说:( )AGoodbye, Miss Huang.BGood afternoon, Miss Huang.CHello, Miss Huang.三、连线题32 . 连线,把国旗与对应的国家连起来。1. the UK 2. China 3.Japan 4. the USAABCD第 4 页 共 4 页

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