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太原市2020年(春秋版)六年级下册小升初全真模拟测试英语试卷(九)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Mrs. Li and her mum are _ their way to the park. ( )AonBinCat2 . _ are you? ( )Im fine.AWhatBHow3 . 选出画线部分发音与众不同的一项:( )AagainBarriveCsafe4 . How do you come to school? ( )I usually come .Aon footBon bikeCby foot5 . Can I have _grapes? ( )Yes, please.AsomeBanyCa6 . There are five _on the Olympic Flag. ( )AringBringsCstars7 . 选出下列每组单词中与其他不属于同一类的选项。(_)1. A. desk B. bird C. chair(_)2. A. talk B. class C. drink(_)3. A. here B. this C. that(_)4. A. ruler B. robot C. rubber(_)5. A. beautiful B. lovely C. five8 . These children are _. ( )AplayBplayingCplays9 . She is singing. She is too_. ( )AquietBloudCquick10 . _ the zoo ( )AinBonCat二、情景交际11 . 新年到了,你应该对父母说:( )AHappy Birthday.BThis is for you.CHappy New Year.三、任务型阅读根据对话写单词完成句子。Mike: How was your last weekend?John: It was not very good. What did you do?Mike: I played football with Tom. Did you stay at home all day?John: Yes, I did.Mike: What did you do at home?John: I watched TV and did my homework.12 . Mike _ last weekend.13 . John _and _his _ last weekend.14 . Tom_ last weekend.15 . Johns last weekend was _very good because he _ at home all day.四、判断题16 . 判断下列各组单词画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。_pink pig_photo no_this five_rose not五、选内容补全对话17 . 补全对话。A: _?B: Id like some fish and rice.A: OK. Hold on, please.B: _?A: Fifty yuan, please.B: Thats OK. _.六、匹配题看一看,选一选。A. sports meetB. singing contestC. Easter partyD. school tripE. Chinese test18 . (_)19 . (_)20 . (_)21 . (_)22 . (_)七、看图题看图,写单词。23 . _24 . _25 . _26 . _27 . _28 . _29 . _30 . _八、字母题31 . 阅读短文,回答下列问题。Good afternoon,boys and girls.I am Miss Gao,your English teacher.I have something to tell you.We are going to do some cleaning after school.Group(组) One sweeps the floor.Weve got enough brooms(扫帚).Please give out the brooms.Group Two cleans the windows and the blackboard.Group Three carries some clean water.Group Four empties the trash(倒垃圾).Remember(记住) to close the windows and do your homework.Have a good weekend.【小题1】How many groups are there in the class?_【小题2】Is it Friday or Monday?_【小题3】What does Group Three do?_【小题4】Are there enough brooms in the classroom?_【小题5】Is Miss Gao a teacher?_九、音标题32 . 选出每组中画线部分读音不同的一项。(_)1. A. bus B. cut C. cute(_)2. A. excuse B.m um C. use(_)3. A. study B. duck C.tube(_)4.A. up B. cup C. ruler33 . Read and write.根据划线字母的发音给单词归类。AheadBfaceCblackDgirlE. park F. breakfast G. go H. hear1./k/: _2./g/: _3./h/: _4./f/: _十、书面表达34 . 小作文。同学们,你们的小学生活即将结束,你们一定有很多美好的回忆吧。拿起笔,用英语写一写你的小学生活吧!要求:1. 条理清楚,意思明确,语句通顺、连贯,用词得当,语法正确;2. 书写清晰、规范;3. 50词左右。Primary school life will be over soon._第 7 页 共 7 页


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