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黑龙江省2020年(春秋版)六年级下册小升初综合训练英语试卷(一)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . ( )AClean the door.BClean the window.CClean the chairs.2 . My hobby is _.( )Agoing shoppingBgo shoppingCgo to shop3 . Has your sister been to Hainan Island? ( )No, she hasnt been _there before.AtoBCofDon4 . Does John go hiking every weekend?Yes, .Ahe doesBhe doesntCI do5 . 选出与其他两项不同的一项:( )AschoolBactorCdriver6 . Im my grandmother tomorrow. ( )AvisitedBgoing to visitCvisit7 . This is your _school. Its beautiful. ( )AaBtheC/8 . How old are you? ( )AIm tenBHes seven.CShe is five!DLook at the candies.9 . They _ play table tennis last Sunday. ( )AdidntBdontCdoesntDwerent10 . Look _ my new skirt. ( )AforBtoCat11 . We want to buy six _ at the shop. ( )ApineapplesBbananaCupDcheese12 . The girl _ buy _ cheese yesterday. ( )Adoesnt; anyBwasnt: someCdidnt; any辨音题。选出与所给单词画线部分发音不同的一项。13 . bird( )AdirtBwrite14 . girl( )AhurtBhear15 . birth( )AnumberBnurse16 . hamburger( )AdirtyBarm17 . get( )AreadyBarm18 . I like _ in summer. ( )AswimBswimmingCswimingDswims二、阅读选择阅读下列短文,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood(木头)near a river. Suddenly his old axe(斧子)fell into the water. He felt very sad because he lost (丢失)his only axe. When he didnt know what to do, a beautiful fairy(仙女)came out and asked the man what was wrong with him.“I have lost my axe,” he said. “It fell into the water when I was cutting the wood.”The fairy showed him a gold axe(金斧头)and asked, “Is this yours?”“No,” said the man.The fairy showed him a silver axe(银斧头)and asked again, “Is this yours?”“No,” again answered the man.Then she showed him the old axe.“Yes, that is mine,” called out the happy man.“I know it well enough,” said the fairy. “I only wanted to see if (是否)you would tell me the truth, and now Ill give you the gold axe, the silver axe and your own one.”19 . One day when the man was cutting near a river, . ( )Ahe fell into the waterBhe didnt know what to doChis axe fell into the waterDhe saw w beautiful fairy20 . The man felt because he lost his axe. ( )AtiredBhappyCsadDwell21 . Why didnt the man take the gold axe? ( )ABecause he did not like the gold axe.BBecause he wanted the silver axe.CBecause he didnt like gold at all.DBecause the gold axe was not his.22 . How many axes did the man have at the end of the story(在故事的最后)?( )AOne.BTwo.CThree.DMany.23 . The fairy helped the man because he was a man. ( )AoldByoungCpoorDgood阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案,将序号写在前面括号内。John and May were quite rich. They had a big, beautiful house full of expensive paintings. One day, they got an envelope with two tickets inside.They had many friends and were surprised, however, when they could not find out who had sent them the tickets. There was no letter in the envelope with two tickets. “Theyve forgotten to put a letter in it.” John said, “How strange! We dont know whom to thank. “They phoned many of their friends and asked, “Did you send us theatre tickets?” “No,” their friends said. “We didnt send them.” Its strange, May told her husband, “but we wont waste the tickets. Everyone says that the play is very good.”So they went to the theatre. They didnt really enjoy the play, because they were worrying all the time. The play started at eight oclock and finished at ten. When they got home, it was after eleven. There was a note on their front door. It said, “We hope you enjoyed the play.” Inside the house there was no painting left. They had all been stolen.24 . According to the passage John and May had lots of expensive _.( )AticketsBpaintingsChousesDfriends25 . Whats the meaning of “envelope”? ( )A票B信件C信封D惊喜26 . How long was the play? ( )ATwo hours.BEight hours.CTen hours.DEleven hours.27 . Who sent John and May the tickets? ( )ATheir friends.BTheir parents.CNot mentioned.DThe thieves(小偷).三、完形填空28 . 完形填空。This is Bill. He_1_ from Australia. He is_2_ friend. We are in_3_ same class. We are_4_friends. He_5_to play basketball very much. He_6_a ball at the store to play basketball. He likes to wear shorts_7_Tshirts. He likes to play basketball_8_me. His home is far from our school. He_9_ lunch at school. After school, he goes back home in the_10_. ( ) 1. A. come B. coming C. comes( ) 2. A. I B. me C. my( ) 3. A. the B. a C. an( ) 4. A. bad B. good C. well( ) 5. A. likes B. like C. liking( ) 6. A. buying B. buy C. buys( ) 7. A. or B. and C. but( ) 8. A. with B. for C. of( ) 9. A. had B. have C. has( ) 10. A. morning B. afternoon C. day四、情景交际29 . 当你想问玛丽照片中这个婴儿是不是她的小妹妹时,你应该说:_( )AMary, is this your baby sister?BMary, is this your baby brother?五、填空题按要求写单词。30 . call(现在分词) _31 . friend(复数) _32 . she(形容词性物主代词) _33 . we(宾格) _34 . read(第三人称单数) _35 . here(同音词) _36 . winter(同类词) _37 . warm(反义词) _38 . large(最高级) _39 . people(所有格) _40 . 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. There are some _ (apple).2. The ducks _ (be) wonderful.3. Can you tell _ (we) at once?4. Look, that girl _ (dance ) over there.5. Susan often _ (swim ) on Sundays.41 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Supergirl is super. She can draw good pictures, fly _(kite) and swim _(good).2. There are sixteen children in the playground, two boys and _ girls.3. I have a _(beautiful) mask. Its red. I like it very much.4. How does _ feel?Hes very hot.5. _(touch) the sofa. Its not hard. Its soft.6. Thank _ (you) so much._ (you) are welcome.7. He _ (be)my father. _ (he)bicycle is red.8. Look at _ (Rose)car. _ (she) car is nice.9. I _ (have)a kite. He _ (have)a balloon.10. They are _ (postman). They like _ (play)football.六、单词拼写单词拼写(词汇运用)42 . h_dog(热狗)43 . Its midnight. Dad is _( 仍,还) working.44 . I see _ducks in the water. They can swim.45 . I usually go shopping with my _nt.46 . I want to make a m_ plane.七、排序题47 . 根据图片,给下列句子排序。(_)Have some cake.(_)Can I have some juice?(_) Thank you.(_)Here you are.( 1 )Im hungry.( 7 )Youre welcome.( 3 )Thanks.48 . 句子排序。( ) Thanks.( ) Oh, thank you.( ) Heres your birthday present.( ) Whats this?.( ) Happy birthday!Sam!( ) No,its a cap.( ) A pen?( ) Sure, here you are.八、选内容补全对话选择合适的句子补全对话。A. How do you feel?B. I am going to Beijing.C. When are you going?D. You look sad.E. Dont worry.Sarah: Hi, Liu Yun. How are you? 49 . Liu Yun: I failed (没有通过) the math test.Sarah: 50 . Im sure you can do better next time.Liu Yun: Thank you. I hear you are going on a trip. 51 . Sarah: I am excited.Liu Yun: Where are you going?Sarah: 52 . Liu Yun: Oh, wonderful! 53 . Sarah: This Saturday.九、匹配题54 . 读句子选择合适的图片。(_)1. Danny is washing his face.(_)2. Jenny is wet on a rainy day.(_)3. Danny is taking off his gloves.(_)4.Li Ming is giving Mr. Smith a gift.(_)5. Jenny and Li Ming are putting on lights. ABCDE十、看图题看图选择正确的词组,并根据问题完成对话。in the library at home at school read a book cleaned the house had an English class at the zoo played with rabbits55 . Where was Peter yesterday afternoon? He was _.What did he do?He _.56 . Where was Lingling last Sunday? She was _.What did she do?She _.57 . Where was he yesterday? He was _.What did he do?He _.58 . Where were they yesterday morning? They were _.What did they do?They _.十一、连线题59 . 将图片与对应的短语连线。1. a. on Mondays2. b. go to school3. c. on the phone4. d. play basketball十二、书面表达60 . 书面表达请以“Mikes Holiday”为题,写一篇小短文,介绍一下迈克假期的经历。词数5060词左右。内容提示:1.和父母乘飞机去了北京,玩得很高兴。2.去了动物园,看了大象。3.游泳,吃了美食,拍了照片。参考句型:Mikewent to Beijing They areMikes Holiday_第 12 页 共 12 页

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