长春市2019年英语五年级上册Module 8 单元测试卷C卷

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长春市2019年英语五年级上册Module 8 单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Whats your hobby? ( )AI like studying Chinese.BI am a worker.CI am tall.2 . I on the train last week.AwasBwereCam3 . How _ are the pears? ( )AisBmanyCmuch4 . ( ) Give me _ book.AyouBLilyCLilysDLilys二、填空题5 . 写出下列单词的复数形式。1. dog _2.puppy _3. lion _4. baby _5. cat _6. piglet _7. horse _8. calf _9. goose _10. joey _11. duckling _12. hen _6 . 按要求写单词1.firefly (复数) _2.beautiful(副词 )_3.write (同音词)_4.catch (第三人称单数)_5.good(反义词)_6.they (宾格)_7.carry(第三人称单数)_8.has (原形)_9.tooth(复数)_10.free(反义词)_词语运用。根据提示,用词汇的适当形式完成下列句子。7 . _(什么时候)did they come? They came last week8 . We _(穿)warm clothes yesterday.9 . I was _(在之间)the two girls.10 . The bad man was_(生气的). He_(带走)Ma Liang away.11 . My room were _(脏的)yesterday. I _(打扫,清理)it.12 . He _ his bike and hurt his knee yesyerday.13 . Wash your hands _(在之前)you eat.14 . 按要求写单词。1. black ( 对应词 ) _2. Tom ( 所有格形式 ) _3. I m ( 完全形式 ) _ 4. I ( 形容词性物主代词 ) _5. have ( 单三形式 ) _用所给单词的适当形式填空。15 . Mrs Black sings songs. She is a _ .(sing)16 . Li Lei _ (like)making kites.17 . What does your sister_ (do)?18 . Can he _ (go) with us?19 . The_(drive)isdrivingabigbus.20 . Mikes uncle _(work ) near the sea.21 . _ he _(goes) to work by car?22 . He _(not like) dancing.23 . We should study hard and stay _(health).24 . I like singing, but my sister _(do not ).三、排序题25 . 给下列句子排序。(_) Cool! How many sheep do you have?(_) Wow! You have a lot of animals!(_) What are those?(_) Mmm Seventeen.(_) They are sheep.第 3 页 共 3 页

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