西安市2019版英语五年级上册Module 4 单元测试卷C卷

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西安市2019版英语五年级上册Module 4 单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The wind is very _. It blows the tree _.( )Astrongly; upBstrong; downCstrongly; down2 . -Where will you go? ( )-I _.Agoing to AmericaBwill go to CanadaCam going to America3 . Saturday and Sunday _ different. ( )AisBareCbe4 . -Do you like apples? ( )-_ .AYes, I can.BNo, I dont.CYes, it is.5 . Did you_ your mum yesterday?AcallBcallingCcalled6 . Dont _.AswimmingBfoodCwalk7 . The wind is.We go out to the park. ( )AgentlyBgentleCsoftly8 . The teachers office is _ the library. ( )Anext toBtoCin9 . Shes _ her purse, but she cant _ it. ( )Aseeing, look forBlooking at, seeClooking for, find10 . I can take the water and the paper _ the window _ the sun light. ( )Ain; toBnear; intoCon; under二、填空题根据中文提示补全句子。11 . Dont run on the _ (楼梯).12 . Look, the boy is crossing the road at the _ (安全十字路口).13 . The girl gets sick, because she _ (吃) a bad apple last night.14 . Students should know how to _ (保持安全).15 . You can call “110” when you are _ (遇到麻烦).16 . 选择恰当的词填空。How Who Where Can(1) _ is your eraser?(2) _ is that man?(3) _ I use your pencil?(4) _ many eggs?17 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Look! The girl _ (wash) her clothes. 2. We shouldnt _ (waste) water.3. Everyone_ (need) water. 4. Lets _ (clean) the classroom. 5. He enjoyed _ (clean) his room.三、单词拼写18 . 根据所给的音标词写出下列单词1.We mustnt start a _ kmpfai in the forest.2.Supergirl can smell the _ smk.3._ helkptz are flying above the mountains.4.The people live in the Stone Age always eat _ r meat.5.We mustnt play with _ mtz.四、阅读回答问题19 . 根据短文内容,回答问题Many years ago, people use a stick, a large piece of wood and dry leaves to make a fire. Today, wood, gas (煤气) and electricity (电) can all make a fire. I think wood is the most dangerous. And I like gas most because its easy.People use fire in many ways. At home, people use fire to cook food and boil water. In factories, workers use fire to melt (熔化) metals (金属) to makes things of different shapes. Some workers use fire to make glass.Fire can help us to do many things, but sometimes fire is dangerous. Cigarettes and campfires can all start a fire in the countryside, in schools and at homes. We must be careful. We mustnt smoke in the countryside, and we mustnt cook without an adult (成年人). We mustnt play with matches. We mustnt play around a fire.1.Can people use the dry leaves to make a fire? _2.What do people do with fire at home? _3.Do workers make glass with fire?_4.Is fire dangerous? _5.Can children cook without an adult?_五、任务型阅读20 . Reading comprehension(阅读理解) : Many years ago, people use a stick, a large piece of wood and dry leaves to make a fire. Today, wood, gas( 煤气) and electricity( 电) can all make a fire. I think wood is the most dangerous. And I like gas most because its easy. People use fire in many ways .At home, people use fire to cook food and boil water. In factories, workers use fire to melt( 熔化) metals( 金属) to makes things of different shapes. Some workers use fire to make glass. Fire can help us to do many things, but sometimes fire is dangerous. Cigarettes and campfires can all start a fire in the countryside, in schools and at homes. We must be careful. We mustnt smoke in the countryside, and we mustnt cook without an adult ( 成年人) . We mustnt play with matches. We mustnt play around a fire. Part 1 Read and judge(阅读短文,判断正误,用 T 或 F 表示) : 1. Many years ago, people use gas and wood to make a fire.(_)2. Gas is very easy. (_)3. People can cook and boil with fire. (_)4. Fire is very useful and its safe. (_)5. Cigarettes and campfires cant start a fire. (_)Part 2 Answer the questions(根据短文,回答问题,每线词数不限) :1. Can people use the dry leaves to make a fire? _2. What do people do with fire at home?_3. Do workers make glass with fire? _4. Is fire dangerous? _5. Can children cook without an adult? _6. Can we play with fire? _7. Must we be careful with fire? _8. Can campfires start a fire in the countryside?_六、句型转换21 . Could you make a cake then?(作否定回答)_, I_.七、书面表达22 . hnk nd wrt(以“不同天气里的所见所闻”为话题写话,题目自拟,要求不少于60个词)_第 5 页 共 5 页


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