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福州市2019年四年级上册期末检测英语试卷(六)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ are they? ( )They are my brothers.AWhatBHowCWho2 . Where_ my keys? ( )AisBareCam3 . _, madam? ( )Yes, please. I want to buy some books.AWhat do you doBHow do you doCCan I help you给下面的问句选择合适的答语。4 . Do you collect stamps? ( )ANo, I didnt.BYes, I do.5 . What is his favourite festival? ( )ACountry.BThanksgiving Day.6 . Is it the Mid-Autumn festival? ( )AYes.BYes, she do.7 . What are you doing? ( )AI can dance.BIm dancing.8 . Is he riding a bike? ( )ANo, he isnt.BNo, I dont.9 . There are _signs here. ( )Aa lotBmuchCa lot of10 . 选出单词中不同类的一项,并把字母代号填在括号内:( )AgreenBbookCyellow11 . I _ TV. He _ TV, too. ( )Awatch; watchBwatches; watchesCwatch; watches12 . Can your cousin _this English song?AsingsBsingingCsing13 . Some students spendtime on computers.( )Atoo manyBmany tooCtoo muchDmuch too14 . I have six_. ( )AmiceBmouseCbird15 . Can Yang Ling skate?_.AYes, she canBNo, he cantCSure二、阅读选择阅读理解。It is a sunny morning. Robin is going to sit on the grass when he hears, “Wait”! It is a little ant. He is afraid. “Please dont sit on me. One day I can help you.”“Dont worry, little ant. I wont sit on you,” says Robin.The next day, it is raining. Robin is in the park. He is stuck(陷入) in the mud. He is worried.Then he hears, “Let us help you!” It is the ant and all of his friends.They are strong. They pull Robin out of the mud.Everyone is happy.16 . Where is Robin going to sit on? ( )AFloor.BPark.CGrass.17 . Who says “wait”to Robin? ( )AAn ant.BA boy.CSome ants.18 . Where is Robin stuck in(陷入)? ( )ARain.BMud.CAnt.19 . Who pulls Robin out of the mud? ( )AHis friends.BAn ant.CThe ant and his friends.20 . Which statement is true(正确的)? ( )ARobin is playing in the zoo.BHe sits on the grass.CThe ants and his friends pull Robin out of the mud.三、填空题21 . 选词填空。my,whose,which,is, she,hers,your,thin, whos, thick1.Ihaveajacket.Thisis_ jacket.2._T-shirt_this?ItsToms.3._ one do you want?4._thatgirl?_isMary.5.I dont want to wear it. Today is cold, its too _.四、单词拼写根据汉语意思补全单词。22 . m_e (老鼠)23 . pl_ygr_nd (操场)24 . th_ (那么,就)25 . f_r (为,给)26 . h_se (房子)五、判断题27 . 判断题。(_) 1. pick和map中的“p”发音相同。(_) 2. People like eat dumplings.六、句型转换按要求完成句子。28 . They are going to make jiaozi. (画线部分提问)_ they going to _?29 . Im going to buy some flowers.(改为一般疑问句)_ going to buy _ flowers.30 . They are very nice fireworks. (改为感叹句)_ they are!= _ the _!31 . 我不知道怎么写英文邮件。(翻译句子)I dont know how _ English email.32 . 下周二是教师节! (翻译句子)Its going _ next Tuesday.七、匹配题选出与英语句子相对应的中文句子。A.椅子上有什么?B.十一点。C.这是我的叔叔。D.让我们去上学吧。E.我有一本新故事书。33 . Lets go to school.(_)34 . I have a new storybook.(_)35 . Its eleven oclock.(_)36 . Whats on the chair?(_)37 . This is my uncle.(_)八、连词成句38 . 连词成句。1. going work not Im to (.)_2. tomorrow dont until wait (.)_3. Lets Beijing to go (.)_4. there do what we will (?)_5. put them you can the on bed (?)_九、连线题39 . Read and match (读一读,连一连)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AmonsterBhelpCdogDcatEkite第 6 页 共 6 页


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