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石家庄市2019年六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(十)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . What_your fathers job?AareBcanCis2 . any furniture in your new flat yesterday morning? ( )AIs thereBWere thereCWas there3 . 以下哪组划线字母发音相同。( )Ajust; useBsunny; lunchCcup; cute4 . Dont be angry. You should take a deep breath and _.( )Asee a doctorBcount to tenCwear warm clothes5 . There_ a black dog and two cats under the tree. ( )AareBisCbeDto be6 . These are _ teachers.( )AmanBwomanCmen7 . There_abeeontheblackboard. ( )AareBitsCis8 . He has _ fun things in spring. ( )AlittleBa fewCa little9 . cry.( ) ADontBNo10 . Dont use plastic. Its for the Earth. ( )Atoo much; badBtoo many; goodCmuch too; goodDtoo much; good11 . I have two _.They are big. ( )AfootBfootsCfeet12 . 找出下列画线部分发音不同的单词。( ) 1. A. father B. thin C. maths( ) 2. A. there B. that C. fifth( ) 3. A. three B. birthday C. this( ) 4. A. thirteen B. brother C. third( ) 5. A. eleventh B. fourth C. there找出划线字母发音与其它三个单词不一样的单词。13 . AlunchBcuteCuncleDumbrella14 . AnumberBhamburgerCfarmDteacher15 . AgirlBdinnerCbirthDfirst16 . AitBpigClikeDsit17 . AmeatBbreadCteacherDcheap18 . 选出下列单词中划线部分发音不相同的一项。( )AflyBskyCmany19 . What do you have at school? ( )_AI have English and Art.BI play football.CI do my homework.20 . That is a cabbage. ( )AB21 . Whereyou just now? Iin the library. ( )Awas; wereBwas; wasCwere; wasDare; am二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。John is eight years old, and he is a very funny boy. He works hard, so he is good at his subjects. And his teachers and parents like him very much. But he has a very big head.Now this school year finishes and he goes to his uncles home for summer holidays. He will stay there for ten days. His uncle lives in a mountain village and its about four hundred miles away from his city. He takes a train (火车) to a small town, there his uncle meets him at the train station and takes him to his house by bike.John makes some friends there soon. They play games and swim in the river happily. But one afternoon he cries (哭) to his aunt, All the children make fun of me. They say I have a big head.Dont listen to them, his aunt say, You have a beautiful head. Now stop crying and go to the store to buy fifteen tomatoes for me.Where is the shopping bag?Oh, dear. I dont have one. Use your hat.22 . John does well in his subjects because_. ( )Ahis teachers like himBhe works hardChis parents like himDhe is a very funny boy.23 . The underlined words make fun of means _. ( )A羡慕B责怪C取笑D讨厌24 . Which of the following is not right? ( )AAfter the term finishes, he goes to his uncles home.BJohn and his uncle go home by train.CJohns aunt wants him to buy some tomatoes for her.DJohns home is far (远的) from his uncles home.25 . From the last words, we know _.( ) AJohns aunt has a big headBJohn cant buy tomatoesCJohn really has a big headDJohn has a beautiful hat26 . Whats the best title of this article? ( )AA Funny BoyBA Big HatCA Boy with a Big HeadDJohn and His Uncle三、完形填空完形填空。A dog has a piece of meat in his mouth. As he is _ on a small bridge, he looks down and _ himself in water. He thinks it is another dog. That dog also has a piece of meat in his mouth. He says to _, I want to get his meat. Then I can have two pieces of meat. He opens his mouth to bark and his _ goes down into the water. At last, he has nothing. He is_.27 . AwalkBwalkingCwalked28 . AseesBsawCsee29 . AhimselfBmyselfCyourself30 . AmouthBmeatCfeet31 . AhappyBpowerfulCunhappy四、情景交际32 . 当你想吃些面包时,你应对妈妈说: _ ( )AHave some bread.BCan I have some bread?五、填空题33 . I_(meet)Laura in the park yesterday.六、单词拼写34 . 根据图片写出正确的单词:_七、排序题35 . 重新排列下列句子。AHow old are you?BHello, Susan. Can I ask you a question?CIm nine.DSure.EReally? Im nine, too._36 . 读一读,给下列句子排序.(_)Wow! Cool!(_)Really? Whats she like?(_)Do you know her?(_)Hey, Chen Jie. Ms Lin will be our new science teacher.(_)Yes, shes my sister.(_)Is she strict?(_)Yes, sometimes.(_)Shes funny.八、任务型阅读阅读理解, 阅读短文,判断正误。This is a big supermarket(超市). Its near my home. In this super-market you can buy many things, such as (例如) hot dogs, cakes, apples, oranges and eggs. And you can buy school things, too. The super-market opens early(早) in the morning, and closes late in the evening.My mother and I often buy things in this supermarket. I often buy some school things like pens, pencils, exercise (练习) books, and my mother often buys some fruit and vegetables.37 . This is a big supermarket near my home.(_)38 . It opens late and closes early.(_)39 . My father and I often buy things in the supermarket.(_)40 . I often buy pens, pencils and exercise books in it.(_)41 . My mother often buys some fruit and vegetables.(_)九、填内容补全对话42 . 根据首字母提示和上下文,完成对话。Mum: Hurry up, Liu Tao. Liu Tao: What time is it, Mum?Mum: Its (1) e_ oclock. Its time for (2) c_.Liu Tao: But wheres my English (3) b_?Mum: Is it on your (4) c _?Liu Tao: No, it isnt.Mum: Is it (5) u_ the desk?Liu Tao: Great! Its here.十、选内容补全对话43 . 选择正确的单词完成句子。A. well B. How C. meet D. too E. AnneA. well B. How C. meet D. too E. AnneHi, Anne. 1. _ are you?Im not very 2. _. How about you?Im fine, thank you. This is 3. _.Hello, Anne. Nice to 4. _ you.Nice to meet you, 5. _!十一、匹配题44 . 看一看,读一读,选择与文字相符合的图片。把所选择答案的字母代号填入题前的括号内。ABCDE(_) 1fan (_) 2phone(_) 3key (_) 4cook(_) 5football playerFGH.I. J. (_) 6This is my baby brother.(_) 7The dog is in the bathroom.(_) 8Pass me the fork please.(_) 9The ball is on the chair. (_) 10My friend has glasses.45 . 下列动物是什么样子,请选择合适的描述,并将序号写在题前括号内。(_) 1. giraffeAIt has a long nose.(_) 2. elephantBIt is so tall.(_) 3. pigCIt is small.(_) 4. birdDIt is thin.(_) 5. monkeyEIt has a fat body.十二、书面表达46 . 同学们,你坐过火车吗?在火车上你看到了什么呢?别人在做什么呢?以“On the train”为题写一篇小作文。提示词:listen to music, read a book, sleep, play, eatOn the train第 9 页 共 9 页


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