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太原市2019-2020学年六年级下册小升初全真模拟测试英语试卷(十二)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . What _ your uncle _ last weekend? ( )Adoes; doBdid; doCdid; does2 . 选出与所给词同类的单词:watch( )AhaveBbook3 . _ Danny _ to the English club every Monday? ( )Yes.AIs, goingBDoes, goCDoes, goes4 . ( )(8)你的同学搬着许多作业本,你想帮他。你应说:AMay I help you ?BAre you ready for our class ?CHow are you ?二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Fred likes fish very much. One day, he buys a fish. His son sees the fish and says to himself, Very good! I can ask my friends to have it for lunch. The next day(第二天), Fred comes home in the evening. The fish isnt there. His son says, Oh, Dad, your cat eats the fish. Fred gets angry (生气). He takes the cat and his son to the shop and weighs (称)the cat. Then he says, Little boy, my fish weighs one kilo, and the cat weighs one kilo too. My fish is here, and then where is my cat?5 . Fred likes _ very much. ( )AfishBmeatCbread6 . _ asks his friends to have fish. ( )AFredBFreds friendCFreds son7 . Fred takes the cat and his son to the _. ( )AschoolBshopCrestaurant8 . Fred weighs the _, because he wants to know who eats the fish. ( )AfishBcatChis son9 . Freds fish weighs _. ( )Aone kiloBthree kilosChalf a kilo三、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答问题。My name is Tony. I am 12. I like singing. I am from Hainan. My friends and I had a long holiday last month. I went on a trip. I went to Hangzhou with my parents by plane. We saw the West Lake. John is my cousin. He is one year older than me. He went to Beijing by train. He visited the Great Wall. Alice is my pen pal. She is from Canada. She is in Guangzhou now. She went to Hong Kong by bus. She ate good food and bought some clothes. Tim is my classmate. He is English. He went to Huangshan by plane. He climbed mountains. Tim is one year younger than me. We are all in Grade 6 now. We are going to new middle schools in September. We will be in Grade 7.10 . Where did Tony go last month?_11 . How old is John?_12 . Where is Alice from?_13 . What did Tim do in Huangshan?_14 . When will Tony and Tim be in Grade 7?_阅读理解。Hello, Im Daming. These are my fathers photos. Look at this one. He was a student. He studied very hard at school. Look at the second photo. He was a good footballer. He played football well. Look at the last photo. He is a doctor now. He loves helping people. He works in a big hospital. He loves me very much. Hes a good father.15 . Was Damings father a good footballer?_16 . Did Damings father study very hard?_17 . Is Damings father a teacher now?_18 . Where does Damings father work now?_19 . Does Damings father love Daming?_四、匹配题20 . 选出与句子相匹配的图片(1)The sun rises in the morning._A(2)The sun goes down in the evening._B(3)The sun is high in the sky at noon._C(4)Lets play together._D(5)The dog is afraid._E五、看图题21 . 根据所给图片,将句子补充完整:In summer I always _. 22 . 阅读短文,填入所缺的词。Summer holiday is coming. I want to (1) _ London. Ill see the River Thames. Its very (2) _ and (3) _. Ill see the London Eye. Its a (4) _ wheel. Its (5) _, (6) _ and (7) _. Ill see Big Ben. Its a very (8) _ clock. And Its very (9) _. And Ill see Tower Bridge, too(也). It can (10) _.23 . 根据提示写单词或短语,完成句子。1. He is _ to his grandmother. 2. We will go to a _ to have lunch. 3._are my favourite food.4.I like _ my _.5.These _from China.六、音标题24 . 找出发音与众不同的单词。(_)1. A. bag B. catC. cake D. dad(_)2. A. name B. plate C. Kate D. hand(_)3. A. China B. CanadaC. catD. ant七、书面表达25 . 根据所给提示介绍一下你的朋友Peter的爱好和习惯。Peter, 男,11岁,学生,和父母一起住在北京,他喜欢在家玩电脑游戏,不喜欢看电视。他总是很早起床,去公园做运动。他上学从不迟到,是一名优秀的学生。_八、其他按要求句子。26 . Chen Jie, This, is, (.)连词成句_.27 . name, What, your, is, (?)连词成句_.28 . 他是谁?( 看图介绍)_.29 . 早上好 (翻译句子)_.30 . 这是一只铅笔 (翻译句子)_.第 6 页 共 6 页

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