青海省2020年(春秋版)英语一年级上册 Module 5 Unit 2 That is a yellow cat练习卷B卷

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青海省2020年(春秋版)英语一年级上册 Module 5 Unit 2 That is a yellow cat练习卷B卷_第1页
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青海省2020年(春秋版)英语一年级上册 Module 5 Unit 2 That is a yellow cat练习卷B卷_第2页
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青海省2020年(春秋版)英语一年级上册 Module 5 Unit 2 That is a yellow cat练习卷B卷_第3页
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青海省2020年(春秋版)英语一年级上册 Module 5 Unit 2 That is a yellow cat练习卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出不同类的一项。1 . AfatherBmotherChello2 . AopenBinCsit3 . AIBMr.CMiss4 . AwindowBclassCstudent5 . AcomeBcloseCwindow选出每组词中不同类的一项。6 . Aa doorBa windowCopen7 . AblackboardBstand upCsit down8 . AbookBwindowCcome9 . AGood morningByesCGood afternoon10 . AyesBnoCin11 . 选出下列单词中不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. into B. beside C. desk D. on(_) 2. A. drop B. pupil C. throw D. pick(_) 3. A. paper B. black C. red D. blue(_) 4. A. must B. should C. number D. can(_) 5. A. hospital B. teacher C. farmer D. doctor12 . He is a _. ( )AdoctorBdriver13 . Whos that, Sam? ( ).AShe likes carsBHe likes sweetsCHe is my father14 . 单词检测【小题1】that( )A这个B那个【小题2】bag( )A包B袋子【小题3】cat( )A猫B狗【小题4】hat( )A猫B帽子15 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AbusBtrainChelpDtaxi16 . What do you do on the weekend?( ) _AAt 6:20BI often go shopping17 . - Whats your favourite food(食物)? ( )- _AtreeBmeatCzoo根据汉语意思,选出正确的翻译。18 . 礼物 ( )ApresentBthingCnice19 . 春节 ( )ASpring New YearBSummer FestivalCthe Spring Festival20 . 家庭大餐( )Aa big family lunchBa big family dinnerCa big home dinner21 . 圣诞快乐( )AMerry ChristmasBHappy new yearCHappy the Spring Festival22 . 一本给你的书( )Aa book about youBa book of youCa book for you23 . Whats _ name? Her name is Amy. ( )AsheBherCHer24 . What are you doing? ( ) _.AIm drawing a pictureBShe is drawing a pictureCThey are drawing a picture25 . 选出不同类单词。(_) 1. A. runB. fastC. do(_) 2. A. meterB. tryC. take(_) 3. A. fallB. shoutC. proud(_) 4. A. busyB. proudC. jump26 . Mr Li is . He knows the secret to good . ( )Ahealthy, healthyBhealth, healthyChealthy, health27 . How many _ are there?So many.AstrawberrysBstrawberriesCstrawberry二、情景交际28 . 当想表达“它是一只蓝色的风筝”时, 你应该说:_( )AIts a blue kite.BIts a red kite.29 . 今天不上课,你应该怎样告诉大家呢?( )AWe have classes today.BLets go to school.CWe dont have classes today.30 . 杰克非常乐于助人,你应该说:( )AHes very helpful.BHes very nice.31 . 当想表达“这是我的祖父”时, 你应该说:_( )AThis is my grandmother.BThis is my grandfather.32 . 当你让别人看看你的玩具熊时,说:AHave a look my bear.BLook!CLets look my bear.DMay I have a look your bear?33 . 你代表学校到英国参加“中英友好学校”交流会,应该这样介绍自己:_( )AI am Canada.BI am from China.CIm China.三、单词拼写34 . Look and circle. (看一看,圈一圈): seven eight 四、汉译英35 . 写句子。1.你会滑冰吗?_2.是的,我会滑冰。_3.看,我会滑冰。_4.不,我不会滑冰。_5.你会弹吉他吗?(play the guitar)_36 . 写句子。1.我喜欢橘子。_2.我喜欢米饭。_3.我喜欢猪肉。_4.我也喜欢面条。_5.我也喜欢冰淇淋。_37 . 翻译题1. 我叔叔坐公共汽车去上班。_2. 我很喜欢购物。_3. 我有一个大家庭。_4. 我想去北京。_38 . 翻译下列句子,每个空格填一词1.你最喜欢苏州哪个季节?_ in Suzhou do you like _?2.刘涛正在他的书房里上网。Liu Tao is _ the Internet in his study.3.怀特先生打算明年周游中国。Mr. White is _ China next year.4.你可以告诉我去虎丘山的路吗?_ you _ the _ to Tiger Hill?5. 汤姆开车细心吗?Does Tom _?39 . 汉译英:那个是什么?_40 . 翻译下列句子:这是一辆自行车。五、看图题选择相应的图片,并在横线上补全句子。ABC41 . If you type quickly, you can be a _ in an office. (_)42 . If you like sports, you can be a _ in the gym. (_)43 . If you like science, you can be a_ in a university. (_)看图,将单词补充完整44 . b_45 . b_k_46 . pl_n_47 . sh_48 . tr_nLook, read and write. 根据图片提示,补全单词,完成句子。49 . Look at the e_. Its b_.50 . Look at the b_. Its b_.51 . Look at the t_. Its s_.52 . Look at the m_. Its s_.根据所给图片完成对话,每空一词53 . Where are you going,Mike?Im going to the _.54 . Where is the_ Robin?Oh,its near the school.55 . How can I get to the science museum, John?_ from the park, and then_.56 . Where is the_, John? Its next to the_57 . Is there a _ near here?Yes, there is. There is a big one.58 . 看图,补全单词1.p_nda2.dg3.b_d4.ra_it5._ox6.h_se7.m_key8._ick9.s_根据图片写单词完成句子。59 . What did you do last weekend? I _ my _.60 . What did you do last weekend? I _.61 . What did you do last weekend? I _.62 . What did you do last weekend? I _ chess.63 . What did you do last weekend? I _ a _.第 11 页 共 11 页

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