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西安市2020年三年级下册期中测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There _ a dog. ( )AisBareCam2 . I want a _ of toast. ( )AboxBpieceCpair3 . This is our _, Mr. Li. ( )AdresserBdriveCbus driver4 . Good morning, Dad! ( )_AGood morning!BGood afternoon!5 . The Spring Festival is _ January _ February. ( )Ain; orBon; andCin; and6 . _ your book and read the story(故事).ACloseBOpenCLook7 . 根据汉语意思,选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词c(_) 1. sp _ _ k (说)A. eeB. aeC. ea(_) 2. pt(放)A. eB. uC. a(_) 3. mst(必须)A. uB. aC. i(_) 4.strt(街道)A. aaB. eaC. ee(_) 5.1it(灯,光线)A. ghB. hgC. yh二、填空题8 . 选词完成句子。【小题1】Look at the elephant. Its very _ (big/bag).【小题2】Can I have some _ (Mike/milk)?Sure. Here you are.【小题3】How old are you?Im _ (sit/six).【小题4】This is my monkey. _ (It/Its) so fat!三、任务型阅读9 . 阅读下面的短文,判断所给句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不符的用“F”表示Today is Sunday. Some students are playing basketball in the playground. They are having a match. Wang Bing, Liu Tao, Ben, Kate and Su Hai are in the Tiger Team. David, Gao Shan, Jack, Su Yang and Nancy are in the Lion Team. The score is ten (the Tiger Team)to eight (the Lion Team)now. Look, Liu Tao is over there in the corner with the ball. Gao Shan and Jack are next to him. Now, Liu Tao is passing the ball to Su Hai, but Jack stops it. Oh, Jack is shooting. The ball is flying to the goal. Hes got a goal.( ) 1. The students are having a football match now.( ) 2. Wang Bing, Liu Tao, Kate and Su Yang are in the same team.( ) 3. Liu Tao passes the ball to Su Hai, Su Hais got the ball and shoots it to the goal.( ) 4. Jacks got a goal for the Lion Team.( ) 5. At last(最后) the score is still(仍旧)ten to eight.四、英译汉10 . 单词翻译。1.dress_ 2.sock _ 3.jeans _ 4.sweater _5.shirt _ 6.trainer_ 7.shorts _ 8.skirt _9.shoe _ 10.toy _五、匹配题11 . 在B栏中找出A栏相应的答句。AB( ) 1. Whats this?AIts on the wall.( ) 2. Whats near my shoes?BNo, there arent.( ) 3. How many crayons can you see?CNo, its small.( ) 4. Are there any rulers?DThank you.( ) 5. There isnt a pencil.EHerere some chairs for you.( ) 6. Is it big?FIts a lamp.( ) 7. Is there a garden?GTheres a mouse.( ) 8. Heres a doll for you.H. I can see three.( ) 9. There arent any chairs.I. Heres a pencil for you.( ) 10. Wheres the map?J. No , there isnt.六、看图题12 . Read and tick(看图,选出符合要求的句子): (_)1.A. How many boys? Two.B. How many girls? Two.(_)2. A. The monkey is big.B. The tiger is big.(_)3. A. Look. The boy is tall.B. Look. The girl is tall.(_)4. A. Whats this? Its a big cake.B. Whats this? Its a big hamburger.第 5 页 共 5 页

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